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Posts posted by PrivateFlip

  1. 11 minutes ago, ExtremeTrader said:

    I don't think I still have it, but I'll take a look.


    Yes, I was indeed playing in Sandbox mode. Is it a problem with the mod trying to subtract money? That's the only thing I can think of that might cause errors...

    It was actually a problem with the mod trying to access the contract system itself, which of course does not exist in those modes. (If this turns out fixing things, there is no need for the save.)

  2. On 5/6/2016 at 5:32 PM, ExtremeTrader said:

    I absolutely love this mod, but I have an issue:

    I tracked a refueling mission to my refueling station (which is built with HX parts from B9, so refueling takes a while and I didn't want to manually launch 100 rockets or so). Refueling outpost and refueling craft screenshot

    After that, I registered a docking port and ordered a refueling mission, and switched to a rover I had lying around on Kerbin for more timewarp.

    I switched back after some time, and the game immediately switched to map view. Pressing 'm' didn't get me out of it. The RMM toolbar icon was gone. Checking the debug console, I found the console was spammed with this exception:

    [EXC 16:10:26.484] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    	CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.handleContracts (.Vessel ves, Boolean arrive, Boolean depart)
    	CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.dockStage4 ()
    	CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.handleArrivalCompletion ()
    	CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.OnFixedUpdate ()
    	Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate ()
    	Part.FixedUpdate ()

    Switching to another vessel (which was within rendering distance of the station) gave the same 'map view-only' bug. Switching to a vessel around the Mun, no problem at all.

    And switching back to my refueling station again: the exact same thing, including the exception.

    output_log.txt was filled with this:

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.handleContracts (.Vessel ves, Boolean arrive, Boolean depart) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.dockStage4 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.handleArrivalCompletion () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.OnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at Part.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    (Filename:  Line: -1)

    You can download the full KSP.log, output_log.txt and the two .craft files here (don't mind the Trajectories errors, that problem already existed before installing this).

    What went wrong and what can I do on my end to prevent it from happening?

    Hi @ExtremeTrader,

    Thanks for the log it makes this much easier. During the docking, the mod switches the player to map mode, to hide from the player the copy paste action which is taking place. During the last phase I apparently try to access an object which is not filled causing an error which is causing the phase to fail, after which it tries once more which keeps you stuck in map view. What is causing the null reference error i don not know, all I can do for know is build in some checks to prevent this. Do you still have the save file? If so I might be able to puzzle together exactly what is causing the error.

    On 5/23/2016 at 8:41 PM, MulDoom said:

    I have this exact same problem. It is save game breaking. It was my first attempt at using RMM - the fault could lie with me.

    Hello @MulDoom,

    This fault does not lie with you, when you install a mod it should not break your save. My sincere apologies.

    To restore your save you can open the save file in your favourite text editor and then look for the string "RMMModule". This will find you a MODULE section like so:


    					name = RMMModule
    					isEnabled = True
    					trackingActive = False
    					trackingPrimary = False
    					trackID = 
    					trackPartCount = 0
    					returnMission = False
    					returnMissionDeparted = False
    					trackFolderName = 
    					trackName = 
    					trackCompanyName = 
    					trackVehicleName = 
    					trackLaunchSystemName = 
    					trackPrice = 0
    					trackVehicleReturnFee = 0
    					trackMissionStartTime = 0
    					trackMissionTime = 0
    					trackBody = 
    					trackMaxOrbitAltitude = 0
    					trackDescription = 
    					trackMinimumCrew = 0
    					trackMaximumCrew = 0
    					trackReturnEnabled = False
    					trackSafeReturn = False
    					trackReturnResources = 
    					trackReturnCargoMass = 0
    					trackPort = 0
    					trackDockingDistance = 0.15
    					missionUnderway = False
    					missionFolderName = /GameData\RoutineMissionManager\Missions\2326041
    					missionArrivalTime = 112006
    					missionCrewCount = 2
    					missionRepeat = False
    					missionRepeatDelay = 0
    					missionPreferedCrew = 

    Within the MODULE section you will find a variable "missionUnderway". Whenever such a variable is set to "True" set it to "False" and save the file. There are going to be multiple of these modules throughout the file, so you will have to check each one and change them if nessecary. This will, in all likeliness, make your file playable again. 

    If you're able, could you send me the corrupted file. This might allow me to find the actual problem.


    EDIT: I believe I mat have found the issue. Where both of you maybe playing in Science or Sandbox mode?

    EDIT2: version 018 fixes a bug in which leads to the exact same error in Science and Sandbox mode.



  3. On 5/19/2016 at 5:49 AM, panarchist said:

    Hi @PrivateFlip - awesome mod, thanks so much!  I play KSP on Mac, and I've noticed an error in my KSP log file:

    [EXC 20:30:14.950] IsolatedStorageException: Could not find a part of the path "/Users/MattPicio/Documents/@KSP/KSP_osx_Main/KSP.app/GameData/RoutineMissionManager/AllowedBodies.txt".

    I think it's related to the function on line 42, line 75, or line 209 of general.cs - I troubleshoot code but don't write it, so take that with a grain of salt, but it looks like when you're grabbing the path it's returning the .app file as part of the GamePath instead of the parent directory, even though you're specifying "GetParent".  For the most part, it's just log spam, but after several dozen instances, my game crashed right at the point where the error would have been written to the log again.

    I can provide the entire log file if you need it.  The part that keeps repeating in the log before the crash is:

    System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options)
        System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
        System.IO.File.OpenRead (System.String path)
        System.IO.StreamReader..ctor (System.String path, System.Text.Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize)
        System.IO.StreamReader..ctor (System.String path)
        System.IO.File.OpenText (System.String path)
        System.IO.File.ReadAllLines (System.String path)
        CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.bodyAllowed ()
        CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.setModule ()
        CommercialOfferings.RMMModule.OnFixedUpdate ()
        Part.ModulesOnFixedUpdate ()
        Part.FixedUpdate ()
    [EXC 20:29:02.826] IsolatedStorageException: Could not find a part of the path "/Users/MattPicio/Documents/@KSP/KSP_osx_Main/KSP.app/GameData/RoutineMissionManager/AllowedBodies.txt".


    Hi @panarchist, will look into this. In don't have a mac myself; what would be the correct part to the "RoutineMissionManager" folder?


  4. Hi GrimDarknight, in this post I explain the setup needed to change the resources supplied. An important step is to not only add the resources to the part config but also add the to the ManagedResources variable in the part config file. Animations don't have to work or be present in the part config for the module to function.

  5. Update

    -adapted for 1.1.2

    Adapted to the latest version. A big thanks to sarbian who had made an excellent post on some of the key UI changes relevant for mods. This has been very helpful in updating the other mods I maintain. They would have have been equally helpful for this mod if it were not for linuxgurugamer who, on his own accord, had already applied all these changes and send the code to me. A big thanks linuxgurugamer!

  6. 13 minutes ago, MisterFister said:

    Would it be possible to update the CKAN metadata for this mod to reflect this forum thread instead of the Spacedock link?

    Also, the OP in this thread still has the KerbalStuff link, alongside the Spacedock link?

    Removed the KerbalStuff link, thanks for reporting this.

    I also changed CKAN metadata to refer to this thread like you suggest

  7. Update

    -adapted for 1.1.2 version.

    The under the hood logic was again unaffected by the upgrade, however I did spend several hours time on getting the GUI working with the new version which saw some changes in this area. A detailed post by Sarbian greatly helped in implementing the new UI setup. The new GUI logic did force me to find and solve what ended up being an older bug for which my past self apparently had made a quickfix at the time which did not longer hold up in the new situation. 

    Although I did considerable testing, due to the above I did not have the time this weekend to check every possible scenario. However the new KSP version itself had never broken any part of the mod during previous upgrades and I have no indication this time is any different nor did the testing which I did not show any issues.

  8. Thank you all for letting me know that 1.1 is available; I'm not so active on the forums for some time, so it would could have taken a couple weeks to find out if I do not get some mails in my inbox informing me someone posted to this thread. This weekend I'm busy with a deadline at work for next week, but next weekend I should have some time to update my mods.

  9. On 3/23/2016 at 3:14 PM, sardia said:

    What's the difference between this and routine mission manager? Like does it work beyond kerbin SOI?

    The supply mod consists of a large part you can place in orbit, often as part of a station. You can order fuel from the parts menu which will be arrive with a delay. The Routine mission manager allows you to track your own mission up to a station in orbit. After completing the mission, you can then order the re-execution of the mission a the station. This will happen in the background but will result in your mission vehicle docked at the station, including supplies it had with on on the original mission. The first mod is simple, requires little

    17 hours ago, thomash said:


    The above quote is from the instructions.

    I love the concept, but I don't understand what this means.  I have filled the thing full up.  How can I fill it "...with several times the capacity..."?  Isn't that impossible?

    I'm in Sandbox mode, launched the supply station.  Filled it up and then I emptied it and I still get the "fuel delivery not activated" message when I call for a refill.

     I'm just curious, why is activating it in career mode so much simpler? 


    After filling it you have to press the supply button. This convert the fuel an count up to an activation percentage which is shown in the part menu.

    Part of the effort involved makes such a mod more acceptable to the player. After activation the fuel supplied is essentially free of effort, but because the player has to work for it by getting the heavy part into orbit and activating it with fuel supplies, it requires you to first do the supply work which this part will then take over for the rest of the game. This investment makes the part less gamebreaking. This would be less the case if the part started supplying fuel a soon as it was launched into orbit.

    When career mode came out, I realized, that by requiring the player pay money for the supply, there is a much more realistic way to require some investment from the player for the service provided. The part is just as heavy, so it still requires some serious lifting to get it into orbit and it's quite expensive too.

  10. On 3/22/2016 at 8:10 PM, MoppeW40k said:

    Thank you so much PrivateFlip! I paused playing KSP because your MOD was essential to my style of playing where i did not upgrade the Launch Pad to Level 3 because i did not want to launch Rockets larger than 160 tons. So i need your Routine Missions :-)

    Glad to hear you're making good use of it!


    On 3/23/2016 at 2:15 AM, sardia said:

    Can you upgrade/edit the rocket you set for routine launch? Like I want to remove some LFO and replace it with LF only. Or do I have to delete the mission, and start another one?

    Nope, for every mission you have to start another one. Just for clarity: it is not required to delete the "LFO" mission, you can keep it if you have use for both in the future.

    On 3/28/2016 at 2:53 AM, sardia said:

    8vNtbhT.pngQuick question, is this a bug regarding how it tracks missions? There's a lot of empty folders in here, and only a few have files in them. I'm guessing it's tracking my launches via this folder system.Will it ever delete these files? Seems a bit messy.


    It is indeed messy, but this is how this mod deals with keeping track of tracked mission between saves and reloads. There is of course a way to store the relevant data along within the game's own save file, which would have been more elegant, but this was the least labor intensive option at the time.

  11. On 3/19/2016 at 10:55 PM, BT Industries said:

    I do not have a throttle like that but I was thinking of getting one and wanted to know if I could actually use both throttles.

    Tested it with a simple joystick/joypad and the throttles respond to input when I found the right axis, but I of course couldn't give a hard guarantee it would work for you.

  12. On 3/16/2016 at 2:24 AM, BT Industries said:

    Love this mod!!!

    One question though...

    Can you slave engines to your thrust lever from your joystick setup for those of us who have throttles like this...


    So we can actually use both thrust levers in KSP?

    This might be possible, when you open the throttle window, you can configure controls, joystick axis can be configured here as well. This worked adequately a couple of version ago, but haven't tested it since. Let me know if you run into troubles...

  13. On 1/29/2016 at 6:58 AM, Azimech said:

    Thank you for your mod, @PrivateFlip ! It's very useful for my mods, now I can use my electrical generators and my steam turbines independently. I'm going to encourage everyone to use it!


    Question ... The link to the manual is dead. How can I increase the number of sliders? For what I have in mind ... I could use a lot more!

    First off, nice boat! The link died when KSP migrated to the new forum, I've repaired it. Thank you for reporting it.

    The number of sliders is unfortunately hard coded in the sense that each throttle display, input handling, saving/loading and engine interaction has its own lines in the code. There is therefore no easy way for you to increase the number of sliders. I would certainly do it differently if I would make the mod again.


  14. On 12/7/2015 at 2:31 AM, kholmar said:

    I am having trouble with the most recent version, it will not supply-activate. It claims it is not in orbit...It is indeed in a 250 km equatorial orbit.

    any help would be appreciated!


    On 1/20/2016 at 9:56 AM, wadena said:

    Like he said... I tried everything last night to get it operational but so far it says "not in orbit" (I got it in a perfect 100km orbit around Kerbin).


    Hello guys/girls,

    Unfortunatly I cannot reproduce this bug on my system (my ksp version is v1.0.5.1028). The message "not in orbit" would only be given when pressing the button "Supply" while the vessel situation according to the game is unequal to 'orbiting'. The variable in question, in my experience, up has been pretty unambiguous so far. Could you give any more information about your system and particular install; maybe you are both running similar mods which affect this.




  15. This is fricking brilliant, just like real resupply missions. Now it makes sense to have a station in orbit, I couldn't be bothered having to manually send stuff up all the time.

    I'll create a ATV like ESA's full of TACLS and rocket parts, track it, and that's it!

    You're getting some rep's for this one!

    - - - Updated - - -

    I guess this works with unnamed vehicles just as well?!? Hope so, dragon and ATV are automated spaceships that just carry stuff

    Glad you liked the mod! Unmanned vehicles should work as well.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Is there a way to add the tourist missions to suborbit or orbit to the mod? That would help big time with the grinding in early career. And thx for still supporting the mod!

    As soon as you get docking ports, you can complete tourist missions by adding the tourist as passengers on a flight which drops by a station in orbit. In early career docking ports are of course not available. The payoff of these contracts is very poor IMHO and barely makes up for the flight itself. It only start paying if you have a reusable system and by that time you probably have docking ports as well, so this would not be a priority for me.

  16. I followed the examples above and I now have the Supply Mod working for all the CRP resources, but if I wanted to use this on Duna or Laythe, would I just need to edit these lines?

    DeliveryTimeList = Kerbin, 2, Mun, 6, Minmus, 11

    CostPerTon = Kerbin, 2935, Mun, 8870, Minmus, 10311

    To look something like this?

    DeliveryTimeList = Kerbin, 2, Mun, 6, Minmus, 11, Duna, 110, Laythe, 1100

    CostPerTon = Kerbin, 2935, Mun, 8870, Minmus, 10311, Duna, 103110, Laythe, 1031100

    Note that I haven't looked into the actual calculations, these are just example figures. I guess my question is whether which bodies it works with can be edited via cfg files or not?

    Yes, they can't be edited through the cfg and the edit you made seems to be the correct edit to make.

  17. Is there a way to get this to work with all of Real Fuels or at least LqdOxygen, Kerosene, LqdHydrogen, LqdAmmonia, LqdMethane, and Hydrazine? I've got modular fuel tanks installed too. Trying to use this instead of routine mission manager to manage resources at my space stations. Is there a way to add this myself with a config file? This would be great while also providing a bit of a challenge to get it into use.

    This post written by hab136 explains the basic principle. In this post he uses modulemanager to add the additional resources to the part. An alternative would be to directly add it to the part.cfg which you can find in path: \GameData\DavonSupplyMod\Parts\DavonStationLogisticsHub\

    After opening the file you would find a list of part resources:

    name = LiquidFuel
    amount = 0
    maxAmount = 2880
    name = Oxidizer
    amount = 0
    maxAmount = 3520
    name = MonoPropellant
    amount = 250
    maxAmount = 750

    In addition there is the following line in the file:

    ManagedResources = LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, MonoPropellant

    You could edit this file to have your own fuels instead. To so add your resource to the part resources (like in the first snippet) and also add it to the ManagedResources line. In both cases spelling and capitalization should are essential.

    But please refer to hab136 post for more explanation and other options.

    (Since I'm the maintainer of both this mod and the routine mission manager mod I would be interested in knowing why you would like to switch to this mod.)

  18. So i guess from the description on the first page and trying to fidget with the mod on a save (and reading some of the comments) that this won't work unless the ship starts from the launch pad?

    I know you've talked about precision landings before briefly in comments, which would be nice, but with resource mining in the game, it might be nice to allow the mod to also do missions such as surface->station->surface, station->surface->station, as well as station A->station B->station A such as sending a ship from a Minmus station to a Kerbin station and back (or at least set up each one way trip)

    I'm wondering the same things as FleetAdmiralJ does. As the descriptions in the first post are a bit vague about it.

    Is a surface landing mission, from being docked to a orbiting station, to a specific area on Mun or Minmus and back possible?

    This in regards to resource and possibly the IRSU mod.

    Being able to 'automate' a mission to a 'defined' landing site on Minmus, marked by a resource scanning probe or a rover, that acts like a 'beacon' where in X meter radius the 'landed' craft would be placed on the surface.

    Currently, do these automated missions show up in the tracking station btw? No need to be able to switch, but purely 'informational' so you get a visual overview as to where what is at the moment.

    Yes, to clarify: it only supports missions which start on the launchpad and end docked in orbit of Kerbin an its moons. I've added this to the first post for clarification.

    I've talked about precision landings on several occasions and also on all the other features you both describe. This was all part of the original mod I wanted to build, but the scope of it all led me to abandon this much more ambitious mod.

    I would also readily agree the features you both mention are natural extensions of the current mod. Unfortunately though, although I still enjoy maintaining these mods for KSP, I just do not really have the drive and time to implement these features. So unless another mod comes along which goes for an all-round automated logistics mod, this is basically it.

  19. I did that to no avail. After that i kept the station on screen and that didn't work as well.

    Okay sorry to hear that, my apologies for wasting your time. I took a look at the code and did some testing based on your issue. I was able to dock four vessel in one go, I also have not yet found a clue on how something you can describe can happen, will do some more investigation.

    Looking back at what the time messages actually mean I did note the following: The message "soon" describes any arrival within the hour, which means that if you read this the mission time has not yet elapsed. If you wait around from this point on you should get "anytime now" when the mission time has officially elapsed. The arrival will however not occur if you wait at the station. I'm changing this message to "come back later" in the following version.

    The mod does add a day to the mission time, so these missions will take a lot longer a in universe time to complete than the real mission.

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