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Everything posted by MR4Y

  1. I generally use Dish antennas on mine. About 3 to 4 for each satellite.
  2. But then you have the risk of them loading outside of the model when you launch, requiring sometimes multiple restarts.
  3. Não é. Nem um pouco. Ou eu sou ruim. Ou os dois.
  4. I suggested this to Pontiac and will to you. What if a invisible root part was created when you save the subassembly? Or if the subassembly was possible to be saved as a part?
  5. Fanazendo um LP de KSP no "modo hard". Claro, primeiros vídeos sairam...desprezíveis. Pensando em fazer algo em português, mas não sai nada.
  6. I believe the panels have no drag values, with or without FAR,which also why they can't be used as wings.
  7. My only issues till this point is that Subassemblies can only be attached radially.
  8. I use JS Generic Mode Enabler, for the sake of not having to copy and paste mods everytime. It's either the entire mod or not.
  9. I had no fuel. Since I wasn't sure of the launch and I don't have any fairing parts installed(Unfortunately, to have fairings, I would have to install mods with loads of rocket parts), I made an Apollo style rocket, where the satellite is behind the manned module for aerodynamic purposes(since I use FAR)
  10. I wouldn't try to pass this one too further. What we have in real life is paralel staging. Asparagus staging is just paralel staging with fuel crossfeed added in.
  11. After 3 centuries of failure, I have my first relay satellite in orbit, ready to be deployed:
  12. Depois de algumas tentativas, primeiro Remote Tech relay stellite está em órbita:
  13. Hopefully, this will work, although I'm afraid of extending the solar panels and antennae before separation and lose them:
  14. Can we have a digital readout as an option to the slider gauge?
  15. Tentando lançar um satélite com Remote Tech sem sucesso algum.
  16. It's not possible to alter the fuel type of some KW Rocketry Fuel Tanks.
  17. Even so, I still have problems with the satelites. I wasn't able to launch a single one yet. once I'm at the height, the satellite can't be controlled when decoupled from the SSTO/Rocket.
  18. But the 'stage' light remains purple, which led me to think that I had no control.
  19. Doesn't make any difference. The whole craft still act as if the Remote Tech probe was the root part.
  20. Any reasons for you to have Subassembly Loader and Subassembly Manager at the same time?
  21. Space Shuttles are manned. For some reason, Remote Tech acts as if the command satelitte part is the root of the craft, when it's cleary not. It's not the first time it happens. Remote Tech command pods will somehhow turn into the root part regardless of which part was the root in the first place. Screenshot:
  22. I have an issue. I made a Space Shuttle with a cargo bay and a Remote Tech satelitte inside it. When it's time to launch, I can't control the shuttle no matter how many times I click on the pod and select "Control from here". I made the shuttle before making the satelite.
  23. Can you add the ability to add SolidFuel to tanks and engines to work with it, so we can have(or make) solid boosters that can gimbal? EDIT- Also, it's not possible to change B9's SABRE engine fuel type.
  24. I tested two NP rockets that came with the mod. The NP Odin is way laggy to take to orbit. So far, no lags. I'll test it with Deadly Reetry later.
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