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Everything posted by Avalon304

  1. For the same reason you include sepratrons on any rocket? To ensure clean separation of of parts, that is what they are for after all. I plan on speaking to helldiver about it when 1.1 comes out. Thats when the major changes to version of Unity used by KSP are coming. Yea, I couldnt remember their exact names, but I knew there was a way to do it. Infact this was done in the 1.0.2 hotfix Nazari and I did, a few months back, but Im sure the heating system has changed since then and would require some changes even then.
  2. Im saying that adding the resource used by ablative heat shields to a craft that has (or is supposed to have) non-ablative heat shields is not the right way to go about things. Infact this was already tried. Ablator affects the whole craft and can be eaten up by things like sepratrons.
  3. Ablator is the resource used by ablative heat shields in KSP. Ablative heat shields are the ones that can be attached to the bottoms of the 1m, 2.5m and 3.75m parts.
  4. Hey, guys, Ive talked with Helldiver a couple of days ago. He's lost access to his original account here on the forums (probably when the forum switch happened). Around the time we get 1.1, I'm going to talk to him again and see what his plans are for the KSOS. There was something cool being worked on, that Id really like to see make it to everyone here. Space shuttle heat tiles (like those that would be in use on the KSOs, and those that were in use on the real space shuttle) are not ablative. They are reusable (so long as they stay attached to the craft). There is a way for KSP to mimic this, but I cant remember what settings in the part configs to change.
  5. So what files can I new get rid of to save on RAM while using Stock Revamp, since the pruners arent included with 1.9.0 yet.
  6. Id love to see a Saturn V (Apollo setup) in this art style, it matches KSP stock much better than FASA.
  7. In the grand scheme of the game... the Atlanta is actually more deadly towards planes than the Cleveland is. All 8 of its 127mm DP turrets are part of its AAA battery as well as the main battery.
  8. - - - Updated - - - World of Warships players will understand the name. - - - Updated - - - A.K.A. 'Das Uberflackpanzerkampfagen' Wrong guns for the Cleveland... she has 152s... youre looking for 'Atlanta'
  9. If multi-lock comes... that will be the best thing in the world...
  10. I assume you are talking about the Standard KSO. Hit Alt+F12 and check the 'Non Strict Part Checking' option in the cheats menu. (The option may be named slightly differently, but it similar to what I wrote.)
  11. Have to confess... when I read 'XAGM" my mind immediately went to Ace Combat and the ability to target up to 4 ground targets at once.... I was only a little disappointed that it wasnt that.
  12. That isnt for me to say, as its not my project. When hes ready to disclose what it is, he will.
  13. When I last spoke with Helldiver a couple of months ago, I brought up my own similar fears and he said he wanted to get his new project to a good self sustaining point before returning to the KSOS. The time will come when that project is in a good position and he can return to making/updating things here. To be honest, with Unity 5 coming, this is probably the best thing that could happen anyway, as there really is no telling what it will break (the answer is: it will probably break all the things), so dont worry, the KSOS will return, its just in a holding pattern for the time being.
  14. The 0.90 version shouldnt have even flown without some serious modification... 1.0 broke the crap out of the aero handling. I have a video from back when Naz and I were getting the 1.0.2 hotfix version ready of the regular KSO... and man... it was crazy... maybe I'll post it one day.... As for the regular KSO... it never was the pinnacle of flight handling in the first place... I remember back when helldiver was working on Phase 3 he mentioned wanting to go back and revisit it and revise it to make use of some of the concepts he had used in the Super 25... I dunno what came of that though.
  15. That is the long and short of it, yes. If you have the version that works in 1.0.2 it will work in 1.0.4, but it may burn up on reentry or generally not be as stable as it was in earlier versions.
  16. So this is the kind of news/tease that I like to read: https://twitter.com/Maxmaps/status/634101441054003201 Because it can only be good... Now its by no means a confirmation of anything... but unless there are 64 really big features coming in 1.1... 64-bit support, actual, proper 64-bit support doesnt seem far off... and that excites me in more ways that I knew possible... just think of all the parts... all of them... every last one... so many parts.
  17. Unfortunately I dont have the Limited Edition Livery, I never used it.
  18. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429?p=1261755&viewfull=1#post1261755
  19. Its not my project, and Im not even involved with it yet, other than knowing some basic info about it. Its up to both helldiver and OrbitusII to disclose details about it. The onyl think I think Id be ok in saying is that is is completely separate from KSP.
  20. Its gonna require some large work to make the shuttle as easy to fly as it used to be on reentry... especially with regards to heating... I think the main thing right now is going to be waiting for helldiver's return from his other project so we can get the KSOS working fully...
  21. Well, thats the problem. v4.13 is for KSP.90 and no KSP v1.0.4. You can try to use this version: http://www./download/0cpv4e53q5mh1tp/KSO_v4.2_CompletePack.zip It will work (it was intended for 1.0.2), but if you intend to leave renentry heating on, you may have an issue with the shuttle exploding on reentry... I dont know when we'll be updating it for 1.0.4.
  22. The version number is in the name of the file you downloaded.
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