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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. Well he (BD) is also working on a Wingman part of the mod (much like burn together but better) so a squad battle should be interesting. That part isn't out yet though
  2. Sounds good. Take you time. Im sure it will be great as usual BTW are you using the latest BD armory update? If not Id wait till after this episode
  3. Just out of curiosity how is the next episode going.
  4. I just got in from a football game (we won btw). i ll try the update soon EDIT: that did the trick. Thank you for being patient with me. Cant wait to see where you take this add on
  5. Well bullets in real life don't produce smoke when fired. They do leave a vapor trail caused by the air flow moving around it. Similar to when a jet makes makes a high G turn. It isn't smoke that's on the wings but the air moving around it. But back on topic, if he does it should be an option because low quality computers (like my MacBook) would not handle the graphics as well. But it is an interesting concept. That said if he does it should be way down the line as it isn't something I would consider a priority
  6. New idea for future update (far distance update) EMP weapons? Think about it
  7. Looking forward to it Thanks. You have definitely earned a round of Toomers Courner Lemonade
  8. Ain't their either. The ammo boxes and handheld laser are though
  9. Wasn't me…and no The guy in the comments said it corrupted his game. Plus even if it was me I wouldn't because it was unintentionally leaked meaning Bahamato would not have wanted it released yet. So out of respect for him I would not.
  10. If this needs to be taken down please let me know and I will ASAP
  11. I got that but the second Vulcan (the hand held one) is not showing up
  12. Is that in game or a file? Edit: when I get the chance to I ll give you screan shots to better explain
  13. Sounds good. However I did just that but the guns are not smaller sized guns are not showing up. The small ammo packs and handheld laser sight are though. Also thanks for the help so far and being patent with me.
  14. Ok so I got KIS working but I can't figure out to to equip guns edit: pretty much it wont let me equip the guns Also are there suppose to be scaled down versions of the guns because I'm not seeing them
  15. I have a MacBook. I can't heavy mod if I tired lol. But yeah I ll try it in about an hour
  16. I ll give that a try when I get home (can't download on campus). If that doesn't work I ll post a pic of what is going on
  17. I think the AI needs to be a bit smarter. In testing a 3v1 with me being the one, when the AI take off with stand by mode on the do their thing then engage me. However every time if they are close (almost in a wingman formation) at least one ai gets killed via blue on blue (all are using Aim-9). It's like they have me locked on but at the time of fire the lock divests to an AI. If they are not flying close it works fine but if they are at least 1 gets team killed
  18. All KIS parts I know this isn't the KIS thread but considering there is more people active here I figured I could get results faster here (but I did leave a note on the KIS thread first)
  19. Ok so I'm having issues with KIS. I can put stuff into the inventory but when I launch the vehicle I can't open it. It gives me this text saying that it can't open and I need to check installation but I know I 100% installed it right
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