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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. Personally I hate the toolbar I have like 3 mods that must use it. Unless it's impossible to do personal choice is always best I feel
  2. That would be awesome I know I will vote for the habitat there is a lack of them in the game at the moment and with your beautifull knack for IVA it would be fantastic
  3. Has the time scale changed in KSP duna transfers only ever used to be 6 months now there over year or is MJ miscalculating but KAC is saying the same thing so am not sure whats going on
  4. Technogeeky are you taking over officially from danmy ?
  5. Hi could you advise Mihara over at the Rastor prop monitor thread of any changes so he can compile a new scansatrpm, and its awesome your doing some development on this Thanks
  6. I was 7 when Armstrong walked on the moon and I watched most of the televised launches I saw Skylab go into space and come back down, I would have to agree your models are excellent and to able to play an actual apollo mission is awesome
  7. I like the old system where it would tell you what was missing so you could narrow it down
  8. I take it this breaks craft files, cant load any of the old landers I built
  9. I heard they are recycling the shuttle engines for the main booster
  10. What i would do is remove every mod from gamedata so you only have the squad folder / Nasa mission sitting in there, then download the latest MJ 223 zip from dev and install it as the only mod and see if it shows up, if it doesnt i would re download ksp or verify files if your using steam
  11. The answer is to not use RSS and see if it works normally then you can narrow it down to an RSS problem
  12. Robotic arm is fixed download romfarers latest robotic arms pack he fixed the plugin dll
  13. its fixed download romfarers latest robotic arms pack he fixed the plugin dll
  14. There are a number of parts that havent had career mode added in its around 4 or 5 cant remember what they are
  15. I really like that idea especially details getting sharper as you map the planet to find the optimal landing sites
  16. This may help you the black knob
  17. Having an issue with the Fuel sensor and action group trigger I use it on my shuttle to eject the main tank cut the main engines and fire up the maneuvering engines this doesnt seem to work in 23.5 anymore is anyone else having this problem
  18. Guys if your having memory problems use this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-5-Release-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs%21 I am running 56 mods at half res and have no issues
  19. All of Bobcats mods need updating you will just have to wait till he does it, could be 1 day or 6 months he may be holding off till the 0.24 release only he can tell us.
  20. What would need to be changed to bring the configs back to normal size
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