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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. oh, just for the people that don't already know valve registered HL3 and L4D3
  2. itx= smaller portable but not as much upgrade space atx= larger less portable but more upgrade space or you can be crazy like me and put a matx into one of the largest mid towers out there. and somethings with your intel build you psu is probably a bit overpowered for what you need no ssd? you don't really need ram faster than 1600 don't get a Aio(wannabe water cooling) either go custom or high end air somthing like the 212 evo form cooler master why not windows 8? and just a thought wait for amd's new cards to come out before you buy prices might come down. As for gpu and cpu playing "nice" don't worry about it. and for your thermal compound(tim) you can just use the stuff on the cooler to save some money there only a few C difference between them, and they regularly go on sale (some thimes even free with rebate) so if you do buy just wait.
  3. then again all his craft are abomination's... or overdone. think space pen and pencil.../"if it's worth doing it's worth overdoing."
  4. false untill now... DUN DUUUUUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN the user below me like's ponies
  5. here's a thought how about the next one be a new BSC that is not in the game right now?
  6. false(have you read the updated version?) the user below me has not read the updated version of my invisible text
  7. banned for trying to start a "COMIC SANS STREAK"
  8. Kerbal wielding a subatomic disintegration gun for one year.
  9. banned for only having 0.34 posts per day
  10. (and I hate you now... and my impulsiveness/curiosity... watch season 1 episode 1-11 DAMN YOU) and mrrpamplemousse
  11. well some one need's to grow up
  12. true who doesn't? the user below me did not read my invisible text
  13. sadly true... and it's all mrrpamplemousse fault I hate him and you all now know what I meant by (and I hate you now... and my impulsiveness/curiosity... watch season 1 episode 1-11 DAMN YOU) the user below me is a bronie...
  14. let's see what's wrong... everthing on that note I find it funny that were only talking about this because were all space sim gaming people
  15. granted and upon using them you suffer perail of the warp and a sucked in by demons to either a. Wonder a maze for all eternity b. fight in gladiatorial battles for all eternity (you get revive every time you die) c. become a $ex slave for all enternity or d. become a roting thing for all eternity (Realm of Tzeentch, Khorne, Slaanesh, and Nurgle respectively) (40k lore and Read this) I wish for stuff
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