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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. Did you install the latest infernal robotics DLL and if it doesnt drive download the latest DLL from cleverwalrus
  2. If you go to this post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12384-PART-0-23-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-1-1/page403 post number # 4029 and edit your ar202 case and replace whats there with the post info it will unlock everything at the start of the tree or you can selectively change the pieces you want to unlock earlier
  3. Thanks for that I will make those changes and see if it works Thanks DrBackjack those changes worked perfectly mass to 0.5 ejection to 10 the problem came back so I increased the crash value up on the wheels and its now solved
  4. Why does the the Pandora's heat shield destroy everything when it decouples I removed the decoupler from the CFG file and put a little AIES decoupler in and it works perfectly, I would prefer to use the in built decoupler but it just destroys everything any suggestions on how to make this work meanwhile I will use the work around
  5. Go to this post it has all the links to Bobcats stuff http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20286-20-x-BobCat-Ind-Release?p=646697&posted=1#post646697
  6. Romfarer has a proper docking cam http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/lazor-docking-cam/ its brilliant
  7. Hi went to the new version it broke KSP so badly it wouldnt load waited 15 mins to see if it was a time thing, pulled the mod out and it just constantly crashed to desktop had to restore from my backup copy which was your old version. Its working fine again now
  8. I have a haystack problem its progressively growing across my screen and is in a locked state where i cant do anything with it
  9. I have a bug whenever I select the docking autopilot it says select target I do so then the window blanks out and i am left with nothing but an empty window which says docking autopilot using the latest stable release for 0.23
  10. Bugger I liked the RCS tanks what version had all the tanks without all the plugin stuff mm might be a mix match as I like your structural stuff and radial mounts as well, can i ask a question as why you went down this new path instead of just doing updates to the releases, was it to save time on the models or the content was growing in size just interested is all
  11. Will this still work If you dont want the modular fuel stuff just not interested in it but love the tanks
  12. Will you be adding the last module the docking port the one on spaceport is ok but lacks functionality and flair of the Bobcat touch
  13. Testing 140 now, I keep a text file in the plugins folder so I can keep track of the build number now 1st Test : Jool V caring mir core staged successfully to 100km orbit 2nd Test : Progress rocket from Bobcats soviet pack failed to stage 3rd Test : Soyuz from same soviet pack again failed to stage 4th Test : Fasa Gemini Titan IIIc successfull to 100km orbit 5th Test :Proton from soviet pack successfull to 100km orbit I hope this helps I used known examples of ships so you can cross reference with other kerbinauts using those mods as well
  14. The old rovers can be used again there is an updated cleverbobcat DLL also there is a fix for the HOME recon unit to open the garage in the VAB, BOBCAT are you happy to let me release the line of code I got it from the squad devs and KhaosCorp worked out the required switch.
  15. There is a new cleverbobcat DLL updated for 0.23 this may correct some of the functionality loss
  16. A big Thanks to Ceverwalrus for updating all functionality has been restored to the DEMV's
  17. The Bobcat ROVERS are ALIVE with a BIG thanks to cleverwalrus so we can still use them till the next generation comes along and then they can fade away quietly Get the updated plugin from here http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/cleverbobcat-0-18/
  18. I just launched bobcats Progress Rocket from the soviet pack and it wouldnt auto stage ascent guidance was ticked to auto stage with a 2 sec delay I am using the 139 build
  19. is anyone else have weird graphic glitches when the main tanks seperates from the angara it puts me into a third person view and loses focus on the main body also it wont dock with bobcats mir docking ports Ignore this or delete it seems to have corrected itself
  20. Awesome I look forward to your updates as i depend on this
  21. Hi I have discovered a small issue with .23 update when using the Buran the landing gear is supposed to start retracted but its starting deployed i guess its the tweakables as you can right click and set to retracted also when the main tank seperates the camera goes all weird like in a third person view also the N1 is now producing white vapor and sparks the LES is also producing white vapor
  22. Thanks again Romfarer truely appreciate the effort and speed you go to in making all of us kerbalnauts happy
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