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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. Yeah, same here. They look awesome though.
  2. Yeah, I've read that. But I've found that setting the wings low in a delta-canard configuration gives nice maneuverability and stability.
  3. Nevermind, Firespitter includes one so it'd be pointless... I'll do a Spitfire. Nevermind about that too...
  4. Fiiiine... I'll think of my favorite. But first. Rareden. New Nassault video. AMAZING <Fluffy Bunnies> JOB ON THE LAUNCH SCENE, MY GOD IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL IT SENT MY JAW THROUGH THE EARTH. I wish real life was that beautiful and realistic... oh wait... not, not realistic... just beautiful...
  5. I thought I was the only one. But yeah, other than the virus's, it just got boring. The only game I could play without falling asleep at my computer would be plane games and GOOD space games (which were incredibly rare). I just went there a few weeks ago to see what it was like... and... well, mostly the reason I left. The front page was filled with bad games, boring games, fake titled games that change titles and pictures every 10 minutes, and then, 20 pages back, the good games. With about 3 people each. So yeah, kinda why I left...
  6. Well, yeah, flying multi-million... scratch that, multi-billion part crafts the size of Jool, you might need 9001 (IT'S OVAR 9000) Titans...
  7. Yus... NerdCubed.. love him. (No not like that) He did go to college for like, a year for astrophysics, and he does like KSP so I can see liked this video.
  8. He means his pics... I'll edit this with my favorite. NONONO WAIT. I HAVE TO PICK A FAVORITE?!?!?!
  9. Also, putting canards on the plane makes it very maneuverable, but no matter the placement, made the plane very unstable.
  10. Alright... I've just seen a few videos with very maneuverable and *relatively* stable.
  11. Well, yeah, and hey. But I like to make stock planes so I can share them with people. But yes, I agree, FAR is worlds better.
  12. So, I've been building planes for a while, have a few functional SSTO's, lot of atmo planes, VTOL's, they're all quite stable and nice to fly, but one thing they lack is maneuverability. I can either make an insanely maneuverable plane the flips out at the touch of a button and slams into the ground try to do its own aerobatic maneuvers, or it has a turn radius about the size of Jool. So yeah, how can I make a maneuverable and stable plane? Thanks, by the way, the sooner I get help, the less deaths Jeb experiences...
  13. This. This right here. Where is the border between "property" and art. I can see restricting selling OF the models, but seriously, this is art. Not "property".
  14. Exactly. Why can a YouTuber make money off of a video DIRECTLY from the game, or say, Twitch streamers. They are ALL using something that is "property" of SQUAD. So if you can make money off of YouTube videos, then there is no reason you can't off prints, as prints really are just this "property" printed out on some paper.
  15. Yeah... one Kerbal of mine survived a Duna return... seriously those helmets must be made of <DERPING> titaniun coated Kevlar.
  16. 4.471848157e^mc/10^derp Lul wut? But yeh, seen you a bit.
  17. Really Whack? I never noticed, I always thought you built small.
  18. To avoid the risk of that you should probably talk to SQUAD. If they say yes, I should probably make about 20 feet empty space on my walls.
  19. Nothing stopping you from *right click-print*
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