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Everything posted by Dortmunder

  1. Ah, thanks. I thought I had to have that code from the first post in the config file for planet textures. I downloaded some 8k ones from the Universe Replacer thread and was trying to use them named as they were. Removing the code and renaming the files to the same as one of the texture packs from here worked. Thanks!
  2. Anyone? Please PM me the contents of a config file with working planet textures, I can't get this to work
  3. Yep. I've probably got the config file wrong. I tried it both with and without the file extensions, same thing. You use the @Default file as the config file, correct? I don't have to create a new file or anything. If someone who has planet textures working with this mod could PM me the contents of their config file, I can probably figure out what's wrong. Thanks
  4. Nothing. I'm obviously doing something wrong. I have all the textures I want for planets/moons in the Default folder, and have them named properly in the config file, even the skybox. But once I load the game everything is the default still. When loading the game I see it taking a while to load all the new textures.
  5. I can't seem to get this mod to work for me at all Can someone post their config file for me so I can see what I'm doing wrong?
  6. I agree it's kinda "easy" at the moment. I've got about 1m surplus and I've barely played. Seems you get repeats of the same test part missions a lot as well. I'll be playing my Career save as a sort of Sandbox mode anyways, so I can see myself needing a lot of cash eventually
  7. Just installed this again(used it a while back, haven't played since) and I seem to have a problem. Most of the planets/moons look like the skybox. Not sure what the problem is, any ideas?
  8. Yeah, was thinking of holding off for a week after release and start out with a bunch of mods. Thinking more about it, I'll probably just play a stock career, then add in a bunch of mods after I've unlocked everything stock
  9. Awesome. Can't wait. Been holding off on playing again for .24, so it's been a while for me Looks like I'll need to finish up Divinity: Original Sin quicker than intended
  10. This is pretty much all I hear when I read this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omjySV9M7wo
  11. Any good Classical goes will with KSP Example:
  12. I have one in my inventory on Steam as well. I often buy duplicates of good games when they are on sale cheap, in case a friend wants one and doesn't want to pay full price.
  13. I liked building fuel stations all over while using the Kethane Mod. I'd have a station with tanks for each type of fuel, and a medium sized transport vehicle capable of carrying decent amounts of fuel from the surface of whatever moon to the station. Gave me reason to build space stations around the system
  14. Wonder how many people will ALT F4 instead of quicksaving
  15. Is your ship too top heavy? Tried putting some wings on it for additional control?
  16. Is it possible to "dock" asteroids together, and make some asteroid colony base-thing?
  17. I usually stop in between updates for quite a while. Waiting for .24 to start a new save and build up some bases/space stations etc
  18. I'm pretty happy with the game, and how its progressing. Really looking forward to Career Mode with set goals and budgets to do them etc. The biggest issue I have with this game is performance. Basically the limitations of the engine. Otherwise, game is awesome and continues to get better.
  19. Hey all. I'm not new to KSP or anything, but I've noticed recently(doing more long journeys like Jool etc.) that I've been coming in on the wrong side of the planet/moon I am aiming for. How do you determine what side of the planet/moon you're coming in on easily? For instance, come in around Jool to aerobrake and get an encounter with Vall. Fine tune the orbital height. But when you enter the SoI of Vall, you're coming in around the wrong side. Wasting fuel to gain orbit. I can generally determine if I'm coming in on the right side, but sometimes I'm just not sure
  20. I tried asking for this a couple times, and no one was interested. I'd be interested for sure if there's some sort of competition involved. Like Kethane Wars. Or some sort of colonization of Moons/Planets.
  21. You'll probably be disappointed if you're upgrading just to handle large crafts. You'll still get choppy FPS. But if you're just playing with single ships that aren't huge or average size ships, that will do nicely.
  22. You're just trying to get it to the Mun and back? If you send me the file I can stream for a trip there and back, maybe sort out what the problem is.
  23. If I'm understanding what you want, then the easiest way(without mods) of setting it up yourself is to get your retrograde and prograde markers on the correct spots on the navball. For instance, if you want a Polar Orbit, you want the prograde or retrograde marker centered on the North line on the navball. Equatorial would be 90 or 270 line. As far as I know, the navball is always correct in telling you which way is north etc. when in the sphere of influence of something.
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