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Everything posted by Nephf

  1. Ares I Update 1.3: -Complete Core Stage rebuild -More SAS Force -Removed structural problems between the stages -more stage seperation engines
  2. Ares I Update 1.2: -thinner core stage -core stage parachutes -stage seperate engines -new MPCV Service Module
  3. Voyager is oold..... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56529-New-Horizons-The-Voyager-s-Heritage
  4. Ares I Update 1.1: -More Liftoff thrust -Longer Core Stage -Complete new LES
  5. I don't think so. Liquid Fuel is just wrong, and the diameter has to be bigger at the end of the rocket to place large engines. Edit: who gave this thread a low Rating?
  6. Just came home from Holiday and saw: 1000 Downloads of Falcon Duna 1!!!!!! Thank you all guys, you're awesome!!
  7. I'm developing Ares V at the moment. Look at the epic launch failors
  8. 12 SRBs all clipped into each other. 4000 kN of thrust. on top of the SRBs there are structural fuselages.
  9. Come on, wait for Ares V until you come with SLS. But I have some problems with an accurate Altair replica. And the Orion has Solar Panels, I just didn't open them.
  10. So let's make replicas of the Constellation Program! First of all: -Ares V -Altair -Orion MPCV -Ares I Have your Ares I Here! Ares V isn't ready to upload yet And now, some impressions: Have fun!!
  11. Mulbin? One more thing: The descent stage's engine at the lander. If you look at that pic, you see that the bell is huge. but yours is very tiny.
  12. Yes, but Mulbin, you still have to remove that mainsail at the second stage... (and maybe the solution for this is Jebini Titan first stage )
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