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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. VTOL Jet engines single seat MKII cockpit propellers (for helicopters) MKI cargo bay KIS Mod Parachutes for kerbals (or at least ejection seats)
  2. What I really want to know is why they went back to the soup atmosphere in 1.04. 1.0 was so much better
  3. Ok so I see people making all kinds of fighters type aircraft that look really great and fly really great. What is the secret. If I build 100 fighters, only one will be of quality design. What I look for is… Fast (early hits 340m/s below 200m) Tight turn (flys circles around the VAB) Stable (won't lose to much speed in a turn and doesn't flip out when turning) realistic design (self explanatory) decent fuel amount (gets me to the north eastern Island and back) Low part count (no more that 120 parts total) My current fighter (PG-38 Banshee) is a prime example of what I expect in a fighter design, but I have no idea how I did it. Complete mystery to me
  4. yes and… yes. Plus not to mention HALO drops when BD FPS adds parachutes
  5. I already have something similar but the I'm using the smallest .65m fuel (has 18 units of liquid and some oxidizer) however they are too heavy, ugly, and have empty space (from dumping the oxidizer). You know that island that is to the north east of KSC. My primary fighter can get there and half way back even with those makeshift drop tanks
  6. After shooting down 3 Babylon Industries fighters, Capt. Val Kerman has retaken the island airfield thanks to her PG-38 Banshee Yes I am listening to Top Gun theme
  7. After shooting down 3 Babylon Industries fighters, Capt. Val Kerman has retaken the island airfield thanks to her PG-38 Banshee Yes I am listening to the Top Gun Theme And in true Top Gun fashion…I had to buzz the tower
  8. I ll give it a try. Sorry for setting it as wndows instead of OSX. It just seems every time I have a question and set it as OSX I'm ignored like the plague Edit: HOLY CRAP THAT DID IT!!! That was my first time editing coding like that so I'm really proud of myself. Thank you all for the help. Very Much appreciated
  9. It does. However I need to find a program that will let me change the cfg. File. Any known programs for Mac that do that?
  10. So we all know about this dust affect caused by engines near the ground. However when I use VTOL's they cause my games FPS to slow way down. Is there a way to turn off dust affects? Edit: It is the Surface FX option that fixes this? If so I click on it, restart KSP, but it is still set to true. Oh and I'm on Macbook but figured I would get a faster response with windows
  11. Yes I know about OPT but I'm pushing it as it is with BD amroy and a few others on my MacBOOk
  12. Ok so with the update to Unity 5.2. if KSP 1.1 gets pushed back will BD armory also get pushed back?
  13. Ive just been throwing on one of the radars anyway so I wouldn't know
  14. Where is Albert Einetierman when you need him
  15. So a Kerbal Combustion Engine. I have seen everything now
  16. So I have been doing some test and have noticed a few things AIs have a tendency to Blue on Blue if they are using AIM-9s. If they lock on they will fire even if it is a friendly. Either that or they get a quick lock on the enemy and they fire it can re lock onto a friendly. Another this is when AIs attack ground they only use missile or guns. If they have only rockets or bombs they will do attack runs but won't fire. Final thing I've noticed is they don't balance the weapons. They will fire all on one wing then the other.
  17. Rockets should have them as they can attach to the weapon rail. As for guns just use locked angle snap
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