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Everything posted by IllicitMedic

  1. Awesome! I'll check it out. Yea its redundant to a degree, it does the same thing the stock container does I just found it hard to find a good spot for the stock container & this is easier to fit into designs, etc at least for me.
  2. First manned Munar landing in the new save. Bill & Bob on the surface while Jeb watches from the CSM above.
  3. Just doing some testing of a 5m cargo plane, this is the "flying lab" version, it has a mobile lab in the back as well as science instruments for atmospheric research & training kerbonauts. It also has a rover for ground based research, etc, the rover is also capable of being dropped via parachutes if the ground conditions prevent landing. It has a 4h45m flight endurance in its current config, the cargo variant is dependent on payload.
  4. Log file? Not sure this mod is related to the issue, I don't see how it could be. Log file? Not sure this mod is related to the issue, I don't see how it could be. UPDATED FOR 1.12.5 Not really an update just updating version number for CKAN.
  5. Currently testing a new supersonic, high altitude research/imaging aircraft. Currently sitting at 30k meters at 1300m/s or 2900mph.
  6. Following up on this post from last night, the temp hab module for the future construction crew has landed along with the rover that will work with an orbiting satellite to find the most abundant location for mining, the satellite has already narrowed it down to this landing site & the rover will find the final point. They rover was detached from the module & slowly moved to the side & down using a sky crane as pictured. All portions of this mission have been remotely controlled. The first 2 crew members consisting of a pilot & engineer is already on route from Kerbin & should arrive within in 6 days aboard the Minmus Crew Vehicle which will fairy crew & small to medium size cargo from the surface to the future refueling station.
  7. Launched the comsats & mapping satellite to Minmus to prepare for arrival of drilling equipment for the future deep space refueling station.
  8. Thank you EDIT: 10/27/2010 Thanks so much for these 2 mods, my agency has already launched 10 rockets & have landed 7 of those dead center, other 3 were lost due to fueling error. We've also managed to return 2nd stages from LKO with an unrelated ingenious heat shielding method I came up with lol.
  9. Forgive me this is probably a dumb question, but I've been away A VERY LONG time so maybe something has changed. How is one supposed to land the boosters AND continue onto orbit?
  10. Any idea what could be causing this? Most of my editing options for parts disappear about 2-3 minutes into my game. This was an occasional issue for a while now & a restart fixed it but now it happens every time. I see the errors in the log file but idk how to detect the issue it stems from. I've attached the log as a google drive file because every time I try to create a spoiler box or paste the contents the page freezes. Thanks! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mbc2J5l8Ds755Y3bq_1ul6Ok0Jb-fLUT/view?usp=sharing
  11. Not I!!! Rendezvous & docking are one of my fav things to do, I enjoy the finesse.
  12. I do extensive testing of all new rocket designs before be putting into manned service so my kill count is somehow only 3 in the last 9 years lol. All 3 occurred during the same event, 2 on mission, 1 on the ground at KSC. 2 crew CM was on re-entry into Kerbin after a crew change at Trinity Station-Kerbin. A KOS scripting error on my part caused the chutes to deploy near the end of the burn in & forces tore them from the capsule. I focus on easy recovery & reuse so I always land at KSC or just off the coast. The CM plummeted to the ground & had been in a slight flip due to the chutes deploying early & it altered the landing site by about 0.6km, which...& I still to this day can't believe this, like finding a needle in a haystack, it landed right next to a refueling truck near the SPH & exploded, killing the driver. Since that day I ALWAYS record all launches & returns in case something once in a lifetime like that happens again.
  13. Using autopilot isn't cheating, there is literally no good argument against AP. "But NASA has to program their AP" yea they are also lifelong career rocket scientists, sit down & let people play. Agreed, I use RemoteTech & simply put 3 sats spaced in GSO with the 2.5m omni & then whatever the strongest dish is I have at the time & leave the target set to active vessel. When I research a bigger dish I'll launch 3 new ones & deorbit the old ones. The 3 sats are always in contact with each other from KSC with the omni & allow LKO ops & the dish on each set to active vessel pretty much guarantees 100% universe coverage except for brief times planets may block signal. Also if I'm doing ground ops on a body other than Kerbin I can normally send a small relay with the original launch to release in a high eccentric orbit over said body to provide comms during operations.
  14. Ok, so did a limited search cause I'm not really sure what to search for.... This is very minor & not a big deal but my OCD & desire to be a 100% completionist it drives me CRAZY!!!! Idk why I've waited so many years to ask this. Is there any way to stop science from appearing in the R&D Archives if its 100% empty? I use a few mods like KEI & x science which is displaying science in the R&D archives even if I haven't done them & it drives me INSANE! Sure I could just do them but some I will NEVER run in some of the situations because it don't make sense & I like realism, like I'm not going to run "Rocket Fuel" experiments or experiments meant for a space station at the KSC therefor I don't want it cluttering up my archives. Any fixes or suggestions by chance? Thanks!
  15. Been away sorry, with the addition of a stock container I will no longer be updating this or doing anything else with it. However, it still works with the current version if you still wanna use it.
  16. Noted, thank you. I'll remove it at some point, I've been away for a few years & did not realize AVC has changed.
  17. v2.0 RELEASE (06/04/2020) - Added the ability to "collect all" science from the vessel the container is attached to by right clicking on the container. - Added "Collect All" to the action group abilities. This now effectively functions exactly like the stock science container.
  18. How is everyone making tail rotors for their helis? The included turbo engines are entirely too large for the purpose & cannot be re-scaled. I'm having trouble building a heli due to these & I have no desire to use 2 main rotors spinning opposite one another. P.S. I'm beyond disappointed that they released ENGINES, rotors & blades, etc with 0 sound....dafuq?
  19. This is working for KSP v1.6 Will update Spacedock download as soon as 1.6 shows up on the website, however the download is current.
  20. Absolutely, I use TacLS, would not play without it.
  21. Dropped the first section of my south pole research station out the back of my C-4E GlobeEagle, although I forgot to take photos of the drop itself here is a photo after turning around ti fly back home. You can see the aurora with the Mun in the background.
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