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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. I know the KSO team is busy squashing bugs for releases I was wondering if you would consider using WARI mfd screens they are really good quality and has a ton of information including the vessel viewer which is an awesome plugin its only a suggestion http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66198-0-23-Kerbal-Space-Industries-05MAR14-MFD-1-1f-Minor-fixes?p=1012545&viewfull=1#post1012545
  2. I have no issues with mechjeb getting the KSO to a 300km orbit it stages correctly, the LRB's jettison at around 16000KM. I also use the smartparts to jettison the ET and shut down the main engines and fire up the oms engines and the main ET jettison on the start of circulation burn. Really happy with the way MJ is handling the KSO
  3. I use mechjeb and it has no problem getting to a 300km orbit with a payload on and has enough fuel to de-orbit and land so mechjeb must be providing optimum ascent settings for the KSO
  4. Thanks found it its hard to find when the lettering is blurry due to memory saving mods
  5. Ok I know there is a light switch button in the observation module i cant for the life of me find it could somebody point me in the right direction otherwise loving the new release
  6. Ok an updated Nvidia driver and reboot seems to have cured all my problems sorry to be a pest
  7. Anyone having problems with the 6 way connector cant get it to connect to anything
  8. I have trouble landing as well but I just suck at landings I have trouble linning up the runway I am either to high or to low and cant seem to turn it, I would say its not the equipment at fault its just my terrible piloting skills with anything spaceplane
  9. My screens have a green hue not black and my navball is washed out white colour / light blue any suggestions on what could be wrong I have the latest version
  10. Its the life support mod just delete it if your not interested in using it
  11. Yeah but being locked to a limited amount of ram sucks, especially when everything is loaded into at the start. 64 bit will allow you to go past the 4gig limit which is my biggest gripe at the moment i run mods and the limit sucks. Be nice if C7 could pop in and give us a bit of an update
  12. Not only parts and features but fixes and work arounds the modding community is awesome i just wish squad would pull there finger out and stop dicking around with new content and concentrate on getting this to beta and while they are at smack unity over the head to get us a stable x64 client for windows
  13. And I stumble upon this thread and am blown away with the quality of the parts looks like I will be deleting mods to fit this one in when it hits beta testing
  14. Have you consider keeping some small SRBS in reserve to give you that initial kick and velocity
  15. Space X is already doing missions to the ISS with the falcon 9, falcon heavy will just be a derivative using proven hardware, it will be cheaper, turn around times will be quicker and its privately funded and not bogged down with Government Bureaucracy and estimate committees
  16. Hide it from the government who will probably want to slap you with a tax for using it
  17. SRB's are designed to give you the kick to a higher altitude carrying a decent velocity also, where the drag is less and the air is thinner and where your main engines perform better and they push you into orbit. I use them all the time when the game puts costing on a launch srbs are recoverable there cost will be low to reuse
  18. I think i would rather have a 64bit client that crashed randomly than have to keep culling mods to meet ram requirements all the time, at least the community would be assisting in nailing down the 64bit crashes for quicker resolution on the problem hopefully they release it soon
  19. I had to weld the JEM parts together as they had a really bad habit of breaking off and floating away
  20. Would it be possible to put a PDF together on how to assemble it like the MIR mod has, will cut down on lots of 'How do you assemble this questions" or maybe pre-assembled craft files in the sequence they launched on proton or shuttle for those that like historically accurate.
  21. Can we throw in a complete lack of windows 64bit client and the fact that all parts have to be preloaded into memory first rather than accessing when needed seeing as I have been *****ing about this for a year
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