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Everything posted by ReptilianGameplays

  1. My vessel ripped itself apart in the launch pad. The mechjeb started rollin' on the surface and 30 mins later it bounced in the water and got sent 3M high then it bounced AGAIN in the water. On the second time it just went 70068 m/s. With 3 years it was 8T away from the sun.
  2. Thank you for your reply. But how long Earth's orbit can reach? Is it long enough to keep another moon? To avoid it from escaping and such. Edit: Ninja'd. :I
  3. Earth has a nice moon, but, could it "keep" another moon orbiting it? Just like Kerbin and it's moons (Mun and Minmus). Share your thoughts.
  4. I saw a video of the game, it looked kinda awesome but the only bad thing is that is kinda like a Pay To Win game.
  5. Even that it lacks hair, it's lookin' good.
  6. Kerbal Space Program + Lego = YES! YES! (Ps: Warranty void if Krakken.)
  7. Put drouge chutes on your vessel alongside with normal chutes or else you'll NOT have a soft landing.
  8. Banned because your name's color exceeds the normal blue.
  9. Banned because you did the "Deal With It" without the correct glasses.
  10. http://www.firstplace.com.br/loja/computador/core_i5_prime Parece legal, será que dá?
  11. Welcome aboard! Avoid startlin' the Krakken 'kay?
  12. Banned because you have changed your avatar.
  13. Landing in kerbin without a lander... In danny style! (I just went "Oh gawd I just did the impossibru!")
  14. Manda um lander tipo o Apollo 11, capaz de pousar e retornar.
  15. Try lowering your graphic settings, it might help. Also I don't think that upgrading the RAM would help, the game limit is 4GB. (From what I remember).
  16. Banned for protecting children (they consume our bacon)
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