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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. What about an emergency pod / container that could be deployed and perhaps flown down to stranded or crashed kerbals or left in orbit contains a small amount of fuel, radio beacon, basic survival package how many times have you miscalculated fuel reqs when taking off can make orbit but cant get back or landed and cant get back this emergency package could save save them
  2. Would you consider some deployable solar panels on the inside of the cargo doors
  3. Sam Hall would be the man for a decent IVA he did the MK2 cockpit and its awesome. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44012-Mk2-Cockpit-Internals
  4. Have you had issues with the japanese module breaking off and floatingaway ?
  5. Helldiver I can see your frustration you have created one of the best mods in the history of KSP and everyone loves it, but you have created a monster, that will get some negative comments, outrageous requests, stuff that will make you say did you even RTFM, and a host of other stuff. You have a plan we know you do as you do regular bug fix releases some new components etc which is awesome, so please dont get discouraged if it all seems to much we are just trying to help sometimes suggestions will allow you to think outside the box and solve an issue. On behalf of myself and a lot of other people I would like to say Thankyou and Nazari for the outstanding job you have done (I havent stopped using it since you released it) and just take everything with a grain of salt you cant please everyone all of the time and you never know there might be a suggestion in there that contains a little diamond, that will help with a particular problem or if you get stuck you can always post a question people are keen to help you succeed. This forum is one of the best i have ever been on there appears to be little or none forum trolls everyone is keen to help each other and very little flaming. Well i have rambled long enough congrats for an outstanding mod and please keep your chin up and dont get discouraged or frustrated. Regards VG
  6. Have you seen the docking port for the Buran from Bobcats soviet pack its prity good and its telescopic, I think you will need telescopic, clearance is going to be an issue especilally for ISS and Mir if you want to use a normal dock port
  7. There are three fixes as far as i know 2 are for plugins and the third is for the gear to stop wobbling, update all three and B9 is go. If you are crashing just after launch you have probably run out of memory I suggest you use Rbrays texture compressor it works brillantly
  8. Would it be possible to get a config for the new mini KSO shuttle please http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429-Kerbin-Shuttle-Orbiter-System
  9. Anyone have a fix for this japanese module just breaking off and floating away it seem to have a spot for a docking port but doesnt have one but you can only use one side I think I will try the welding mod and weld it together will report back if success or fail I can confirm welding the docking ports ELM and KIBO modules together to form 1 part has solved my problem of it breaking off and floating away its also reduced the lag slightly as its reduced to 1 part only its a B I T C H to drag up there but kerbal ingenuity is awesome so not impossible.
  10. Sarbian have you managed to identify why mechjeb decouples some side boosters and not others as the new KSO mod suffers from this as well wont detach the liquid boosters from the main tank and the soyuz stuff still refuses to decouple automatically
  11. I reckon it would look awesome with a bright yellow stripe
  12. After seeing what people are doing with this fantastic little shuttle I thought I would show what I was putting together Couldnt get the album to work so sorry its pic heavy
  13. I found these on space port they are quite nice to use on the SRB's http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/w-a-perfectrons-2/
  14. Have the co-ordinates for the runway changed again my spaceplanes keep trying to land across the runway not on it
  15. Its totally awesome launched fine its really thirsty on monopropellant so keep an eye on your levels
  16. I had this problem if you delete the life support folder it will stop otherwise you will inherit life support on everything
  17. it was an arbitrary figure to stop the exploding bug but if someone can suggest a realistic figure happy to go with that the one it has is to low so when you jettison the heatshield the entire contents explodes
  18. I have been following this with baited breath and to see it finally approaching the release finish line is awesome its a credit to You and your project team that you managed to to keep it going and get it finished so many start very few finish this will be one of the must have mods.
  19. The problem maybe your ISS FGB module its updated in the soviet pack but the craft file has the old one you may have to do a craft file edit to input the current FGB part number or build a new ISS in the SPH and save it
  20. The Hermes is fine and has no issues a suggestion was to raise Pandoras heatshield mass from 0.1 to 0.5 and changing ejection force to 10 you may have to increase the wheels crash tolerance to 100 or increase the crash tolerance of the pod its a trial an error thing after doing the first three I had no more problems
  21. The main problem with KSP is the lack of a 64bit client for windows (UNITY Issue) how long will we be stranded with this horrible 3.5 gb memory limit there seems to be little or NO information about what the problem is or if unity is even working on it and when we may see one available for testing or release, its like everyone just sticks there head in the sand like ostridges and ignores the problem if your a mod junkie like me then its a constant battle for memory.
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