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Everything posted by MR4Y

  1. KSP doesn't support open-source linux drivers, which makes me unable to play the game under linux, no matter the version. Since my video card is not supported in the latest Catalyst update, I can't have fglrx drivers installed. And since I have the Steam version of KSP, it won't open if I have the legacy proprietary drivers installed.
  2. Picking mod mechanics, implementing them in the game and calling it a brand new feature.
  3. I think the title says enough. And yes, before you even go saying that there are methods for installing the old compatible proprietary drivers (fglrx-legacy), Steam won't open if you have them on and the same goes for KSP as well. And, contrary to the windows install, going to the installation folder and clicking on KSP in there won't open the game.
  4. That's the sad part. We have those parts since 0.18, but they require you to right-click them for a one time reading, which is unpractical and time consuming. Also, will be too much to ask for a radar altimeter? Some low game settings makes ships not cast shadows, which makes almost impossible to land if you're running the game on the lowest settings.
  5. More challenging than it already is? Consider that it's not challenging because of gaming difficulty, but because you're given no info on how to use it.
  6. I agree with all the points in the thread, also. 1) It's been a few versions since science parts where introduced, and so far they only serve asthethics. You can't read them in real time and the same painstaking method also applies to the new science parts. How long before we can access their functionalities in a menu or GUI window without having to look for the part in the ship and hope to not misclick it, to hopefully have it's menu shown to, perhaps click on the option we want? It's funny that you can have functional NERVA engines and somewhat working ion drives, but a real time readout is somewhat an unreachable ladder. 2) I won't comment about the science tree for a simple reason. I don't know how to use and achieve science efficiently. The game assumes you know how to use a feature you've been just presented. There are no tutorials anywhere. Apparently, only a few select people know how the feature work and, apparently, are not willing to share it. 3) Also, when certain parts will have functions or IVA's or finally be replaced with parts that have IVA and/or function? I know it's something small, but they have been neglect since they appeared as more parts appear and get implementation. 4) Adapters that carry no fuel would be nice.
  7. 1- Real-time readout for science parts as well as a GUI window for science antennas and other parts. Career mode was programmed and we still have to right click on parts to use their features? Come on. As comparison, this is equivalent of having to EVA and push a button on each part almost. 2- Would be too hard to explain how science and science gathering works while developing the career feature? Sure, we have guys like Scott Manley and others can pick this up right away, do a few runs, then start eating up the tech tree as quickly as possible. But what about the other people that play the game casually? You start with very few parts and that's okay, but the gathering of science is confusing at best. Should I do a report again for this? Will this science gathering overwrite the one I just did a few minutes ago? Which research data will be kept and which will be deleted if I do this or that? At least for me, since I haven't got the hang of it, most of the science in career mode is a guessing game, which forces you to not do as much research as you could, because you're afraid of losing high value data for useless data and so on. 3- IVA and functions for parts. I won't go further than that. Everyone and their mom knows what the parts are and what they should be doing 20 versions ago since they were introduced.
  8. And that makes it harder to pilot using the navball. The navball shows the target on the same place, regardless of where you're looking the target from. The navball doesn't change, so why the controllers have to?
  9. Keep in mind that the game still is in alpha. Some functions hopefully get implemented on new releases or just promised and pulled back("Lot of vision. Limited implementation.")
  10. In my case, the controls change in relation to which angle you're looking at the ship.
  11. What's the point of trying to simulate real life? It's boring!!!
  12. Or make it do what it's supposed to (which seems to only work when the capsule is by itself), which is lock the vessel on the position the pilot wants, instead of wanting to face XYZ vector.
  13. Well, take a look at the engine colling unit. It doesn't do anything and it's just for asthetic purposes. That's a useless part.
  14. The "funniest" thing of this is that your controls are swapped when the camera changes, which screws whatever maneuver you're trying to do. It's not even possible to pilot only using the navball.
  15. It's a known bug. SAS automatically faces the prograde vector, no matter where you order ir to be.
  16. The only thing I would LOVE to have is not more science parts, but real time readouts for the science parts we ALREADY HAVE. Cause really? Looking for a tiny part on a ship, right clicking on it (and hoping the click will register), then clicking a button to get the readout? How many versions since we had science parts?
  17. Considering that any support is now denied if you use mods, I don't think recommending mods would be recommended.
  18. Okay, now do those in kilograms, since the game doesn't use pounds for mass.
  19. DayZ, which turned to WarZ, then it's source code leaked and people made a better free version of WarZ, said version even getting features before WarZ does. Also, I woud laugh my butt off if the creator simply said: "F-you all ungrateful bastards! No more DayZ for you!"
  20. I finally decided to do some tour inside Kerbin. Starting with the north pole and it's...cement caps.
  21. This also happens when you copy parts with Alt-Click. Also, the Hubmax has 6 attachment points, but only one of them attaches to the vessel for me. I have this issue since 0.20.2
  22. A known bug is that the new ASAS will insist on snapping to vectors.
  23. I always assume that the Mun has mountains 5 Km high, just like Minmus. Or, if you wanna be safe, assume that it has 8 Km high mountains, like Moho has.
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