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Everything posted by Phoxtane

  1. Minecraft Spleef arena with the KSP logo put into it.
  2. Why am I instantly reminded of those faces I used to draw on my thumb?... Outstanding, regardless.
  3. Warning! Avast! Antivirus has detected the following threats: flixxbeatz.exe nedflanders.exe ... flixxbeatz.exe has been deleted. ... Warning! Deleting nedflanders.exe has failed! Please restart your computer in Saf- ...
  4. Homer: Everybody in the USA, Hates their stupid neighbor, He\'s Flanders and he\'s really, really lame... Flanders tried to wreck my song, His views on birth control are wrong, I hate his guts and Flanders is his name. Lenny/Carl/Homer: F-L-A-N-R-D-S, Homer: He\'s the man that I hate best, I\'d like to see his house go up in flames. Lenny/Carl: F-L-A, Homer: His name is Ned! Lenny/Carl: E-R-S, Homer: That\'s a stupid name! He\'s worse than Frankenstein or Dr. No. Byrne: You can\'t upset him even slightly, He just smiles and nods politely, Then goes home and worships nightly, His Leftorium, is an emporium, of woe! Lenny/Carl: F-L-A, Homer: Don\'t yell at Ned! Lenny/Carl: D-E-R, Homer: His wife is dead! Everybody hates that stupid jerk! Byrne: Springfield rocks with Homer\'s joyous loathing, Filling clubs with angry Valentinos, You don\'t have to move your feet, Just hate Flanders to the disco beat. Homer/Byrne: He\'s your perky, peppy, nightmare neighborino! If you despise polite left-handers, Homer/Byrne/Flanders: Then I doubt you\'ll like Ned Flanders Or his creepy little offspring, Rod and Todd. Todd: That\'s us! Rod: Hooray! Audience: F-L-A, Apu: His name is Ned, Audience: E-R-S, Apu: He is so white bread, Choir: A smiling moustache geek who walks with God! Welcome! You do realize I\'m not being serious, right?
  5. Avast! Antivirus has located and blocked the following malwares: anti_hate_shields.exe fake_404_error.exe weegee_606.exe Avast! has identified the threats and will take the following action(s) against them: Delete Wipe Freespace ... Please restart your computer.
  6. Welp, I eat at McDonald\'s and enjoy it. The food is cheap, tastes good, and it\'s fast. I\'m fairly certain that the sodas are just fine anyway.
  7. How old is it? My mom uses a three-year old one for her work, and we have a seven-year old one on standby.
  8. Impressive! Forgive me for the quick de-rail, but how old are you now? What do you want to do after college?
  9. Thank you for all your help, gentlemen! I work in 3DS Max.
  10. Yes, I know this is my third thread. Here\'s the issue: There\'s some very obvious banding in terms of illumination... it looks as if it\'s got a halo on or something. Anyone know how to fix this?
  11. Some thread in Minecraft Off-Topic. I swear to this day that the person who posted it was named Sordid.
  12. Perhaps the same principle, but on an entirely different perspective, I believe. However, back On-Topic!
  13. Phoxtane


    Share your favorite recipes here! If you know how, give us the instructions as well! Simple Breaded Chicken Needs: Two chicken breasts, defrosted and cut into bite-sized pieces. Canola oil Flour Salt and Pepper How to make: Start a frying pan on a burner that fits it, in between 6 and 8. (I\'m referring to those little numbers next to the dial. In theory, a smaller pan will take less time to heat up.) Put a generous cup of flour into a large sealable bag. Add some dashes of salt and pepper. Shake the bag (closed!) until the ingredients have been combined. Add your chunks of chicken, and shake them around until they\'ve been coated. Add some oil to the frying pan, and tilt the pan so that it covers the entire pan. Add the coated chunks o\' chicken, and let them cook until golden-brown on that side. What you\'re going after is a crispy golden-brown coating on all sides. Add more oil if needed. Use a set of tongs to flip them. Move the bits from the outside into the center, and vice versa to make sure that it all cooks evenly. When you think it\'s done, snag a piece from the pan and cut into it with a knife. The juices should run clear if it\'s finished; if not, cook it some more. Bigger pieces take more time to cook, and smaller ones may be finished before the rest. You should now have some nice chicken bits to eat. Experiment with the blend of spices in the breading... maybe some ginger and a dash of paprika?
  14. Words cannot express my approval. Let\'s see: Say anywhere from $500-$800 USD for the laptop, $130 in software, and $10 for the rounds... adds up to a minimum of $640! And from the sound of it, she WILL have to work day and night from now on... until college. I\'d be willing to bet that her parents aren\'t going to help her pay for college anymore. Oh, sweet irony <3
  15. Nope. I should be more specific; I\'m talking about those pivot points that C7 mentioned.
  16. So it would be best to stick with sounds that only play once, like _activate and _deactivate? If so, darn
  17. I\'m trying to get a custom sound to work on an engine part, but the loop I want to use does not loop well like the stock engine sound does. It makes this horrible snapping sound. How do I make a good loop without snapping?
  18. Stickers may be forthcoming, along with a better build overall.
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