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Everything posted by nukeboyt

  1. Question: If it is desired to make this work on non-standard RPM screens (like B9, KSO or ALCORE), would this have to be custom-made for each one individually? Just wondering
  2. That's very strange. I can get the same screen, but only with the KSOS v410's RPM files. I'm using Linux Mint and the KSP 64 bit client
  3. Funny you should mention that because I am using the KSO provided RPM plugin files on Linux. The windows installation (where the ADI screen works) is using the version of the RPM files provided with KSO 4.10 So that gave me an idea... What if I switched out the RasterPropMonitor.dll files and copied the older one into the Linux-install with KSO 4.13? The result looks somewhat more like expected. Mising the ladder, but at least the text shows up. Ladder is probably there, just not visible because it's black. So perhaps something is different in the RasterPropMonitor.dll files
  4. I have a dual boot system, So when I run a similar install in Windows (versus Linux) The screen works fine. I suspect the problem has something to do with the way that Linux is reading the files.
  5. Thanks for the troubleshooting tips. I am running the Linux 0.90 version of KSP. I did a manual install. Yes, I have the KSO_ADI foldder. It has five .tga files in it. ADI_heading.tga ADI_ladder.tga ADI_leftscale.tga ADI_overlay.tga ADI_rightscale.tga Is that how many there are supposed to be? Edit: Windows version works fine. Used the same downloaded KSO zip file
  6. The two pictures below show the problem I'm having The ADI is blank when selected. I suspect that it has something to do with the fact that the graphics on the windshield HUD are black. But I accept the possibility that I'm doing something wrong.
  7. Wouldn't it be cool if the Reason Alex is gone so long is because he's secretly been hired by Squad to make the IVA's for the Mk 3 cockpits? I can dream, can't I?
  8. Try pressing the "settings" button below the main window (above the scroll through the ports window). In there is a button to "Display Target Port HUD Icon". It makes the magenta marker go away when un-checked. Hope that was what you were looking for
  9. So do they actually do anything when you press them? When I press the buttons, I hear the standard JSI "beep" but nothing happens - - - Updated - - - Duh. How dumb can I be:confused:. They don't do anything on that screen, it just shows what the buttons do on the main screen.
  10. NavyFish, Could you please describe how the "Info Screen" buttons are supposed to work. I've not been able to make them do anything. At least I cannot see where they're doing anything. I thought perhaps it was related to the bug in the KSP Linux version, but I they don't appear to do anything in Windows, either. I'm probably doing something wrong. Perhaps you could describe a sequence of actions that would show their function.
  11. I did. I think that this one is more like what I was trying to describe. Thanks
  12. I found a problem when used in Linux. When you attempt to re-name a port, the keyboard continues to function in-game. For example: If I tried to name a port "Test Port" when I press "T" it turns on SAS, e- starts a roll, s... you get the picture. The "space" is the killer. It did not behave this way in Windows, so I'll keep looking. Only thing odd that I also noticed was I had to click "rename port" twice before the window opened up. I don't know if you're familiar with the Linux version, but the only difference that I can think of is that the right-"shift" key is used in place of the "Alt" key to do thing like open cheats dialog, or copy a part, etc
  13. For what it's worth, I use a x-box controller clone for KSP. I've got it setup so that Translation is done with the D-Pad axis for Left-Right & Up-Down (inverted). Forward and Backward translation are with Y & A buttons respectively. With the Up-Down inverted, its as simple as moving the yellow velocity vector on the DPAI screen. D-pad left moves it left, Up moves it up (you get the picture). Forward and backward with the thumb on the right-hand and Docking is a breeze. You can pick up the kind I use (Steelseries 3GC) for around $10 on Ebay
  14. Here's a sneak peak for what's coming in Version 6.0. This is RPM & DPAI integration! Notice how in the 2nd picture, the Target Port HUD is on the left side of the camera screen. If the target port is off-screen, the HUD shows you which direction it is. This is very useful. The problems I was having earlier with not being able to rename docking ports has been fixed in RC4 I absolutely LOVE THIS MOD
  15. No, I did a clean install. DPAI & RPM are the only mods. I was using Linux. I'll try Windows after work.
  16. I am not even able to rename the ports. When I right-click on a port, clicking the "Rename Port" button does nothing at all. Isn't a box supposed to open where a new name can be typed in?"
  17. Hi NavyFish: I'm not able to rename the docking ports. I can cycle through them on RPM fine, but they only show the names that RPM calls each port. "DOCKINGPORT3 (front)": "DOCKINGPORT3 (left) and so on). I'm running Linux. Tried renaming from IVA and from normal view. I think that the feature that uses the RPM docking camera in conjunction with the target port HUD icon is great. Good idea! I was wondering if we were going to be able to see the HUD icon through the walls of the capsule (like you can see the target ship). I love being able to see which direction (on screen) the target port is.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Van_Allen V for Van Allen Double down: From Wikipedia: "Van Allen led the scientific community for the inclusion of scientific research instruments on space satellites"
  19. Female Kerbals = Verbals (pun intended)
  20. V is for "Vendetta" ... "I warned you Bill, keep your hands off my snacks"
  21. V is for "Voyager" as in Voyager I and Voyager II. Gold records and all:sticktongue:
  22. Docking is quite real. Now those supposed Mun landings, those were all faked...
  23. IMHO, the best solution would be if RPM was able to display your 'named' docking ports, which obviously is not something that would be for your mod to do.
  24. Check out some of the videos on Alexustas' Youtube channel. You'll want this mod all that much more.
  25. Looks good. Thanks! Cannot think of when I would want to have DPAI up without a selected target, but it works as indicated.
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