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Everything posted by Amphiprion

  1. Thank you Immashift for enabling us to see Gluty's Pics. Much appreciated.
  2. If you want to spawn deposits where your craft is, you can use the debug function,. Otherwise there is a Kethane .cfg in Gamedata/Kethane/Resources where you can screw around with deposit min/max quantities, never done it myself but that looks like where I would start
  3. Gluty, It might just be me, But I can't see any of your pictures.
  4. @Katateochi Thank you for adding the Lowering part count point, I missed that one. I too get much lower Part count ships with mods.. more utility for moar frame rates? yes plz
  5. @ Teodzero- By disagreeing with everything else in my post except for my comment on stock being "uglier" than popular mods, you are then saying that: 1.KW rocketry's part parameters are not realistic and are OP making the game easier 2. mods don't add fun to the game 3. people don't think they are pro by using only stock 4. planes look prettier using stock. Which I would have to double disagree with you on and say you don't know what you are talking about. Thank you for your opinion. @ Regex, you have vaild point there, like Sean, But not enough to make my mod fever stop. @bogpad, I agree with everything you said there, I'm not trying to come across as snobby, I'm just expressing the feeling I get, which is that people think using stock is harder/Pro compared to realistic mods like KW, This feeling could be misplaced, I have no problem with people using stock.. @Dchruchill, Mod pack parts don't fit with stock? what have you been smoking? must be good. @Sapphire- you and I are on the same page. @ Zarakon- with regards to your comments on the applications of imaginative stock part use age, I agree with you, it Is always nice to use a part to fill a purpose that It was not built for, but with moar parts, you can do more of that no? + If the parts list is getting too long for some people, they should have sub menu's in structural/pods/propulsion for each manufacturing division. would be cool and would help people that struggle with that or don't want to be paging through heaps of choices to find the parts they need. ..................... Thank the pope for B-9. That is All.
  6. A new b-9 HL4 VTOL SSTO that I built, with massive cargo carrying capability. (although I don't want to sit with having to get the COM right when adding cargo). hmmm wonder if there is a mod for that...
  7. There is a mod that will allow your docking port to rotate...
  8. I also use a lot of mods, Fatman's nuke engines are beautiful/keth/kas/b9/ttwheels/aircraft lights/spherical fuel tanks/tac fuel balancer just to name a few.\ There are some futuristic but realistic parts that are OP like the sabre's that can decrease difficulty, but I don't like the snobby Stock only vibe going around. @ Sean Mirrsen, Good points you have there. all very valid.
  9. I think craft assembled with stock parts are way uglier than when using mods.. I know people say, "U need skillz bro to use only stock" but, mods like KW rocketry have realistic parameters +they make things look so much prettier and In my opinion add so much more fun to the game. It seems like people think they are pro when using only stock and they lift there noses to any mods.. I think its just ugly.. specially when it comes to planes..
  10. They are Fatman Nuclear rockets search for Kommit. Awesome Mod. very cool., not available for dowload right now. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24712-Nuclear-Rockets-WIP?highlight=kommit
  11. This zero bypass made it back up.. only just.. was very challenging..
  12. It is high because I wanted to go for some realism. the initial design had much shorter legs Ya with the winches and winching the rig down, I was again going for real life Oil Rig mechanics. I got the whole rig to the ocean buy using the Hooligan Labs .cfg Module, and applying it to the long stability legs that attach to the black fuel tank weights at the bottom. Once again, going for realism as this is I think how they do it IRL(obviously not floating mid air oil rigs, but the bouyant forces in the pylons once at the water surface), I OP'd the bouyant forces so I could float the whole thing above ground to the ocean. I managed to solve the problem with unrealistic means. I added the HL bouyant force to a modified stayaputnik probe CMD module, and attached those over various places near the top of the rig between the white and red fuel tanks, one on the crane boom, and one under each landing pad. This has solved the stability and height issue, and the rig is sitting where I want it. Unrealistically, but hey, its unrealistic of KSP to not allow me to solve it realistically. Landed the VTOL on it, and its looking good.. Now to get it to Laythe. It can take two VTOL's Or I can do something else with the other landing pad.. There should be an option now to take your VTOL's/Heli's to the top of the VAB.. such a nice landing pad there..
  13. U can't make it out of Eve in a single stage without seriously advanced/OP hardware (cheating).
  14. @ Captain Sierra- Thank you for that tip, I've managed to get hooks grappled onto the seafloor. I'm still having issues with them snapping when cranking the oil rig down, I have adjusted breakingforce +breakingtorque on the winches/connectors/grappling hooks. What other element can I adjust to stop the snapping from occuring?? The break is specifically happening between the Connector and the winch its connected to ( this is the one that ejects when its at the bottom of the seafloor with the grapple hook, so its the connector connected to the BACK of the winch). @ Immashift, My VTOL I made today looks very similar to yours. This one is an SSTO (Sabre's are OP). I managed to take off and land the VTOL on my keth rig, but because the KAS winches are not applying downward force on the bouyant pylons, the rig tipped over Nice keth Lander there Did someone say something about a Lander that can hold more fuel? This Keth Moon hopper devours 2,000,000L of keth to statiate its appetite It was launched from kerbin with all its tanks emptied in order for LKO to be achieved.
  15. @Captain- I shall try what you suggested there, thanks. @Immashift- If you are having balancing problems with your VTOL, dload the mod, TAC fuel balancer, It keeps your tank % split evenly among all your tanks so your CG won't drift too much. I've never made a mission ready Vtol before, but I have screwed around with them a bit... Will eventually get screens, have to re-download mods for them. All the best for that VTOL.
  16. they will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to their own.
  17. thanks for the memories ppl.. a lot of games here I haven't thought of since. Thanks for the civ2 music, thanks for heavy gears
  18. This.. A good idea, one that I employ. Awesome + Unique ship Rune
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