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Everything posted by B15hop

  1. I made a behemoth. I hope you enjoy it. Probably the biggest ship to reach orbit and beyond. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you.. Biguns….
  2. Lol you got me.. Launches. Speech to text strikes again. As does my lack of review skills. it was really difficult to get that together, no doubt. I don’t blame anybody for waiting. It failed so many times. I was pulling my hair out. lol You might try using some reaction wheels to help keep it more stable. But yeah, what you tried to put into the air was one hell of a ship. That’s going to be difficult no matter what you do. But I still think it looks awesome. I look forward to seeing it fly. oh and as for radial connections. I found it to work best for me when I set it to create 6 at a time, not mirrored or anything, 6 and centered the very first one on the center of the tank is connected to. I don’t know why, but it just seem to work out better and more stable. Then I would do six at a time to fill in the gaps off to the left and right. Adding layers of struts as I went.
  3. Omg lol. Dude that’s awesome! I don’t even care if it launched. That looks bad ass. Great job man. Ok, I see I have to step up my game lol. All good buddy. I like night time launches sometimes. But I will take your statement into account and try to get some daytime in there.
  4. You You’re welcome. And thank you for making an effort to make my post feel warm and inviting.
  5. Hello Kerbonites, I’ve been working on this for quite a while, and it was more than a little difficult to get stable, but I finally managed to get this monster into orbit and beyond. Just thought I would share this with you. So, without further ado, I give you. Biguns…
  6. Lol. Lag reducer by massively downgrading visual quality is a mod? Rockets less wobbly (maybe) is a mod? I’m not trying to be rude or dash hopes. But IMO The game is in no state to be modding it in ways that updates will probably break soon anyway. I play it but honestly it is barely even playable right now. I’ve had so many bugs that even basic trips to the mun become blind undertakings with more luck than skill involved.
  7. Don't tell me I crashed. I know I crashed.. Trust me, I know..lol. I will hit Escape or quick load or whatever, whenever I am done watching the explodey goodness, which is what KSP is built on. My two cents.
  8. Thank you very much. A lot of work went into it and I’m still working on the rest of the solar system lol.
  9. Lol Thank you. I have 4 or more around every other planet in the solar system almost. Working on Jool and it’s moons now.
  10. Decided to build a relay network throughout the solar system. Here is the one around Kerbin.
  11. Couple more things I thought of.. Skip time in addition to time warp. Something that allows us to jump to apoint rather than sit and wait extremely long time to get where we want in large orbits. Also, and this one is a big deal I think. The ability to make bases on other planets and store resources to build parts. For example, one I beam could cost X amount of ore, etc.. That way we could farm materials and build what we can from what we work for.
  12. Uploaded logs. Sorry for the delay, working nights is playing hell on me. I was looking through the save files based on another topic I found from a long time ago and found that these lines were missing for Jeb but no one else in the persistent save file. 71 = Flyby,Minmus 71 = Escape,Minmus 71 = Orbit,Minmus 71 = Suborbit,Minmus 71 = Land,Minmus 71 = PlantFlag,Minmus So I added them and he got his XP and stars. So the end of his Flight mission log looks like this now in the persistent save file. It's near the end of the file. Just open it with notepad. Hope it helps someone. 69 = Land,Kerbin 69 = Recover 70 = Recover 71 = Flyby,Minmus 71 = Escape,Minmus 71 = Orbit,Minmus 71 = Suborbit,Minmus 71 = Land,Minmus 71 = PlantFlag,Minmus } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 71 71 = Flight,Kerbin 71 = Suborbit,Kerbin 71 = Flyby,Minmus 71 = Escape,Minmus 71 = Orbit,Minmus 71 = ExitVessel,Minmus 71 = BoardVessel,Minmus 71 = Suborbit,Minmus 71 = Land,Minmus 71 = PlantFlag,Minmus
  13. I just orbited minimus with Jebediah and a crew of like 10 with him for a big XP run and then landed and planted flag with one of them. All of them got the XP except Jeb. Funny thing is, he’s the one who planted the flag. He didn’t even get experience for orbiting minimus. Any suggestions? Has me stumped. Can I edit a file and give it to him manually if it’s bugged? I’m at work right now but when I get home I will post the logs. Just thought maybe someone had dealt with this before or had a quick work around. Thank you. LOGS: Output log: https://1drv.ms/t/s!AuOBQyGItfrLhyzp3UXhLJNGL5Pa Player log: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuOBQyGItfrLhy3e9D_tWETxfp-C
  14. So is this mod only for PODS? Can it be used to keep my mining station batteries up to power and switch back and forth to solar reliance? I have used some other mods but they keep running the Fuel cells non-stop once they have been activated and never deactivate once solar power kicks in. Does this mod do that? If so. I am ecstatic! lol Thank you.
  15. Where’s the freaking donate button? Lol. Seriously, this level of amazing work deserves it!
  16. Those people are exactly who it wouldn’t affect. Did you even read my post? There are limitations to the revert function as it is. You can only revert your own things for example. You can only revert your current flight. Once you go to the tracking station or start building something else you can’t revert that last flight anymore. So I still think it could apply to multiplayer in a simplistic fashion. Don’t step away from a project if you’re not absolutely dedicated to it. Otherwise you lose the revert option.
  17. I love how people have this tendency to throw out some over blown statement, peppered with their own personal sentiment and no hard facts. You don’t even know what kind of programming KSP 2 will have. But here you are making this giant, blanketing statement because hey, it’s nice to sound like you know something isn’t it? When I look at KSP, I see a bunch of things that could be separated onto different cores. But if you want to stay in the 1970’s, feel free.
  18. For the love of God, get with the times please. If a game isn’t utilizing this feature by now it should be. Please make it work.
  19. I feel like the simplest solution should be considered. If you want a revert you lose the time but you get the ship back. That’ll teach you to not make so many frivolous launches lol. I know that could affect certain launch windows though.
  20. EVE, SVE and the texture pack for SVE. Make sure you downloaded a texture pack. It should work as long as EVE works, which it does.
  21. I have modded games before but I do not get this thing..lol.. I always used zip files that you told people to extract to a certain directory. I tried figuring out github to find a working fork of kopernicus to get Real solar system working again. All I find are files, not even the same names as the files that are in the kopernicus directory. I know I must be misunderstanding something here.. Is there a working fork of kopernicus, scatterer and Real solar system and how would I install them please? I hate to ask. I am ususally very self reliant but I have been trying for hours to figure this one out..lol. Thank you for any assistance.
  22. lol.. All good buddy.. Seriously though. No hard feelings.. Cheers to you and I have to say I've only been into modding this for a week or so but I saw some of the work you did and it is exemplary. I might have to try that.. And donate.
  23. Hey, I didn't say that.. lol. I understand your concern Galileo and it is a valid one in my opinion. Updating active MODS seems like a bad idea.. I meant if you want to do it and send it to a few friends, cool perhaps.. But going onto the main sites and posting is as a WIP. Not so much..lol
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