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Everything posted by JoeNapalm

  1. I do, indeed, have USI Konstruktion...I need to delve into it, to see what I can do. It may well have everything I need, I just haven't tackled it, yet. -Jn-
  2. Oh, and I'd say Infernal Robotics, if it weren't tragically abandoned. I miss my variable geometry VTOLs. -Jn-
  3. PSA: Kerbal easter eggs are highly volatile... -Jn-
  4. Statement: AVC is awesome. It's the first mod I install. Question: Does it tell me if new versions of a mod are available even if I'm running an older, compatible version? For example, I'm running 1.2.2 because I didn't feel like waiting for my three dozen mods to be updated...but will AVC keep track of which ones are updated for me? Or will does it only check if the mods I have are current for 1.2.2? -Jn-
  5. My typical return checklist: 1. Decide to give stock Career another chance 1.5 Install KER 2. Get annoyed after two pathetic sub-orbital contracts launching weefle bebe ships and start a Sandbox game to build real Kerbal ships 2.5 Install KIS/KAS, USI, etc 3. Start building Grand Tour or Duna Base or some other epic mission 4. Install SCANSat because I need landing sites and resources and anomalies (oh my!) and get caught up in mapping madness and relay networks 5. Build gigantic monstrosity that can make orbit then get distracted by alternative methods to fuel it for long hauls 6. Become obsessed with building things smaller and more efficiently to further my grand objectives 7. Decide to give stock Career another chance -Jn-
  6. No, no I'll back you up on that one...I build a fair number of space/airplanes and you make a good point. You're gonna have bits falling off under the stress of flight or landing if your design can't survive a simple drop test. When doubt, go nuts with struts! -Jn-
  7. Napalm Demolitions Unltd. (My brother incorporated that as a company back in the day, as a joke -- used to get the weirdest junkmail) -Jn-
  8. KER is my only MUST HAVE mod. (I can play without it, but I'm constantly and painfully aware of it's absence). Well, that and AVC. Unless I'm trying to do something specifically "stock-only" I install the following: SCANSat KIS/KAS All the USI stuff (I celebrate @RoverDude's entire catalogue!) Docking Port Alignment Indicator Indicator Lights Deep Freeze (if I'm using USI-LS) B9 (honestly, this is mostly just for the lights!) Hmm...I'm currently rocking like three dozen mods on my game (which is dubbed "Joe Napalm's Stock Sandbox" (you can see how well I stuck to that)) all of which I consider just awesome...I should check AVC when I get a chance so I don't miss any. -Jn-
  9. Paul Allen, MS co-founder, plays KSP for reals! -Jn-
  10. The important question is...did you realize this before or after you broke orbit? -Jn-
  11. Roswell VI has a slight hiccup during the ascent profile on the mission to Minmus: Amazingly, the ABORT action group saved the capsule -- Jeb and Bill survived, and on the next attempt successfuly planted a flag on Minmus and got to faff about a bit before noticing that, having landed on the dark side with no RTGs, the batteries were getting awfully low (thaaaank you indicator lights mod!) and had to come home. -Jn-
  12. Took the Nomad Mk IV on a little jaunt around the Mun... Kraken says "NOPE!": The Nomad flies exceptionally well for such a massive ship, but...time acceleration is a marching band on Arrakis. Safety improvements helped out somewhat...still no real life support on the wreckage of the command module, but my cryo unit came with me...which is good, because someone added lots of monoprop and no RCS! *Sigh* I blame Engineering. They were all hung over from the Nomad Mk III Rescue Party. -Jn-
  13. After a few less than optimal attempts, I got the Roswell Mk IV Automated Rescue Pod rendezvoused with the remains of the command module from the failed test of the Nomad colony ship, before the life support ran out: Gusley and Danlinne were thrilled to be back on terra firma, but were still a little sad when the Nomad was deorbited: Amazingly, the Nomad survived re-entry -- just not lithobraking! This is good news, as that means I can not only dispense with the plan to attach escape pods directly to the command module, but could even consider removing the four Roswell-class pods from the vessel -- just add a decoupler and some RCS (and chutes!) to the command module itself. So, out of a catastrophic failure of a test comes much learning. (Plus, I was really rusty at the orbital mechanics for rendezvous.) -Jn-
  14. The most terrifying bug is the spider: Everyone knows this! -Jn-
  15. Seriously? Doesn't Kerbol block that, part of the time? Do you need a local satnet to bounce it back to KSC? I was about to launch a couple of relays into highly elliptical polar orbits... -Jn-
  16. Yep: KSP -> Properties -> Betas -> Select 1.2.2 (previous version) -Jn-
  17. Seriously, do you HAVE to bring this up right after she was tragically vaporized during a failed EVA rescue attempt?! TOO SOON! I mean, at least wait until I decant her clone, tonight. -Jn-
  18. Oh bloody Kraken. The Nomad Mk III Colony Ship -- having a significant increase and restructuring of mass over the Mk II -- takes a short orbital test flight. Mission Control seems to have forgotten to inform the crew it was an meant to be an unmanned test flight. Probably not a problem. Engineering reports that SOMEONE seems to have still not gotten around to adding chutes to anything other than the escape pods. Little late, now, but telemetry looks great! Probably not a problem. Full engine shutdown -- stable orbit achieved! Put the crew in for commendations for successful launch of a 2000+ ton vessel! Break out the champagne and let's warp this big beautiful lady into sunrise for some pic--Control! We're reading a shimmy! Slash! Slash! Slash! Break warp! AAAAAAUOOOOOOGAAAH! AAAAAAAUOOOOOGAH! KRAKEN STRIKE! I REPEAT! KRAKEN STRIKE!! BROKEN ARROW! Good news! Escape pods are intact! Bad news! They're getting away! Jeb, Bob, and Bill make it over okay... Val... Val misses. The horror. The horror!! Shake it off, Mission Control! We have other Kerbals to save. Her clone will be back in action before you know it. Danline and Ening don't have any supplies in that Orca module...the debris segment that the other three EVA'd to has all the escape pods, supplies, and cryo tubes. Need to get a rescue mission up there ASAP. Meanwhile, get Jeb, Bob, and Bill back on the ground. Deploy the escape pods: Hasty redesign of the same escape pods yields the Roswell Mk II Automated Rescue Pod. We get her into orbit...tomorrow, we save the remaining crew: And will somebody update the playlist in the clone decanting bay?! The last Val, while sorely missed, had terrible taste in music... -Jn-
  19. The successful unmanned orbital test of the Nomad Mk II colony ship: She's not close to mission-ready -- this flight was just a check to see if she could make it to orbit. (Last flight tested the escape pods, when I realized I'd left off any chutes for the monstrosity other than on the pods, then ran out of fuel, resulting in a six-Kerbal scramble from the command module to the pods...) I set out to build an orbital relay system and ended up with this beast, which is basically a mobile base -- have NO IDEA what I'm doing with USI LS, so rather than dipping my toe in, I've decided to deploy a nuclear submarine. She crews six, and I think I have living space and LS capacity for several times that...May the Kraken have mercy on their souls. -Jn-
  20. Nah, you just have a veritable who's-who of the epic builders admiring your ship. Having Whackjob tell you you've performed a "brag-worthy feat of engineering" is kind of like having Sherlock Holmes tell you you're "very observant." -Jn-
  21. Wait wait wait... I have somehow missed the sunglasses in KIS?! GAAAH! -Jn-
  22. You got kudos from Whackjob! Get that post made into a tattoo!! -Jn-
  23. Told myself I was going to build a tiny stock interplanetary relay and instead started a massive USI/B9 colony ship monstrosity. Not sure how I got from one to the other, but this morning woke up thinking "Need to add antennae...oh, wait, my relays!" -Jn-
  24. Nothing! Zip! Nada! Zilch! Okay, fine, I built another SSTO, but I didn't need another one, I just did that because I'm stuck trying to decide what I need to do next...do I build a Grand Tour ship, a planetary base, or a relay network?! Now that I say it out loud, the first two kind of require the third thing... Conundrum solved! -Jn-
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