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Everything posted by JoeNapalm

  1. If you have drone cores unlocked, it seems counter-intuitive, but they're always a good thing to throw on a manned vessel. The core can maintain SAS functionality, while your weefle newbie pilot still gains xp...plus it can mind the ship for you while you're out running about, or be used for unmanned test flights or rescue missions. I pretty much never build anything without a drone core. -Jn-
  2. Jeb's joyride. (Alternate title: Jebediah, Archangel of Doom) ((Yes, that is a nuclear reactor.)) -Jn-
  3. Aw man. I've been doing it all wrong! I thought they were air purifiers. -Jn-
  4. I dunno what this tourist is pulling that face for -- landings don't get any smoother than this, Jeb! -Jn-
  5. Hey! I did that same test!: Shame about Chad and Philman... -Jn- PS - I never use radiators on a NERV, and have never had a catastrophic heat problem...in vacuum.
  6. I'm addressing more the faction that seems to think that realism should be the end-goal for stock KSP. The proposed stock comms sound great, and I appreciate that they won't push the slider too far toward one end of the bell-curve on the "realism vs playability" scale. There's mods for the edge cases. Usually pretty good ones. -Jn- PS - Thanks for all the amazing mods. You make my favorite game better in every way. PPS - That made it weird, didn't it? PPPS - But still. Those mods!
  7. So, I'm running a near-stock game, but I really love those lights from B9 Aerospace. Is it possible to just pull the parts I want out of a package, or is that very complex? Thanks. -Jn-
  8. Which is pretty much what I said in the rest of that post. -Jn-
  9. All I know is that making something more realistic does not necessarily make it more fun. I use probes and drones a lot -- which, for me, is fun. I have absolutely zero desire to have to run a half dozen missions setting up relays, or having my time wasted with a "realistic" lag for the signals to cross the distance. Because those things are not fun. Sure, if you want those things, knock yourself out -- install the mod. But I can think of a lot of stuff that could be made stock that pretty much 99% of players want, that ought to be in line ahead of this. Even with a toggle in the options. You can have your fun with space ham radio. I'll be over here with my fully autonomous probe cores. Now if KAL would just open the pod bay doors... -Jn-
  10. YMMV. Worked for my on my specific machine and install -- thrilled if it works for anyone else, but no guarantees. -Jn-
  11. I updated to 1.1.2 and was crashing every few minutes, even with a new game. I completely uninstalled and reinstalled, haven't crashed since. -Jn-
  12. Just going to throw out there that doing a full, clean reinstall takes less time than a doom posting, if you have any kind of reasonable internet. If you haven't done that, first, you should stop mid-rant and do so. Would probably prevent 90% of the frustrations being vented here. If you've done that, and you're still having issues, my condolences -- you're not one of the people I'm talking to, right now. -Jn-
  13. I find it difficult to imagine Kerbal weapons tech advancing beyond the "food fight" stage. -Jn-
  14. Should...should we tell him about revert and quicksave? I'm gonna tell him. ... Someone's gotta tell him!! -Jn-
  15. With my PSU RMA taking forever (well, my second RMA!) I finally just did a clean install of 1.1.2 on my laptop. The update was wildly unstable, but a full clean install seems pretty solid -- so far, not a single crash... ...you know...of the program. Been a few mishaps in flight testing. Anyway, before beginning the lengthy process of adding mods back on until it breaks, I thought I'd throw together a new SSTO. I present, the "Banshee Mk I" (I start all my numbering over with each career, there have been many previous Mk Is): I know. Looks terrible on the laptop. (And yes, the first one is missing a few parts, that was the initial test flight...as per protocol, I then went back and added a few things. Batteries, ladders, more chutes, enough control surfaces to control her without all of the white knuckles and screaming. You know, the usual.) -Jn-
  16. After some futzing around, I've figured out how to actually do Sandbox Career with the debugging "cheats"... ...still leaving me puzzled as to why it's buried so deep, rather than just a radio button. -Jn-
  17. No worries man. I've had so much coffee today, I'm not even sure any of you are real. -Jn-
  18. What?! He forged my signature!! -Jn- PS - It occurs to me that I may have gone a bit obscure, even for this crowd, with the phonetic C3H5N3O9 reference.
  19. Not sure which is more puzzling: @SpacedCowboy quoting me but not saying anything, or the fact that @cubinator "liked" it. -Jn-
  20. I'm afraid I have some bad news about your graphics card... -Jn-
  21. "KSC Tower, this is Charlie 3 Hotel 5 November 3 Oscar 9, requesting permission to land..." -Jn-
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