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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. does anyone no how to fix the LRV it doesnt fold out anymore
  2. I have been using the launch to rendezvous button and its really good gets within 60km of the target but it doesnt finish the job which is ok so select the rendezvous autopilot it then wants to do a completely different thing instead of a short burn to catch the target is this normal
  3. did you perhaps place a ladder in the wrong position and its blocking the door can you upload a craft file so we can look at it. Also Alexustas are you going to release that habitat module
  4. I hate to say this in the nicest way possible, but those wheels are terrible they need to be wider and of a non wagon wheel design basically lowered with mag wheels and slightly clearer windscreen glass, with it being that tall with skinny wheels it will be very easy to flip it over, wider wheels lower ride height would be better in my opinion.
  5. Fasa is doing Apollo now nobody has done a skylab I think
  6. This pack was awesome now its just gone beyond that All Hail FASA
  7. would it be possible to have a step by step guide on how to install the eva parachutes I cant get it to work I either dont have the right plugins or I am doing it wrong I just want the internal chutes
  8. Just open the craft file in notepad ++ its all in there either delete the entries and save it or add the parts you see listed in the craft file
  9. Hi could you do a config for AIES its a great pack very popular and bobcats soviet and american packs please and thankyou for your hard work
  10. I have a question with all this compression does it produce lag as i have noticed a considerable slow down while playing now or is it I am running out of memory again
  11. Its getting to a point where we REALLY NEED A 64bit client (sorry did I say that out loud) I hate this compromise crap where you cant run the decent mod packs like NP B9 why should it be up to the modders to find lower overheads SQUAD needs to sort out the 64bit client issue with unity or whatever the problem is, 32bit is going the way of the dinosaur. I apoligise for going off on a tangent been battling the the memory limit for the last couple of weeks
  12. I believe the plans are still around but the originals do not have the the different variations that where made. They are taking the lessons learned from the 60's and applying them with 2014 technology, materials like mechanical valves replaced with electronic solinoids parts now made by cnc machine or 3d printed the F1B will be a direct descendant from the F1, the article I linked stated they where scanning all parts of the F1 and now have a complete cad model of it and its corelation, also alot of the saturn V was outsourced to lockheed and boeing and they would still have plans its just something you woudnt throw away. Here is a link to another video on the nk33 which have progressed into the RD-180 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZnYr94aa9E
  13. is it possible to get a rescaled version to kerbal standards Bobcat provide both a 1.1 version and a 64% version it would be awesome if you could do both
  14. Really good article on the Saturn V F1 engine how they are using parts and making 3D images of them and tearing down all the parts http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/04/how-nasa-brought-the-monstrous-f-1-moon-rocket-back-to-life/
  15. They work for me on the G key perhaps a conflicting mod start a new save game and see if they work
  16. Grabbing your craft file what version of mechjeb you using as i will be testing with the latest dev build cant open the craft file is what mods are on it
  17. Very nice Bobcat will you be having a the same sort of Home modules as before like a power plant a recon unit and a habitat if you are can i put a request in for the big solar panel that was in the original home unit it was awesome
  18. I had an awesome experience with my buran landed back at the KSC runway for the first time perfectly on mechjeb lined up perfectly and it was a simple mater of playing with the throttle to land
  19. Buran requires the romfarer robotic arms / laser mod the american pack wouldnt work for me because I didnt place it in its own directory it doesnt go in the Bobcatind directory once it had its own directory it was fine
  20. Its only obsolete when its been replaced with something else at this point in time its an unsupported mod
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