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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. I love these parts and if the author integrates landing legs and some small probe like engines and this will replace AIES for probe parts
  2. Mechjeb ad the Alernative Resource Panel for me Triggers panel should be stock
  3. Well thats the reason they did the pre-release so we can stomp the bugs out
  4. There is a reason for that all mediafire links where removed by Kasper for content advertised on mediafire links, unless you intend to stay on lower versions of KSP and with the impending release of 1.1 officially I would advise against using these mods as they are severely depreciated, and the changes in 1.1 will probably make the mods listed here unreliable.
  5. Probably waiting for the final release instead of the dev release which potentially could break something
  6. I dont have the craft file sorry i was testing and didnt save its basically built of the subassembly of the 1.25 heavy with maverick 1D engine on the central core 2 globe VI srb and 4 fins the second stage runs the wildcat engine speed I think was about 1500ms Orbit on the navball. I have recreated it for you http://imgur.com/2wPoFj9 https://www.dropbox.com/s/zhspx2b0hp9ina3/Test.craft?dl=0
  7. Hi i started to test your mod in the pre-release and found a couple of issues so I though I would share my findings I am a mechjeb user and loaded your craft file and just added the cube probe body First issue the tanks where all empty in the first 3 stages I checked in the VAB before flight Second issue I encountered at 1000m its starts to sway left to right then flips over at around 5000m Third issue Upon separation of the first stage it immediately flips over and nose dives and never recovers If someone else could confirm that this happening or its unique to me, I am using the out of the box ascent profile for mechjeb I have also tried to fly manually with similar results x64 Version 1.1 pre-release build 1174 of KSP on windows 10
  8. This is the Wikipedia definition of the nyan cat Nyan Cat is the name of a YouTube video, uploaded in April 2011, which became an Internet meme. The video merged a Japanese pop song with an animated cartoon cat with the body of a Pop-Tart, flying through space, and leaving a rainbow trail behind it. The video ranked at number 5 on the list of most viewed YouTube videos in 2011 and for your enjoyment
  9. @linuxgurugamer Here is the pic as requested this doesnt happen with stock fairings http://imgur.com/BvXSMCq P.S I really hate this forum software no matter what I try i cant get the pic to show
  10. @linuxgurugamer I think there might be a problem with fairings for the pre-release they start to glow red around 50km I am using the 64bit version of build 1174 of the pre-release
  11. @Ghosty141 General rule of thumb is if it has a plugin it will need updating by the author, if its parts only it should work BUT this is a big update so parts may need updating as well. I am really glad squad did a pre-release to let the mod authors have the time to look at the changes and modify as needed.
  12. Seriously your asking that, it was released today and its a pre-release so they can fix the mod for 1.1 come back in two weeks when the release is official
  13. Is there a craft file for the space shuttle the ones provided seem to be for the Buran Mod
  14. I Pm'd Bobcat a while back and he stated he is to busy developing his UE4 game and has no time to update the mods he has here, so 1.1 maybe the end of these unless he allows someone access to the source files and brings them back to life
  15. I love these parts you have done an excellent job cant wait for any additions you will add. Trying to add some small thrusters from the supply I have none do it justice I think you should make your own. The animation on the RTG is so cool I could watch it all day
  16. I like it with the release of 1.1 due we all will have a little more overhead to run stuff so why not splurge a little
  17. This looks excellent love the probe parts is there a download for the probe parts or is it still WIP
  18. @kenbobo most of the modders have been holding off till the release of 1.1 and the authors havent indicated they are no longer supporting KW, there are community fixes provided by LinuxGuruGamer who has done a great job patching things and has my gratitude and thanks. Just incase your Google Foo is lacking here is a link to the community fix http://spacedock.info/mod/51/KW%20Rocketry%20-%20Community%20Fixes
  19. Denny's did work but it doesnt now it flips over I think the fairings are out of whack tried old school fairings mod and they confirmed an issue there is another proton mod that doesnt fit I think its this one. its nice to have you back I love your skylab and probes mods
  20. Sorry Raidernick I didnt reliase you had a working version was thinking more along the OLDD Bobcat ones
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