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Everything posted by ReptilianGameplays

  1. Granted, but your wish met the krakken and went invisible. I wish for a bacon powered bacon sword with extra bacon on it.
  2. lol who doesn't The user below me WILL surrender their race to ours. *evil grin*
  3. 6/10 M'boy, your avatar got stuck on my head.
  4. Banned for breaking all the galactic rules. You better find a safe shelter because the space cops are gonna rain from the sky like hell.
  5. Granted but it's exclusive for Windows 9. I wish for wishes that could wish wishes.
  6. Yep, feel the wrath of my banhammer! The user below me already went Danny2462 at least once.
  7. Granted, Mars 1 was actually a alien invasion plan and mankind becomes slaves for the Marschini race. I wish for FTL internet, because stalking mankind from this far away from Earth is hard as hell.
  8. You never were... *points up* *UFOs everywhere* Now if their reason is to help you... Well... That I can't guarantee.
  9. For science... Also to make animals capable of surviving in harsh planets (if said planet has oxygen).
  10. It's already .21, .22 is comin'. And no, won't break, the mod developers try as sooner to update their stuff when a new version is up.
  11. Just like when you build a critter in spore, you put legs, arms, some eyes and other stuff. Or mankind can only clone animals or/and cross breed (when possible) species? Share your thoughts.
  12. Granted, but we all died because of it. I wish Earth had a auto refilling bacon ring!
  13. 20/10 I ALWAYS see you alongside Rage097. You two are too united... almost dangerously so...
  14. Banned because I've "accidentally" shot my Mk7 Potatonator in your direction and I can't shut it down.
  15. Banned because these snipers are gettin' out of control!
  16. Banned for the same reason. EDIT: Ninja'd, well banned for ninja.
  17. *Makes a refueling vessel for the Mun One mission.* Reaches the 5km high for the gravity turn. RIPS ITSELF APART DESTROYING EVERYTHING ON IT'S PATH. Oh you physics, you'll pay!
  18. Granted, but then all sources of internet in the world explode. I wish to the solar system have a Laythe-like planet.
  19. You could have just moved the icon to somewhere else in your screen to a place that wouldn't bug you. Pretty simple.
  20. G'day/evenin'/night mate! Have a good stay at the forums. Make us proud. No pressure... At all.
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