First thing was to load up my old saved mission and saw none of my craft worked Second was check the forums and notice other people having issues Third, download Mechjeb fix Fourth, make a couple of flags Fith, build an orbiting comms station for Kerbin and the Mun Sixth, build a refueling station for Kerbin and the Mun Seventh, build a transport and lander for the Mun Eighth, fly to the moon refueler, refuel, land on the Mun and plant my first flag Ninth, Strap Jeb to 5 SRB's and went for a ride after seeing these posts Tenth, Strap him to some big fuel tanks (with SRB's) and send him 6,661.067m on a 12 hour trip from Kerbin and back Eleventh, build a plane and strap him to it, successfully take off, fly around, find a new runway I didn't know existed, try to land on it and missed, landing past it and running into the water where he survived All the while taking pictures hehe