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Everything posted by RocketTurtle

  1. So which one is the best of the... ehm, 6 you listed?
  2. The probe was upside down but I got it fixed. Thank you!!!
  3. The file? Okay. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6r1qNKmBVMeRzJTYm5BbFZGV1k/edit?usp=drive_web Get the probe on top of it facing forward somewhere in the ship where it isn't interfering with anything and is in the center.
  4. I just can't get the ship to attach to the probe core the way I want it to. If anyone wants to try I can give you the craft file.
  5. I said even if I added a new pod I couldn't attach it anywhere useful. I want to attach it in the middle of the craft put it just has a spasm and wont let me.
  6. Noooooooooo Welp. I give up. Looks like no battles for me.
  7. Oh my God someone help me. For my first ship I used the Lander Can as my first part, I put it facing upwards not really thinking about it, but now that I'm testing it it makes it a pain to fly and aim! I want the main command module to be a probe facing forwards, but there's no way to do it! I deleted the can, placed a probe, but I can't connect it anywhere useful! I've tried editing the files for HOURS doing things that would make complete sense, like swapping the locations with another probe, but instead just corrupt the whole file but NOTHING works! Someone PLEASE help. I will NOT rebuild this thing!
  8. Yeah. The devs say it's reversed Spanish.
  9. I know... I want weapons though!
  10. ... Still not in the OP... how many posts will this take?
  11. I was never added in the OP. Flag in my sig, name is Infinity Aerospace.
  12. At 56% lightspeed the missile would clip through the target.
  13. Mostly, but what do you mean that "it can travel in both"?
  14. Can someone give me a persistence with ground targets? (Tanks, boats, etc.)
  15. Are those LSI's SSTO's? Also, do most of you use HyperEdit?
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