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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. Im playing on lowest graphic settings Mod does now work I build a base and when i go to spawn at it or fly to it from another base the created base is not there. Its physics are but the base itself isn't As you can see in the picture. The probe core is physically on the base…but the base is invisible. It was visible when I made it though
  2. Any ace combat fans here? Yo Buddy, Still Alive?
  3. Like a dream…I ll post download. (Note it is stock+BD armory and its code name that I made for it is PG-11 Avalon) - - - Updated - - - Its mostly wings and RTGs (to balance weight and give the laser more power sense the laser is thirsty for electricity)
  4. I already have. Thats 4 engines you are looking at. Any more and it will be too back heavy. Plus its already at close to 190 parts (The ABL model).
  5. Couple of Questions 1. Does the person hosting have to record the video? (I am unable to do that.) 2. Can the craft have reaction wheels if they get turned off? 3. If I submit a few crafts can they be reviewed first to insure they are good to be used? 4. If I'm not hosting do I have to record?
  6. It flies really well actually. The only downside is it isn't Mach 1 capable at sea level (top average of 295 m/s) but it can out accelerate most craft out there and turns radius is really great. Also when in the turn it does not lose a ton of speed. I also have a non laser version that holds 10 AIM-9s and 6 AMMRAMs but that version can make MACH 1
  7. Hey I was wondering. I know there are people doing challenges with FAR and BD where people can submit fighters in but are there any non FAR challenges like that out there? Sorry if this is not the place to ask
  8. Any ace combat fans out there? I made ADFX-01 inspired plane http://www./download/n84c9fi4c7d8gwk/PG-11A_Avalon_%28ATA%29.craft (Missile Model) http://www./download/kbmahhfbqo4k61e/PG-11B_Avalon.craft (ABL Model)
  9. Ive been working on a crap ton of stuff (no space though) But I ll have to wait until you update to the latest BD armory version to let you try it Here is just one example (I know you have a thing against lasers but there is a non laser version)
  10. 3…2…1…lau….spontaneous deconstruction
  11. I noticed that you had to switch in the beta you sent. I think that is simply because it does not recognizes the weapon manager has been added yet. TBH i was ok with that. Distant future maybe but early mod build I'm ok with it.
  12. Valentina after an ODST test run. Landed within 1km of KSC from a 200km orbit
  13. Another reason why I'm looking forward to the next update to include guard mode…. ODSTs
  14. Hey Im about to PM you. Give me a sec please edit: I would get a 502 error when I say that. Brilliant
  15. Im experiencing the same problem without FAR. if you are going to ripple them set the ripple to 100. Yes its slow but so far its the only way to drop bombs without them exploding all at once. The bug is that instead of having them blow up individually the heat produced from it is recognized by all the parts in the blast area instead of just the intended targets I posted this issue a while back but was completely ignored by everyone
  16. Ive been talking with Count A and he is not experiencing the problems I have. Is it possible this mod is not macbook friendly?
  17. Well I got it to no longer spontaneous deconstruct but now the dive computer won't toggle auto buoyancy or Auto keel. The under water camera also seems to not work properly
  18. yeah I did set it all to zero. One guy I talk to said to do that. That said when everything was still set at stock buoyancy it still acted weird
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