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Everything posted by palker

  1. I built a big rocket to deliver 6 satellites to Jool. It did not work. So i replaced the satellites with a command pod to see how far i could fly if i burned all 9.5k delta v at once. Turns i could fly straight into the Sun.
  2. KSP learning curve does not have a very steep slope. They should have only play the tutorials within the game to get them started after that their own curiosity would lead them to discover how to land on the Mun an do the other things before the week is over. You know what has a steep learning curve? DCS:A-10 or any DCS sim really. If someone says that the learning curve discouraged him from playing those i can understand that but KSP? Come one have some ritalin and try again.
  3. I would not say massive i knew nothing of spaceflight and orbital mechanics when i started up. All you really need is watch few youtube tutorials and do the ingame tutorials and you are good to go. Anyway i am now 3 nodes from unlocking the entire tech three and i think it was actually too easy to get there.
  4. Yeah landing legs are upside down. I mounted them like that intentionally cause i forgot that they extend like that. I laughed when i saw that and that i failed to notice it. Fortunately in retracted position they extended below the engine by few inches so they still served their purpose.
  5. Can you guess what is wrong with this lander?
  6. Get infected eat some brains. mmmmm....brains.
  7. Using Taverio's pizza and aerospace + FAR not sure if acceptable entry but it sure is the most difficult/realistic way of designing planes. 1872 m/s was my top speed, since regular jets have 0 thrust at about 1200 m/s i used single ramjet to get to this speed.
  8. There was a nice chapter in SuperFreakonomics about times before cars were common and horse dung was everywhere.
  9. I got over 3300 science points going from Kerbin to Close flyby of sun and then i managed to get to Duna orbit Ike and then land on Duna with a single probe. Will send bunch of probes to Jool for some real science.
  10. I agree the firs rocket i built in the career mode achieved orbit. On the beginning of your space program you should have bunch of airplane parts, basic jet engine and basic scientific instruments like thermometer and pressure meter and a probe core with a weak rocket engine that can send it on ballistic trajectory. Another thing i wish we could do is improving efficiency of the same part in the tech nodes. So you could unlock a heavy and inefficient battery/rocket/solar panel/ and then improve it in the next research nodes.
  11. I guess a compensation circle. A place as distant as possible from sources of electromagnetic interference that is used to calibrate magnetic compass on aircraft with the radial spokes marking the headings.
  12. Climate is changing ok. The question is: Why should i care? Most likely by the time some real cereal stuff happens i will be dead or to old to notice.
  13. Went to Duna and back for the first time here are some mission screens. Lift of of Far away lands interplanetary rocket Arrival at Duna Lander separation Successful landing Exploring with RCS + parachutes Docking with Kerbin transfer rocket to move the crew from the lander. Back home Few things i found out were that the lander has just barely enough deltav to perform the landing and take of from Duna when i docked with the transfer rocket i had just about 150 m/s delta v left while the interplanetary stage had way more delta v than necessary for Kerbin transfer. Also the time between transfer windows will require bigger more comfortable transfer rockets and landers.
  14. Agreed most of the "rovers" people build is just bunch of SRBs with a wheels I build a proper rover with rockets strapped to it.
  15. I did a challenge entry http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47206-Stock-The-MythBusters-JATO-Car-Challenge
  16. Even one ship counts if its big enough. For example my instant Mun base has Hitch-hiker module lander can and command pod and it houses 3 kerbals also it comes with a rover for easy exploration. When designing bases i use a simple rule for permanent habitation that 1 hitch-hiker supports 2 kerbals.
  17. My attempt. Spent good few hours crashing and exploding until i build something controllable. 4 Big SRBs 6 small ones and 2 separatrons. Used the biggest rover wheels cause the regular ones could not take the weight also millions struts to keep to together. 9 reaction wheels to deal with the unbalanced trust and 2 parachutes for safe and comfy landing. Lander can containing a brave test pilot girders panels and 2 command seats plus big batteries and RTGs over 120 parts in total i think. Rover is drivable even before launch if you land on the ground rover should stay intact and carry you wherever you want to go + with so many reaction wheels it should be pretty flip resistant. Highest altitude 49 684 m Adam Would Be Proud: 10 points. There's Airborne, And Then...: 4960 points. If It's Worth Doing...: 5 points. Historically Accurate: 25 points. Result 5000 points.
  18. Flew a VTOL to the island airstrip. Build a huge rocket for interplanetary missions.
  19. I built a hypersonic jet to recover Kerbals after landing far away from KSC. There was just a small design flaw that is that the plane does not have ladders so i had to hack gravity to get Jeb on board. Jeb returned from a trip to Minmus using only RCS powered rover and his own EVA pack. Next i have to pick up Bill and Bob who were on Minmus and Mun and landed on the opposite side of the globe from KSC.
  20. I am a long time IL-2 flier and this thread gives me opportunity to plug some videos that i made of IL2 in past years. I also play the new IL-2 called Cliffs of Dover which is now playable thanks to the effort of modding community.
  21. Over past few evenings i built and landed a rover on Duna. After that i sent an old rocket design to Minmus after landing i used a RCS powered rover and EVA pack to return Jeb from Minmus back to Kerbin. Bill and Bob then climbed back to the lander and set out to land on the Mun.
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