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Everything posted by B15hop

  1. All this "Thrusting" is turning me on.. https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-snl-saturday-night-live-oKLRltwrpU3oQ lol.. Sorry, I had to.. But I love your sentiment. PS: You meant "trust" I think.
  2. OK, I was hoping there was like a highlighted button that says (Active) or (Discontinued). I hope for too much..lol Thank you for the clarification.
  3. Then my apologies. I sincerely appreciate the time and effort peope put into this stuff. I have first hand knowledge of how deep it can get. I have spent years doing it myself. Ever play silent hunter 4? Took every surface ship in the game and made it playable, even the AA guns, depth charges, radar, sonar.. Retextured, redid the water textures, codes, recomplied everything. Gave unique ID's, did hitboxes, animations, sounds, you name it.. So don't think I'm coming from the perspective of someone who doesn't get it please.. I will admit that I'm new to modding KSP, so maybe I don't know about the subtlety of your rules here. If that is the case then again my bad. I just don't understand how scatterer can be active if it's been 7 months since it's last update. How can you tell if a mod is in active development? I have to admit ignroance to this staus. I thought you were being aggressive as I was typing this and saw a bunch of exlamation marks popping out of you..lol.. No hard feelings k. What I meant by "I donate" is that I appreciate it when I find something good that I stick with and I give back. I don't just take. Not that I'm entitled to it.. Just that I simply appreciate it. I literally just started using mods in KSP like this week. So again my apologies if I am misinterpreting something. Best to you.
  4. Scatterer hasn't been updated since March. Again am I missing something? lol.. It's a core component for the things I love in this game..
  5. I can understand the issue with that but am I misunderstanding things? I thought the license agreement was pretty clear. Maybe the license should be adjusted to reflect these concerns. Or am I reading it wrong? I will always prefer the original modders code and will revert to it when it's available. But when a code goes unupdated for extended periods, the license allows other people to pick it up to help the community. I don't see that as bad in any way. Maybe I expect too much from people. I have spent years of my life modding and if I step away, I am happy to see someone pick up the torch. It means I made something people love. You sound like your making a threat. Idc about threats. I'll play vanilla if I have to.. No need to get all ansy. PS: I donate.. Sound good?
  6. I'm shocked at how many people are crying about this guy doing something helpful that the license ALLOWS.. The rules are made.. People take the responsibility apon themselves who MOD. If you use MODS, you know the risks, you back up saves. Hell most of us have the entire game directory backed up.. Let the man help... Jeeze..
  7. I'll have to check that out. I see it only lists current mods. I didn't see a few I use a bit ago but maybe it's being updated. Ty
  8. Why doesn't it list RVE/High res texture pack, Module manager & EVE? They work. Regardless, Cool, thanks for that. I'm an old school kinda guy. Not familiar with Ckan. I always do it manually.
  9. Scatterer is definitely not working right. I am in waterworld..lol.. RVE is working nicely though. Awesome! Thanks for such a quick update after 1.8!
  10. I don't know about the rest of you but I'd sure as hell love to know what mods are currently functional with 1.8. I see EVE, Mechjeb and Module manager are updated. Bravo modders. Any others? Please feel free to list the functioning mods if you'd like to have any area dedicated to it.. Tyvm and may you endure many beautiful explosions.. Or not.. Whatever your preference.
  11. What I would love to see is more realistic environments. Volcanoes, Ice volcanoes, methane lakes, snow, rain, fog, clouds, lightning, auroras, crevasses, city lights and when we build big enough structures, the ability to see those lights from orbit as well. Definitely need top notch graphics and terrains. Tornados and hurricanes too much to ask? Maybe.. lol.. The ability to recover stages as well please. Thank you
  12. Super hig res textures and terrains. Weather effects like rain, snow, clouds, etc. Planetary environmental effects such as volcanos, ice volcanos, dust, etc. City lights and ambiance for the home world in general and visible lights for large planetary built structures.. ty
  13. Thank you very much for the clarifiaction.
  14. Is it a given that mods will not work when a new release comes out? Will things such as kopernicus/RVE/RSS/Galileos and the like always be broken due to updates? Or do you get lucky sometimes? Thank you.
  15. Lol you said it. I disabled KS3P and all is well in the universe. Loving this mod! I wish KSP wouldn't make so many updates.lol.. This new update killed it I think for me.. Guess I either go with an older version or wait for an update. Sooo worth the wait!
  16. Anyone using RVEx64k ever have severely bright planets? Idk what I did or if it’s a conflict but at certain angles my larger planets have a very bright light ring around them and until I zoom in they can be super bright. Thanks for the help.
  17. I really hope this work gets continued and fixed. It was such a huge performance boost for using large sections of boosters and the like. It made the game completely playable and smooth for 1000 part builds and even more, once welded. Is it compatible with Dark Multiplayer? Please say yes. lol
  18. There are a lot of issues but it can be fun. The main issue I am having is that some people log on and feel that they become owner of the server, right when they get on. Then they go straight to deleting everything that I have made for the last few hours, before I even get to complete my objective. Really tired of it. Defeats the purpose of playing at all, if I can't lock my stuff from deletion, by random trolls and whiny children.
  19. I tried out KMP a while back but it ran badly and seemed a mess. The community seemed dead also. I will check that out, ty. Yea, I have landed on most things and done career mode. Taken monstrosities across the solar system and landed things, that had no right being landed anywhere..lol Good times.
  20. I just can't seem to get up the motivation to build and fly anymore.. I think I am burnt out on the gameplay. I sincerely wish MP would come out, even in a basic form, so that I could enjoy the game again.
  21. This is the only Skybox I have downloaded that looks just as good as the preview pic. Running at UHD, 3840x2160 on my 50" Samsung TV. All other skyboxes I have tried, show obvious pixleation, yet they claim to be 4k or even 8k. This far surpasses them all in quality and pixle density. Good job.
  22. This skybox suffers the same fate as the last one I downloaded that says it is 8k. Every star is pixleated at 3840x2160 true UHD. I can see the pixles all over the place that make up the galaxy. That is unacceptable imo. The only one I have found that is acceptable so far is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77420-Green-skull-inc-texture-packs
  23. Not kidding. This looks terrible to me.. I can see pixles all over the place. No way this is 8k.. The sky in oblivion looks waaaaay better than this. I shouldn't be seeing pixles in every star I look at. I shouldn't be seeing pixles in the milkyway. I do. I have only find a very few of these skyboxes that don't have this problem. I wish this was one of them because it is my favorite.
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