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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. squad should release it we all know its alpha, it should just come with a disclaimer use at your own risk we are only supporting 32bit but the upside is many of us would switch and they would have real data to work from
  2. Hi Stupid_Chris I use your mod its very good however I have struck a problem using the new Bobcat Home 3 system the command pods parachute turns invisible still functions and deploys correctly but its due to the MM config written for the old HOME System could you advise what changes would need to be made so all the HOME chutes are visible
  3. I figured it out the realchute MM config for the HOME parachutes is whats doing it, remove the MM config works as intended I will post in the real chute thread Update: Stupid chris will update the MM configs on his next release Home 1 came out well before RPM so i would guess it wouldnt have it however if someone wanted to create a stunning new IVA then it would Ok I have been messing around with the configs for the descent stage and fixed the landing gear suspension if you change the values to whats listed it works quite nicely suspensionSpring = 5 suspensionDamper = 2 Also the decoupler Icon for the engine of the ISM didnt really work for me. if you place the decoupler as the last module under all the engine stuff the icon will change to an engine you still need to setup an action group or right click to decouple, personally this should be replaced with a custom made decoupler. Dragon is there any chance Bobcat could knock one up if he has time and we can remove the decoupler option from the ISM cfg. PS ( The JOOL V 2m decoupler fits perfectly and looks the part )
  4. I have noticed one thing about the Tesla wheels and tires they are very fragile might need to beef them up a bit
  5. Dragon do you have visible parachute on the main pod
  6. I have an invisible parachute on the main pod it deploys and works but is not visible in game
  7. I have a small bug If i scan kerbin and change my map from rectangular to Kavrayskly i get my mun scan and vice versa
  8. But kerbal isn't realistic it's about a bunch of green guys shooting stuff into space using Fasa rockets which are frizzanks interpretation of the Gemini Apollo programs
  9. Hi Yogui would it be possible to have an alternative download to Curse please
  10. With the release of Bobcats Home3 I would like to add VV to the screens or get them to use your screens how do i do this
  11. Would Bobcat consider modelling a greenhouse for the new HOME3 its so awesome. I have loved all his stuff since I started playing If I use the magic word PLEASE it might appear
  12. Is the old Home using the porkjet plugin or the cleverbobcat plugin as i am using the cleverbobcat plugin and it works fine Also to get the garage door open in the VAB add the lines in blue MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = door_open animSwitch = true animTime = 1 startEventGUIName = Open Garage endEventGUIName = Close Garage } Could an additional decoupler be added to the service module or the parachute as there is no way to seperate it if you just want the hab module alone on home 3 system I cant seem to get the tesla to work it just flips over on the launch pad (solved interior was missing)
  13. Thanks for the awesome Dragon V2 Caplusle its a masterpiece am having some trouble with a docking port that fits and the nose cone fit over it
  14. Well its just as well i asked then and let you know its out there but I agree Daishi its just the start of many fake sites
  15. Is this site part of your project as its up and running http://kerbal-space-parts.com/
  16. Found the Mem 3.2 here http://kerbal-space-parts.com/space/modpart-munar-excursion-module-mem-v3-2-974.html
  17. The second pic boosters go to about 18km before they run dry I just like mucking about with alternative setups
  18. Thats not a converstaion for here otherwise I will draw the wrath of the moderators head over to the curse thread and draw your conclusions from there
  19. She updated it last time I asked her, but if not we just need some clever people to compile the code for 23.5 I listed the source in post #1132 license says it can be modified or changed as long as original credit is given to author and thanks for that landing leg info didnt know about it as i am only a novice with cfg files. Also i am anti curse personal choice and disagree with what squad did
  20. I made a variant of the KSO with the ARM boosters as well, I even rescaled bobcats nosecone down to fit the tops, it works great. Its nice being able to have alternatives and the craft still performs flawlessly great credit to Helldiver and Nazari here is a pic
  21. I have that one working only problem is the the landing gear you have to setup action groups would be nice if it could be made to use the standard keys also all the code for the .dll is here http://cleverbobcat.codeplex.com/ if anyone wants to review or compile one I would maintain it if i knew how
  22. I have already emailed cleverwalrus and asked for an update to the dll
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