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Everything posted by sumghai

  1. The current version of RealChutes works just fine, other than for that one edge case / visual discrepancy, which doesn't affect the safety of the landing. So no need for a rewrite using stock PartModules. The proposed fix that stupid_chris is working on for RC2 is simply a nice-to-have.
  2. @Sokol_323 - I think I've gained some more insight into the overheating issue. Both the V3 and V4 revamp versions of the Service Module contain a fuel cell converter, which by default generates heat and will automatically shut down if it overheats to 50% of the Service Module's max temp (2000 K). The V4 revamp SM now integrates a LF/LOX engine, which obviously also generates heat. The error message you are seeing is due the to fuel cell converter being overheated by the engine running from the same part, so if the converter was also running it would automatically shut down, while the engine will continue to run as usual. I have been experimenting with adding a ModuleActiveRadiator to the SM (since the real-life Orion SM also have radiators built into its propulsion trunk itself. However, I think reducing the amount of fuel and delta-V capability of the SM would also help, as it is towards the end of very long burns that overheating becomes an issue. Of course, I'm waiting on the MechJeb staging fix for delta-V calcs on combined engine/decoupler parts, so I can't do anything about this just yet.
  3. [MOD - Moved to Modelling and Texturing Discussion subforum]
  4. Noted - just waiting to hear from a few more people. No change to the texture is needed - I've already put ribbing textures and normal maps on the propulsion trunk segment of the Service Module, just like on the Orion SM.
  5. @100%notUsingGotoIpromise, threads are moved to subforums based on relevancy, not popularity or exposure. Your thread was moved here because there would be a greater proportion of users with actual modding skills that frequent this subforum and would see your thread, as opposed to its original location.
  6. @Xd the great @Hannibal_L3CT3R - the GitHub repo linked in the OP has the latest version of BDAc, which is compatible with 1.4.5 and was published on 8 August 2018.
  7. As per my initial post, you cannot reduce the sideward motor thrust without also reducing the main Abort Motor thrust, because they all share the same thrustTransform GameObject name. And I do not believe gimbaling engines would be appropriate here.
  8. [MOD - Moved to Suggestions & Development Discussion subforums, as this is regarding proposed changes to the stock game]
  9. [MOD - Moved to General Mod Development Help and Support subforums, as this is a question regarding modmaking that does not (yet) fall under one of the specific mod dev help subforums]
  10. I noticed it myself as well during my own LAS tests - this is what led me to ask Chris if he could look into this feature request for me.
  11. It depends on what altitude you're deploying your parachutes at. The V4 revamp features nested parachute covers - the outermost casing disappears when drogues are deployed, while the inner parachute bag meshes disappear when the mains are deployed. If you deploy your chutes far too low (i.e. <2000m), then only the mains deploy, while the outermost casing remains because the drogues were supposed to be triggered from 12500m upwards. @stupid_chris is working on a new version of RealChutes, which will support nested parachute covers.
  12. I examined the stock LES in Blender, using taniwha's .mu import/export add-on: The stock LES has five thrustTransforms of equal thrust magnitude. Four of these correspond to the Abort Motor nozzles at the bottom of the tower, while the fifth (the green Y-axis arrow) is what's causing the LES to flip dramatically mid-flight. I don't think the current stock PartModules would allow each individual thrustTransform to have different thrust.
  13. Progress Report, 29 September 2018 I've haven't had a lot of feedback from my public experimental build, but a few issues came to light: MechJeb currently does not display the delta-V of the Service Module, because it gets confused when a part combines an engine, fuel tank and decoupler. Sarbian is currently working on a fix to MechJeb's logic, as a few other low-part-count part mods also combine decouplers with engines in the same part. A beta tester noted that the Service Module has unusually high delta-V capability - 1000~2000 m/s, or even 4000 m/s in some cases. I'd be happy to reduce the amount of LF/LOX carried in the SM tanks to values similar to NASA's real-life Orion SM (i.e. 1800~2000 m/s), but I think it would be best to wait until MechJeb has been updated before I tackle this issue. The same beta tester also noted that the SM overheats after prolonged engine operation. Since the real-life Orion SM has conformal heat radiators built into the propulsion trunk, do you guys reckon I should add a radiator PartModule to the SDHI SM?
  14. This is my favorite issue on their tracker: https://github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11/issues/3
  15. I've spoken to sarbian, and he's in the process of modifying MechJeb to handle delta-V calculations for my edge case of having a decoupler, fuel tank and engine in the same part, so it's highly likely I won't have to split up the Service Module. As for the SM's very high apparent delta-V, I'm going to wait until sarbian's changes have been implemented before I can accurately tune the LF/LOX capacity. I do know that the real-life Orion/SLS European Service Module has a delta-V capability of 1800 m/s, so a target value of ~2000 m/s for the SDHI SM wouldn't be too unrealistic.
  16. [MOD - Moved to Add-on Development subforums, as that is the place to post mod development progress and ask modding questions.]
  17. All of the examples listed are conceptual and/or abandoned designs of esoteric applications, so I feel it's a bit too much of a stretch to include propellers as stock parts. The only way propellers would be appropriate is if they were introduced as part of a History of Flight DLC, which would most likely dilute the essence of KSP's identity.
  18. My personal opinion is that given the theme of the game is Kerbal Space Program, any aircraft parts included in the stock game are those that can be feasibly used to construct spaceplanes - fixed wing aircraft that can transition between atmospheric and spaceflight. The fact that a player could also use some of the engines to build aircraft capable of only atmospheric flight just happens to be a bonus. No propeller-powered aircraft are capable of escaping from or operating outside of the atmosphere, therefore they would see limited use. If propellers are added to the game, the title and theme would then have to be changed to Kerbal Aircraft and Space Program.
  19. Because then I'd have to accept requests for custom-length fairings to cater for every possible engine choice, which I don't want to do for logistical reasons. An alternative solution to the missing delta-V issue would be to split the Service Module into the existing Crew Module Adapter (the decoupler formerly known as the Avionics Ring) and a Service Module Propulsion Trunk (fuel tank + engine). I personally prefer consolidated parts, but I'd be willing to consider this compromise if the trunk's combined fuel tank + engine registers to MechJeb and Kerbal Engineer's delta-V displays the same way the stock SRBs do right now.
  20. Integrated, yes. This is because I didn't like the hokey stock LV-909 model, and I also wanted to prevent other engines from being used with the Service Module. That doesn't sound right. Other than the fact the engine and fuel tank and combined into the same part, the fuel capacity and engine specs are still the same as in V3.2.4 - i.e. a delta-V of around 500~700 m/s. That doesn't sound right, either. I've never had overheating just by running the engines on full power over long periods of time.
  21. https://github.com/sumghai/SDHI_ServiceModuleSystem/archive/7c3064ad99eac2c1a873e86585f36bccbd6214fc.zip The part in question is GameData/SDHI/Service Module System/Parts/SDHI_Service_Module/SDHI_Service_Module.cfg.
  22. @sarbian, I have a bit of an unusual request/question. As part of my upcoming revamp of the SDHI SMS mod, I have a Service Module that combines an engine, a fuel tank and a decoupler, and it is important that all three are integrated into the one and the same part, so I cannot split them up again. Some of my beta testers have noted that MechJeb displays a delta-V of 0 m/s for this Service Module stage. even though it is a functional engine that does consume fuel. How does MechJeb determine what parts counts towards the delta-V budget of each stage? Is there a way to manually force my Service Module part report this delta-V information to MechJeb?
  23. Yes, I've observed this as well. I'll pop over to the MechJeb thread to see if anything could be done about this.
  24. Do you have enough SAS modules or RCS thrusters to steer your lifter rocket during liftoff? As for re-entry into Duna's atmosphere, parachutes alone won't be enough - you'll need to also add a heat shield large enough to protect your rover.
  25. Yes, the dual-mode LAS engine is a new design feature that I previously described in a previous post: I'll document its proper usage on the GitHub wiki when the V4 revamp is fully released.
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