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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. Still having the similar issue with the TT-70 decoupler it now doesnt break on the launchpad (\0/) it now breaks at 9000m everytime using Bobcats Altait ares rocket
  2. Cmon the B9 forum is a bit of threadnought but you should at least put some effort to reading through some of the previous posts and if you cant find what you looking for then ask its not like the question hasnt been answered on every second page since .23 came out I am with deadweasil on this one
  3. Download isnt working
  4. Thats what make this mod one of the top 5 its released highly polished and finished, there is always going to be a bug or two to squash as we the users place the finished product under real world testing. Helldiver you and Nazari have done an outstanding job please take all the time you need to finish its so awesome we can wait.
  5. Your welcome maybe if you can let us know what the issue is it may help others who are having the same or similar issue
  6. I wish i could learn this stuff but I guess its a gift you have awesome models
  7. Pandora explodes when jettisoning the heat shield you have to increase the crash tolerances to stop it doing it, also would it be possible to not have the laser in the head of the pandora and use hullcam vds as a camera this will lose the dependency on having romfarers lazer mod also could the wheel animation be switched to standard squad stuff please
  8. You seem to be rather a big fan of that particular SRB are you by chance the author or know him
  9. Maybe we can help you if you give us more info 1) Are you using FAR 2)Did you download and install the requirements and the recommendations 3)Where did you install the engine thrust pluggin ( A suggestion would be to place it in the css folder) 4) Did you lock any of the gimballing as its not a good idea 5)Did you set the trim and the engine speed 6) Do you use MJ 7) Do you let the engines reach full power before releasing the clamps, the main engines should be running before you fire the srbs and release the clamps If you can answer some of the questions we may be able to resolve it I have had a dozen launches and everyone a success
  10. Tested this out its really good so here are some pics for you messed up the landing overshot the runway but landed on the grass landing pics omitted due to embarrassment
  11. I may have found a bug the Hybrids are not auto switching I will clarify this they work fine if you take off from the launchpad however if your in orbit they dont auto switch from air to rocket, and the capsule is only starting off with half fuel for some reason if you check it on the launchpad
  12. Would it be possible to get the Orientation of the launchpad the same as the orientation of the VAB its a gotcha everytime as i forget to turn the ship as looking out that big door it indicated your orientated right also would it be possible to have a crappy runway put in at the inland space centre VG
  13. Any news on this mod its been quiet in here for two weeks
  14. I actually liked the bright yellow but orange could work
  15. here is the converter link http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43513-Blender-mu-import-export-addon
  16. You will have a plugin thats conflicting with another or you have 2 of the same plugin but diffrent versions, remove all your mods 1 by 1 and figure out what the trouble maker is, its the most fool proof way of finding the culprit but time consuming
  17. Why is every second post about FAR or DR, Helldiver would it be possible to put on the first page wether its FAR or DR compatible
  18. Nope using the orange tank and boosters also using mechjeb with 6.9km start turn end turn 69km at 40 degree angle no FAR the shuttle has 171 LF and 210 OX when its finished reaching orbit
  19. I can get to a 300 Km equatorial orbit with half a tank of fuel left to go home on
  20. There where 4 instances of it I was running a Jool V rocket with a KSO shuttle on top memory was around 3 gb so its probably related to memory just trying to help out with logs of errors
  21. Hi Sarbian Using the new dev Version I got the following after CTD in the log hope it helps [ERR 21:52:04.726] MechJeb module MechJebModuleThrustController threw an exception in Drive: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at MuMech.CelestialBodyExtensions.RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude (.CelestialBody body) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.VesselState.TerminalVelocityStockKSP () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.VesselState.TerminalVelocity () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.MechJebModuleThrustController.TerminalVelocityThrottle () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.MechJebModuleThrustController.Drive (.FlightCtrlState s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.MechJebCore.Drive (.FlightCtrlState s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  22. I would just rather use all fasa parts than have to download another mod to go with it like procedural fairing at least you know whatever Frizzank put together is going to work right out of the box
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