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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. I like the existing fairings they work every time never been a fan of procedural stuff
  2. Well that answers that question then, thanks Mihara it seems i may have inadvertanly dragged and dropped it in, sorry to cause a ruckus what log was that in so I can debug stuff on my own without annoying you guys
  3. Here are the logs, windows version is vastly different to Linux version wouldn't be surprised if something is different http://www./?wdazw9dg9acg0
  4. Doesnt seem to want to play nice with KSPx64 crashes on startup remove it and its happy what logs do you need
  5. You shouldnt have to use ATM on 64bit as it can access more memory, how much ram does your pc or laptop have. I have to use it under 32 bit but under 64 bit I dont, currently sitting on 4 gig of ram used
  6. You mean a thread like this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55401-Community-Mods-and-Plugins-Library that shows you whats updated to 0.24
  7. DEMV's are broken DLL will need updating will try and contact cleverwalrus again but if that fails we will need someone to step up and compile the dll or at least look at it
  8. You will need to use your Google Foo he who seeks will find them just search for KSP DEMV MK
  9. They currently work with the current cleverbobcat.dll however .24 may change that
  10. Where are you going to upload this would you help support the community site and upload it there [Defunct link removed by a moderator] it has a couple of cool features like versioning so you can have alpha beta rc1 release 1 and they will all be listed excellent search function as well
  11. Dragon you may need to tee someone up for the cleverbobcat.dll I have emailed cleverwalrus a few times and she is not responding the code can be found here http://cleverbobcat.codeplex.com/ it may just need to be re-compiled against .24 when its released I would seek a volunteer unless your up to the task its beyond my skills, otherwise I would take it over and maintain it.
  12. How will I prepare back up my 23.5 install try to play .24 realize all the mods are broken go back to 23.5 wait two weeks update mods then play .24
  13. The only reason we have water is to land rocket boosters in, its a space program not a boat program
  14. Can you triigger fuel capacity as in a percentage for a stage as with contracts coming if you can trigger a fuel shut off and decouple that will allow you to land a stage and get more cash
  15. I agree with sp1989 if you could do the whole payload with the fairing and the base would be awesome will make it universal on whatever rocket you use
  16. Does anyone know how I could adapt hyomoto / wari MFD to the Bobcat stuff similar to what alcor does
  17. Fix the orientation in the VAB your looking out the door when you build it then its 90 degrees rotated at the Pad, also fix all the easter eggs most of them are underground they put them in the game why not maintain them. Fix career mode so its more realistic probes and unmanned flight before manned flight
  18. Dragon01 would you consider using Hyomoto\Wari for the MFD's for all the Bobcat stuff like the Alcor pod does the information provided is awesome
  19. I ran the 64bit hacked version of KSP and found A) it ran far better, launches where not a slide show Memory wasn't an issue (huge amount of mods) C)Could run Full Texture graphics D)Didnt require atm or texture reduction packs (related to E)Had less crashes than using the 32bit version 64 bit is a huge improvement over 32bit
  20. Are you in career mode or sandbox are you using windows mac or linux
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