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Everything posted by nukeboyt

  1. OK, so I'm probably slow, but I've been reading all morning and cannot figure out if it is possible to bring back the Mk 1-2 command pod and THIS IVA back into a current version of the game. I have many old versions of the game, from which to get files if necessary, but I just cannot seem to make it work. I've tried several of the other IVA's for the Mk 1-3, but none (in my humble opinion) quite reach the level of sophistication that this IVA mod does. So unless someone can help me figure it out, I guess I'll just have to play version 1.3 when I need an IVA fix Thanks
  2. Too bad Those MDV's would open up a whole new IVA experience. I'd like to hope that he's still working on them (when time allows) and that someday they'll be released!
  3. I've been gone from KSP for quite a while. A couple of years ago, Alexustas posted some YT videos of enhanced MFD's that use MAS. (Like this one for example, My question is: Did any of these new MFD's get released into the wild? I'd very much like to know, and sadly, Alex isn't on-line much any more. Thanks!
  4. I'm trying to get back into playing KSP after being gone for a LONG time. I made the mistake of letting my steam KSP update without first backing it up. Now I'm struggling to get my mods correctly working. The problem of the moment, is that I am trying to load a craft and it won't load because it cannot find the part "JSIPrimitiveExternalCamera". I have checked, and I DO have the part "ExternalCameraPart" Can someone help me make sense of this? Thanks
  5. I do not think that there is any method to initiate warp using just the props available in the IVA. I always flew IVA using an Xbox controller, so I mapped a couple of buttons to accelerate and decelerate time. Would you mind offering guidance on how to get setup in VR. I have an Oculus Rift and have never tried to play KSP.
  6. I am not aware of a comprehensive list of the mods that use aset props in their IVAs More are popping up all the time.
  7. I've been using this for a few hours and I do not see any problems with lag or poor performance. It compares to other IVAs performance wise. The navigation through the MFD2 screens is very complicated, but not too bad (this is rocket science, after all). I have been unable to locate a screen that has the old "top-down" orbital display. Will there be a MAS analog of this display for developers?
  8. I can read them if I try. What I'm really looking for is to be able to zoom in on those buttons and the bottom of the screen. Presently, you cannot "focus you view" any lower than the center of the screen. When you zoom in, the bottom of the screen (and the buttons) go out of your field of view. Also: The "Next / Previous" buttons on the small monitor do not seem to function. They switch cameras on the large monitor, but not on the small one.
  9. WOW! Very well done! I cannot wait to learn all the ins and outs of the props Trying to zoom in to read the bottom buttons on the two large MFD2's. View will not aim down far enough. Is that something you can change in your IVA of the Yarbrough?
  10. Did anyone ever figure out the cause of this problem? Note: it affects standard RPM MFD's as well as the ASET ones.
  11. @chimpbone This looks perfect for a video I am working on. Do you have a download I can try? Thanks
  12. It comes with a camera. I've never had to use hullcam. BTW, ALCOR comes with a better looking camera
  13. I think @RoverDude has received requests to utilize RPM and ASET parts before; but I don't recall his reason for not doing so. I also wish that he would incorporate the IVA enhancements brought by these parts.
  14. Thanks. When I do this, the camera follows the target as it follows the prescribed path. But the camera rotates in sync with the target as it flies the path. (The target is a rotating station). I'd like to have the camera fly past the target but not rotate as it flies by.
  15. I would like to figure out how to fly past an orbiting, rotating object (like a rotating space station in orbit) without the camera rotating in unison with the station. Does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks
  16. On-Screen artifacts are sometimes caused when Scatterer is also installed. For me, removing Scatterer got rid of the artifacts.
  17. Thank you. Of course, it worked. I wish I could have figured it out.
  18. That is a possibility. Will begin a fresh install to test.
  19. I've created a 40x20 MFD page to show Action Group status based on this line: "AG1: {0,-6:"[#00ff00ff]Active[#ffffffff]";0;Off} {1} $&$AGSTATE1 AGMEMO1" With this, I can toggle the state from "Off" (in white text) to Active (in green text). But I would like to figure a way to write the code so that the color of the text from "AGMEMO1" changes, based upon the status of "AGSTATE1" Been trying a couple of hours and found out to do this with numeric variables that have -1, 0, 1, but not for text like AGMEMO1. To me , it seems like I ought to be able to replace the words "Active" and "Off" each with "value from AGMEMO1", but of course I don't understand how to write such a line.
  20. Thanks. If (when) it happens again, I'll post the game log.
  21. There is a MFD screen for displaying status of, and setting the cardinal directions. I may be able to reverse engineer that, possibly. If I can figure out the variable names for the 10 AG's. Should also be do-able.
  22. I purchased May 2nd, 2013 so I'm going to have to pay. But given the many, many hours of enjoyment I've had with this game, I won't complain. If you've watched some of my videos, You've seen that I also think it is a good idea to support the modders who provide my favorite mods.
  23. Is anyone aware of a mod that contains an MFD screen which displays / controls Action Groups? 40x20 would preferable, but any monitor would do. It would be useful for a project I am working on. Thanks
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