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Everything posted by Nephf

  1. Very cool. But i think it's pretty small? How many kerbals can get in there?
  2. He already said that there won't be a launch tower because Munbug has a partcount of over 700, with the launchtower it would be about 1500. And whether it will have science, you'll see that when it's released. What about the single mainsail at the second stage? I know that it would only work correctly if there would be a difference between O2/H2 and O2/RP1 (so O2/RP1 for the first and O2/H2 for the second and third stage). RP1 is much heavier than H2.
  3. FORUM RULES: 2.3 Other forbidden messages Messages that lack any substantial content, for example messages that contain only reaction images, simply a '+1' or jargon;
  4. NEWS: first succesful Falcon X flight today. With Dragon, it has 1000 m/s more than falcon 9.
  5. Maybe you know my thread "the SpaceX project". There I made a Falcon 9 replica which has 9 LV-T45 at the first stage and 1 LV-T30 at the second stage. This isn't correct, because the bell of the real Merlin 1-D Vacuum is much bigger than the bell of the LV-T30.Some other guys also made Falcon 9 replicas, and I saw some of them using a Skipper for the upper stage. But this is incorrect, too, because the Skipper has more than three times the thrust of a LV-T45. So I decided to make a new engine, the Merlin 1-D Vacuum, which has the bell size of the Skipper, 200kN of thrust and and a Vacuum Isp of 400. Let me know what you think. Download engine Download Falcon 9 with Merlin Vacuum
  6. It isn't a scam. If you look clearly, this are just dragon capsules by SpaceX. And the SpaceX Falcon Heavy is able to get a Dragon to Mars. The real problem is: where should the money come from?
  7. I think what the people are complainig about is that the new lander is to small for the CSM
  8. Let me know what you think! I made a SpaceX upper stage engine which has a thrust of 200kN but the same look as the skipper. It also has a good Isp of 350 to 400. Download engine Here Download Falcon 9 with Merlin Vacuum Here
  9. Please no predestrians, a rocket is crossing the road!
  10. Er ... the success rate of the N-1 was 0%. How do you want to beat that?
  11. There's a Sojuz by Jamie Logan. Maybe use this, it looks really realistic
  12. It should reach orbit anyway, you have a second stage and the service module left.
  13. It has 4 of 5 stars?! That isn't a LOW rating! EDIT: wait a moment. now there are only three.
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