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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. Thanks for the reply I would have liked to have seen it working is it possibile to download the original is there an archive
  2. What version did he remove the solar panel from the Home 3m powerplant and why ?
  3. where is the decouple node on the aero probe cant seem to find it
  4. I use your radial stack extenders alot any chance we can get a full range of sizes say from really small to really big i like to keep things symetrical thanks for your mods
  5. Missed that its a bummer no decoupler perhaps it could be an option "if you want decoupler do this if you dont leave as is"
  6. Probably already been asked any chance of a built in decoupler like the KWRocketry bases have
  7. Cant live without this its great I have the same gripe menu's close to early any chance we can get it sorted to stay open
  8. I have mechjeb it just doesnt load the part at all Ok with a bit of digging I have found the problem both Pandora and the Thor mods reference mechjeb 1.9.6 how do i update them to use Mechjeb2 V 2.08 in the config file would i change module to command pod instead of mumechjeb
  9. Hi I need a little bit of help I download the Pandora mod but when i go to load the capsule from the VAB it wont load as the DSL.Skycrane AdvSAS is missing the part is in the folder but game wont load it for some reason and its not showing in the parts menus thanks for any help offerd in advanced
  10. Are there anymore station parts coming out its been very quiet of late
  11. If Squad doesnt employee you to help finish the game they are mental this is seriously good stuff now using it for everything well done !!!!
  12. I am finding when the fairing explode outwards they are tearing stuff of thats inside can the explosive rate be toned down a little
  13. Please dont get rid of the Bearcat motors they are awesome I use them for everything
  14. Well I decided to build a colony lander to use on Duna and your mods seem the best to use with a mixture of other mods from other players Warning Image Heavy and this sucker is nuclear I give you the Duna Behemoth Thanks for all your efforts wouldnt have been possible without your parts
  15. I threw together a quick and dirty 4 stage rocket Large SRBs 3.7m main tank smaller 3.75m main tank interstage plate 2.75 lander tank utilised the 4 cluster bronco engine little mother and bearcat orbital engine odin pod and nosecone parachute it performed flawlessly no wobble no gaps no crash on launch made orbit and landed back at KSC with no issues at all. Thankyou for all your efforts (I have 32gig of ram I7 CPU and windows 7 KSP rarely crashes with the 32bit application)
  16. Awesome everyone should get onboard and test the parts so we can get this pack back into action
  17. What changes did you make the part {} thing
  18. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/18-4-demv-mk-4-rat/ Will take you there Post #358 has the complete list for the rovers
  19. I am finding the large docking points dont stick to the structures very well they fall off in launch even when struted is it possible to make the ancher nodes stronger
  20. Awesome thanks very much Crush for providing that pic and i am guessing large ports only dock with large ports smalls with smalls mediums with mediums
  21. Can somebody tell me which way these things go around cant figure it out bloody stupid not having them multi directional
  22. Oh ok the description is wrong then HOME Powerplant Module – This module provides power to the entire base.
  23. its throttled up its glowing seems to have no area of effect
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