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Everything posted by kurja

  1. Wow, now it works. Something's bugging out with it
  2. I don't get it, whatever choice I make it prints that in the speech bubble and then says 'suggestion submitted, meanwhile explore other choices' and from there I can go back to look at the same four choices but nothing else comes up.
  3. You weren't allowed to speak?!? There were other presentations going on in the same room?
  4. @ 1: 35 is that a sas module, or a large probe core I see in there?
  5. A barometer does not necessarily contain liquid. A barometer is an instrument that measures pressure, and measuring pressure of vacuum is certainly not impossible as I have done just that many times. Zero reading is still a reading.
  6. Don't know, I've never had the alarm clock mod.
  7. Perhaps the screenshots were inadequate to show the issue beyond all doubt. What you see in post #17 shows, as you said, the station a long way from Laythe (less than one orbit away, however), gaining on it surely but steadily as the station is on a lower orbit. As the station gains on the moon, at no point is there an encounter displayed in the map view, only an abrupt SOI change as it occurs.
  8. I like to use solid boosters for, well, boosting, doubling as drop tanks; I put liquid fuel on top of them so that by the time SRB's come off the main engine tanks are still more or less full. I haven't seen many rockets around here that would use this, maybe there's a drawback that I haven't realized?
  9. kurja

    forum tools

    okay, that's very helpful. having the mark as solved in thread tools would still be nice!
  10. kurja

    forum tools

    'Settings' page shows subscribed threads with new posts in them, but any thread in which you've posted is not included; only those you've manually subscribed to. Unless there's an option to automatically subscribe to a thread when a post is made, is there such option?
  11. Screenshot explicitly shows that the station is the active vessel yet no encounter is shown.
  12. no prob, I have just the engineer part, I'll take it out confirm and report. I'll mark this as solved now.
  13. I've had that happen when trying to get an encounter with a distant body, I've just always blamed rounding errors but this case is a little different - craft is rushing straight at the body but soi change indication won't appear at all, soi just changes at one point and that's it.
  14. well okay, my present orbit entering Laythe's soi I should get an encounter in map view, right?
  15. The orbit is almost perfectly circular 18 thousand kilometers. Maybe I should clarify what the issue actually is. Forget aerobraking, forget the Periapsis, those have nothing to do with the issue. I'll add another screenie from an earlier moment; the station is happily orbiting at 18Mm, untill, boom. There is no indication of an impending encounter, no nothing, it just goes from a steady orbit to a crash. Same happens if I lower the orbit by some 50km to rule out rounding errors or such.
  16. There is no probe. Take another look at the first post; there's a station, that appears to be in steady orbit around jool, and then the next moment it's crashing down instead. The ship, the one with a Laythe Pe in both screenshots, is heading for an aerobrake like it should, nothing strange about that.
  17. What maneuver?! I've no idea what you two are talking about?!? edit - oops, it was just you with two posts, not two separate users, sorry
  18. Sorry, what? The ship with a Laythe Pe? Nothing strange going on with it's orbit as far as I can tell.
  19. Station is far lower than that, at about 18 thousand kilometers. Even though, my beef here is primarily that the soi change appears out of thin air; at first it isn't there, and a minute later, I'm going straight down.
  20. I couldn't find a forum sub-forum, so I'll post here, go ahead and move if there's a better place - but could we get a 'mark as solved' button in the thread tools box, and maybe 'find your posts' and 'find your threads' in quick links, like at the ubuntu forums (which appear to use the same software)? Or better yet, a search for participated threads that have new posts since last visit. Few forums have that, but it's gold.
  21. Look at the screenshots, in particular, orbit of that station. I expect it to merrily orbit Jool, while my lander ship visits Laythe. But just a little later, the station has decided it should make a vertical dive to Laythe instead. I'd dismiss this as a rounding error or such flakyness in the conics system but I went back to an earlier save a couple times and even if I lower the station's orbit by a dozen kilometers or so, this still happens. A known bug? A new bug? Something else? And how to avoid in the future
  22. I did this once, with a one man capsule. 1.25m parts, lots of stages, lots of aerospikes. Around the whole thing, I put another asparagus layer of small tanks & tiny engines, idea with those was that I had science parts, parachutes, landing legs and things like that on them, idea ofc being that they get dropped very soon after liftoff. As for dropping parachutes, did you have them on decouplers? Sepratrons alone can't yank them off your rocket, you need to decouple the chutes first, separating rockets are there just to toss them out of the way. edit - re-read your post, you had decouplers. but it should work though.
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