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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. Will we ever see updates for the Jool V, Nautilis, all the DEMV's I have them working but it would be nice to see a refresh especially with what you have achieved in the last 6 months the models are exceptional
  2. Nah I just saw the mechjeb case hanging off the side of his lander and was suggesting he add it to the cfg file off topic sorry
  3. Mechjebs landing autopilot works you just sometimes have to correct it a little but usually its within 10m to 150m of the target site and i have had it land right on top of the flag as i set this as a target
  4. If you add mechjeb core into the cfg file your command pod you dont have to have the ar202 case on the side of it unless of course you like it but I usually forget so its handy if its integrated
  5. Mechjeb works perfectly with this mod I am using the Sarbian fixes from this thread (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47317-MechJeb-2-Patch-test-bed-release-%28September-9%29) and havent had a problem, if mechjeb isnt working you have probably run out of electrical power which used to happen to me a lot till I figured it out.
  6. Is there any hope this will be updated i like it and would like to see the new version ( http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/p-t-monoprobe-0-1/ )
  7. How do you deploy those aerials on kavant 1 I cant seem to do that is it a part I have failed to put on
  8. How are we going with this I understand you have school any eta yet
  9. Will it be added to the soviet pack or will it be a separate download and I cant wait to fly it
  10. May I ask again for a Nautilus update PLEASE we need the AWESOMENESS of MR BOBCAT to correct some of the issues PLEASE P.S I dont mind grovelling a little
  11. Kasper maybe you should put out an official Announcement with the facts this will dispell the myth and inuendo's
  12. I think everyone is interested in the extended time it took to migrate things as some of us do that stuff for a living and are interested in the nitty gritty details
  13. Alot of the posts which had links to other posts no longer work is this a feature or a bug also i had some saved shortcuts which no longer work and trying to find those posts is a nightmare
  14. The ant has a solar panel as well if you look at the config file I got the panels to open but cant seem to get the charging section working this would be a great asset to have working. I really like the KSP community how we all pitch in and help out so if anyone can assist please speak up I am sure Bobcat wont mind if we help him fix the glitches
  15. Ok there is a typo in one of the parts cant remember which one Module = part when it should be Module = Part also it uses all the old SAS which you will need to edit just copy a pod one of equal mass and make sure you place the part wrappers around at the start and finish of the CFG
  16. Which one are you having problems with maybe we can help thats what the KSP community is for its the best community I have had anything to do with everyone is really helpfull and no trolls
  17. I hope these links help, as listed above some require the Part { } Wrapper and the SAS stuff modified in the cfg files Rocket http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-heavy-launcher-3m-jool-v/ Vehicles http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-demv-mark-1-archer/ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-demv-mark-2-pretorian/ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/demv-mark-3-ex-2/ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/18-4-demv-mk-4-rat/ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-demv-mk-5-ant/ HOME http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-h-o-m-e-start-kit/ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/charlies-deli-and-shoe-store-home-2m-2/ Nautilus http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-mpss-nautilus/ American / Soviet Packs http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-20-x-american-pack-0-1/ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/soyuz-pack-1-0/ Cleverwalrus / Cleverbobcat.dll http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/cleverbobcat-0-18/ ISS Station http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-x-iss-space-station-pack-ver-0-03/ Vtol Engine http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-2-falcon-ii-vtol-jetengine/ Probe Rover http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-lunokhod-1/ Vanguard Plugin http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/vanguard-technologies-plugin/
  18. I dont mean to be critical Odin-spain but why o why are you still on XP microsoft are pulling all support for XP in April seriously you need to move to windows 7 or 8.1 you may find you get a performance increase by updating your OS
  19. Awesome make it a cool colour like yellow or orange something that stands out it looks cool
  20. The HD on these are very nice you have done a very good job I will be using this for sure all we need is built-in economy for KSP I started playing with your mod I like it alot however it needs just a small adjustment the landing legs on the second stage are to wobbly they need to be strengthened and the stance widened if it lands on any kind of gradient it falls over if the legs where strengthed and wider stance adopted this would be better otherwise its a great piece of work i congratulate you VG
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