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Everything posted by ReptilianGameplays

  1. Yet, we still should worry 'bout the Krakken, even dead that fella' can do some damage.
  2. Heh, I imagine these like a 16 bit version of KSP. Amazing indeed.
  3. Banned for giving tests to a new player.
  4. 453. When we get stuck, one of the best options is HyperEdit!
  5. 110. Bugging the game, by bouncing in the water and getting sent into the space at 70060m/s. :I
  6. 4/10 From the "Ban the user above you!" forum game.
  7. Banned because you have nice goggles, I want them. NOW! *Knife*
  8. 'Sup. So you don't like Facebook? No problem, it's gettin' kinda weird nowadays. So yeah, have a good stay.
  9. My idea is of implementing meteor or meteor showers. It's simple: In planets that can reentry, it would just appear and disappear in the sky. In the other planets the meteor/meteor shower would just explode on the ground like a normal explosive part would, without damaging the surface (but maybe damaging vessels.). How about that? Acceptable? (Please yes! :C)
  10. Banned for quoting someone saying that they shrunk in the wash.
  11. Banned for putting "Ingesting rocket fuel" in your location.
  12. Banned for banning him because he used someone else's ban to ban you
  13. Maybe on the Mission Control you could choose missions (on career mode) on certain chosen planet. Example: Put a Probe to orbit Kerbin at an 100Km Orbit or higher. The background could be like the one from the video "At the Kerbal Space Center".
  14. Then... Alien: *reading book*...And that's how the universe broke. The End.
  15. 1/10 I think I've seen you somewhere.
  16. Really? Solve this one then. c:
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