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Everything posted by nukeboyt

  1. Problem with buttons not functioning (in ALCOR) after un-docking back after about 1 hr of play. Was able to save / reload and fix the problem. Then promptly exited and saved log file to zip. Sending you link to log file on dropbox file via PM (using dev build from this page)
  2. I have been testing for about 15 minutes, and the problem no longer seems to exist. After un-docking, all the buttons work OK. Thank you for the fix. Not sure if it is just my imagination, but it seems to be taking a very long time to switch between vessels with the bracket keys [ ] (Probably not RPM related, just wondering if anyone else has noticed same
  3. I've tried the Mk 1-2 pod landing on Eve about 10 times and only "sploded" once. Unable to replicate cause. Each attempt I DID notice several seconds of horizontal velocity.
  4. It's not working at 100%. I'm having issues with some buttons not working, after decoupling from another vessel. I'm looking forward to an update. I've seen some Alex-Videos that make me sure that this is being worked on. Hurray!
  5. If you visit @alexustas YouTube channel, you'll be glad to see recent posts that show he most definitely has not given up on KSP.
  6. I bet you are right. There are a lot of Modders who use Hyperedit to test parts or make videos of their mods. Someone will step in to assist.
  7. I've seen this before, but it doesn't do it in such a way that I can repeat it. Very strange I've seen it with other vessels besides ALCOR, also
  8. I remember seeing a video you made a while ago and posted on the KSO page (I think). I started looking forward to your IVA way back then.
  9. Good work sir. Much appreciated!! This has been one of my must - install mods, every time start with a new version.
  10. If gaming were the only use for VR, I'd totally agree. But a lot of the exciting stuff with VR has nothing to do with games. VR videos are out and the number is growing. There are people "Working from home" via VR. There are doctors doing "face to face" meeting with patients. They're even selling consumer level Go-Pros that record in all directions. I can see this catching on with Facebook users(Oculus is owned by Facebook). But, the price has to come down significantly before any of this stuff (and the gaming) goes beyond the niche. And it will
  11. Right. It's been done before (successfully retrofitting a game made before VR). FSX and P3D are good examples. Only the in-cockpit views work, but they are GREAT. Exterior views don't function properly at all. I've spent hours flying different planes in those two programs and IMHO, they make the Oculus (almost) worth the price.
  12. Agreed. Games & apps designed for VR from the beginning will always be significantly better than those that are "retrofitted". That's why I look towards mods, and not squad. Only the cockpit or command pod (like A.L.C.O.R or the MK1-2 Pod by ASET) would provide sufficient realism, in my opinion. But WOW wouldn't those be fun?
  13. I don't think Squad will (or should) make VR a priority. Stability and playability have to come first, of course. But I look forward to the time when a mod developer makes it happen.
  14. No one would expect a mod developer to be interested in developing for VR unless he/she was already a VR enthusiast. I disagree about the forever being a niche part. While it still has bugs that need working out, and is probably too high-priced, there are some 'knock-your-socks-off' games/titles out there that, when people experience them in VR, interest and sales will pick up. I agree that most of the game wouldn't play well in VR. But I'm an IVA-only enthusiast (see my videos) and I would love to do missions like those in VR.
  15. I have an Oculus Rift and I agree wholeheartedly! IVA-only missions in VR would be totally fantastic. Especially in the A.L.C.O.R. capsule by @alexustas!!!!!
  16. Sounds good. You're right about the other good command pods that are available I was just curious. Keep up the good work
  17. Well done!!! It flies very well. I was able to get an orbit about 100K with the space-lab in the cargo bay. And then I land back at KSC. I like the stability, especially after take-off.
  18. Please don't get me wrong. I, as much as anyone look forward to the release of this mod (if it ever occurs). I wish @alexustas all the best, but he has no obligations whatsoever
  19. This is normal? http://i.imgur.com/oRoBTfW.gifv I don't remember this much jitter before 1.1.1
  20. When you reinstalled, did you delete the NavyFish folder from GameData and copy a new one from a fresh download? That should work: 1: Delete Old 2: Download fresh copy 3: Extract Zip 4: Copy NavyFish folder from extracted to Gamedata
  21. Thank you very much for this reminder. I had not realized that it was going to work. I needed to replace the nav-ball texture with one from RPM, but that was explained on the first few pages of the thread. I was able to complete my first ALL-IVA mission in my "new" apollo-like craft.
  22. I've determined that on my two PC's opening the Screensaver Settings dialog box in Windows 10, with KSP running will cause a game crash (but only if an actual screensaver is selected, and not "none" is selected). Would someone please attempt to duplicate this and reply. If you open the Screensaver Settings dialog before opening KSP, then clicking "preview" will initiate the game crash. Thanks nukeboyt
  23. No apologies necessary. All of us familiar with your work know that it will be worth the wait, no matter how long that is.
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