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Everything posted by JoeNapalm

  1. "Control, this is Flight...we have an, uh, anomaly on the scope we think you should take a look at?" "What is it, Flight? Is...is that a hot dog vending kiosk in Keostationary orbit over KSC?" "Sir, we believe it is..." -Jn-
  2. In the name of SCIENCE!: Also, new rules: - Jeb and/or Bill do not get to have an opinion on what constitutes "science" - "Truth or Dare" is no longer allowed as an activity participated in by KSC personnel, guests, pets, or otherwise anywhere on KSC grounds Carry on. -Jn-
  3. There was no Kube. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Eve. -Jn-
  4. Heavily modded? Are you using Adjustable Landing Gear? I tried to use that with 1.2.2 and it was like every ship was on roller skates -- except for when I was hitting takeoff speeds, then it was like they were wearing roller skates in molasses. You may be able to adjust the sliders in ALG to fix it, but I couldn't get anything that felt right and went back to stock gear. -Jn-
  5. I launched NavBee VI mapping/relay drones to ALL OF THE THINGS! Forgot pics...my tracking display looks like colorful spaghetti. -Jn-
  6. Since this got pulled back to the main page, I just thought I'd chime in and say thanks, I love my ribbons. I didn't realize I qualified for a Grand Tour shield! (Albeit an unimpressive one...). I should add that... -Jn-
  7. This game has a unique ability to combine entertaining failures with whooping, fist-pumping victory dances when you succeed. Maybe I just like explosions? Honestly, it just seems to fit perfectly in a specific spot in my brain... -Jn-
  8. I've built a few drone SSTOs for things like mapping and such, back in the day -- once you've imaged the whole planet, a satellite just sits there unless you recover it or blow it up...an SSTO can just come back down and land to be scrapped. But most of my vessels have both crew modules and drone cores, so I can run them either way. -Jn-
  9. MAYDAY! MAYDAY! This is Banshee I declaring an emergency! We've used all our Likes! Repeat! We are OUT of LIKES!! OH, THE KERBMANITY!!! -Jn-
  10. Nope...defaults to Liquid Hydrogen (I confess I don't even know what uses that) and I can do Liquid Fuel or Oxidizer, but not LFO. I think something must have gotten installed wrong...
  11. I've run out of Likes, today, so allow me to bestow upon you this gift horse: \ -Jn-
  12. This game in in the elite "Over 500+ Hours" club on my playlist...it's some of the best money I've spent on games. For those who bought after the cutoff -- SQUAD explicitly clarified the terms of the deal and even extended a grace period. Getting bent that you didn't get in under the wire doesn't constitute SQUAD being greedy or screwing you out of something you "earned". This was a perk they provided, out of the goodness of their hearts, to the early adopters. They didn't have to offer it at all to anyone (and if they hadn't, we wouldn't have these threads cropping up over and over). Being bitter that someone else got something you didn't earn is a pretty crappy reason to be throwing SQUAD's reputation in the mud. They made a great game, they deserve to get paid and feed their families and continue to expand the game and get paid for that, too. Otherwise they might as well shut off the lights and go home -- there's nothing in it for them if you earn free everything just by being you. -Jn-
  13. The same ship? Across all those versions? No...too many lost saves, too many variations of installed mods. Looking back at my earliest vessels, I see how much I had to learn...yet, there's a certain similarity, I suppose, now isn't there?: Variations on a theme? (I do love that little rover, though! Mun Dog I was designed to have the exact same mass as a monoprop tank (later designs balanced it with one tank...what do you want, it was 2013, I was a noob. :P) -Jn- PS -- The more I look at those two pictures, the more I realize they're really the same ship, after all... PPS -- Man, I didn't know how to land right, yet, either!!
  14. You absolutely have to fire this thing from orbit. I know there was a centrifuge-based challenge to launch Kerbals to other worlds...but cannons are the way of the future! -Jn-
  15. That's wha... No! No! Family forum! ...must...not...make...joke! -Jn-
  16. I installed Interstellar Fuel Switch and now can't figure out how to build normal LF+O tanks. Like, at all. -Jn-
  17. That's an idea...I generally don't bother with drogues, but this is indeed the situation they're made for... I could also strategically place some airbrakes. If I linked them to different action groups I could activate half to turn her, then engage the other half to stabilize her in the proper orientation. Also need to add some more fuel and figure out some radially mounted nukes or something for a transit phase. It's all well and good to have four years of habitability for six Kerbals, but there's no point to it if they just make a few orbits and land again.... -Jn-
  18. That's on the whiteboard, for sure...I can remove those shielded ports (was going to put observation cupolas there anyway) and replace with inflatable shields. My only concern with going in nose first is the strain of the chutes pulling thousands of tons of ship in a 180 when they deploy...the black stripe on my Duna ribbon is from a similar design choice. (They survived, but were stranded and the save crashed before they could be rescued.) My first attempt is going to be big radiators on the hottest parts. My experiments with them on the Flying Pig have shown they expel heat from all the components in the vicinity -- so hopefully they'll cool the struts and connectors long enough to slow her down -- the above re-entry was as shallow as I could make it, and still too much. But I'd really like to have her coming in with the option of engine assist and having the landing gear oriented rockward...if possible. We shall see...we shall see... This is another reason I struggle with Career -- these tests would cost a bloody fortune. I have no idea what the Nomad costs, but she's definitely not cheap. Hell, she's so heavy it destroys a fully upgraded launch pad every time she lifts off! -Jn-
  19. Further testing of the Nomad series of colony ships (aka "Napalm's Folly") : She made orbit (never had any trouble with that), and -- with improved strut lattices -- survived warp! The Jeb Seal of Approval! The next phase of testing, of course, is re-entry: "KSC...we have a problem." Kerbonid meteor shower?: "Situation normal. We're all fine. We're all fine here, now. How're you?" Another successful test of the emergency systems, I guess? I'd like to figure out how to get her back into atmo without using the mains...could be a conundrum, though...while I can shield the connectors for the living spaces with heat shielding, the new anti-Kraken struts were the first to fail from the heat... Radiators. Definitely will try radiators, next. -Jn-
  20. No, no double checked, and for some reason, none of the tanks (including stock) seem to have Liquid Fuel + Oxidizer as an option... ...which is kind of problematic. Is this a PEBKAC thing or what? -Jn-
  21. I would think those tail booms would start oscillating in a very alarming and inconvenient fashion. But I'm sure they thought of that, too. -Jn-
  22. Wait..I installed this and now I can't get LFO tanks? I must me missing something? -Jn-
  23. I don't say this lightly, but WHAT THE @#$% !?!? That's awesome but what mods are those?! -Jn-
  24. After giving it some more thought (and checking AVC) I'll revise my answer to: MUST HAVE: AVC, KER, Final Frontier, Chatterer, Docking Node Alignment, SCANSat , KAC End up installing every time: KIS/KAS, USI (everything), DeepFreeze, Launch Window Calculator, Planetary Bases, and probably a few others (should have screenshot AVC!) -Jn-
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