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Death Engineering

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Everything posted by Death Engineering

  1. As mentioned above, setting the conics patch mode to '0' should make adjusting your encounters from great distances much more precise. With practice, using only RCS, you can fine-tune your Duna encounter while still in Kerbin's SOI. Of course, it will shift slightly as you change SOI's, but you can at least get it really close for very little delta-v. This 'Apollo-style' Duna mission has no large diameter parts (except the Cupola and Lander can and their decouplers/adapters) and still has plenty of delta-v for fudging around with encounters. Keep your craft versatile (read: docking ports and extra delta-v) and you will have no problems. Edit: And for getting off of Duna and back into orbit, don't underestimate the "free" delta-v you get from the planet's rotation.. as long as your CM is orbiting Duna in a prograde orbit.
  2. Vall Station has returned to Kerbin! Final Mission Reports 7 and 8 posted. Everyone makes it home (almost) Ludlong gets a new job Vall Henge "secrets" are unlocked Challenge Scoring A real 'stick and rudder' kerbal +5 Rocket scientist +5 Map-master (4 SMART probes) +9 From top to bottom +10 We need total coverage +5 SMART rovers (4 SMART hoppers) +20 SMART landers (2 SMART landers/descent stages) +10 This means something +10 I have a theory +5 Floating in a tin can (21 kerbals) +21 Let's do some prospecting (12 kerbals) +24 This will make a nice picture +6 We could use a shower (1 Kerbal did not return) +40 Total: 170 Science Score: 2359 science points There are still more science points to be had from Vall, and more challenge points as well. Since not all kerbals from the mission returned, this result will be scored as "Normal Mode". Best of luck to anyone who tries, or is working on, this challenge. Thanks for reading!
  3. Vall Station has Returned! [Mission Report 8 - Conclusion] After a successful Kerbin aerocapture, Bob sat back and enjoyed the look of his home world. Vall was an amazing experience, but the cold blue landscape had made him miss the green grass and blue water of home. As he peered through his small window, KSC passed below and he felt as though he could see his office from space. He reminisced about the travels he'd had and all the foreign places he'd visited. He remembered the time that he and Bob spent 100 days on the Mun's surface, without a single EVA, just to say they did it. And when they returned even their own offices seemed like mansions for the first few days back at work. He recalled fondly how he had flown to Duna with Ludlong, making a good friend in the process, and how they'd just flown out to Vall and back. What would their discovery of Vall Henge bring to his fellow kerbals? It wouldn't be up to him to learn the rest of the secrets; he was just a pilot who brought back the science for others to study. He was a pilot, he realized, who was ready to retire. When Bob informed Ludlong that this would be his last mission, Ludlong insisted that Bob fly them back to Kerbin's surface. It was too late to make a formal flight plan change, so at the last moment Ludlong switched the pilot controls over to Bob's seat, and Bob flew the landing team back to Kerbin's warm oceans for the last time. When the second landing team missed their landing zone and had a hard ground landing far off course, Bob and Ludlong shared a nod of acknowledgement. Bob still had "pretty good stuff". At Bob's retirement party, the new KSC Director was announced. To no one's surprise, Ludlong gladly accepted the position stating that he could never replace Bob; he could only succeed him. Afterwards, off the record, Ludlong told Bob about a new, secretly developed space program. One that was meant to land not on Tylo, as Bob had expected, but on Jools last moon: Bop. Ludlong hadn't learned, yet, why there was a secret space program to visit Bop, but he promised Bob that when he figured it out, he would tell Bob everything. For months, Bob awaited some kind of announcement regarding what he and Ludlong had seen on Vall. He expected to hear about some kind of connection between Vall and Tylo and even, perhaps, the extreme ideas propagated by the Tylotologists. But no such announcement from KSC ever came. Instead, KSC released details diagrams about how such formations like Vall Henge form though natural planetary development and erosion processes. They claimed that the Vall pyramids were natural formations, and no one questioned it. Soon, it was all but forgotten and seen as an expensive waste of money sending so many kerbals so far from home, only to look at some pointy rocks in the sand. But Bob, and Ludlong, and everyone else who walked amongst the Vall pyramids, knew that there was nothing natural about the formations. But without any proof no one would take them any more seriously than the Tylotology zealots. And then on a warm Kerbin morning almost a year after returning from Vall, Ludlong appeared at Bob's home unannounced. After a sincere and warm greeting, Bob invited Ludlong in for koffee. Ludlong had acquired, and told Bob not to ask from where, a photo taken of Bop's surface. It seemed that Kerson had only used Tylo as a slingshot and had really highjacked the Science Lab to fly to Bop. The photo, probably stolen from the Tylotologists Bob thought, showed a very strange looking shape on Bop's surface. "Bob," Ludlong said, in a serious tone possibly for the first time Bob had ever heard, "..there's something on Bop." "Yeah, Lud, I see that. What is it?" "I don't know, Bob, but I'm going on the mission. This mission is off the books, quite dangerous and definitely illegal since me and some others are planning on stealing the Bop spacecraft." After a long pause while Bob absorbed Ludlong's news, he continued, "And Bob, there's an extra seat. Do you still have your orange space suit?" "It's already packed, Ludlong. I've been waiting for this moment for months." Bob shook Ludlong's hand and within the hour, they were orbiting Kerbin and, with Jeb's and Bill's help, had stolen the secret spacecraft designed to land on Bop.
  4. Flying around Vall Henge Mission Report 7 - Going Home Ludlong could barely contain his excitement when the Hoppah Droppah flew overhead with it's delivery of two short-range Vall Hoppers. He saw the engineering diagrams that were on the design team's drawing board before they left Kerbin and knew that he had to try one of these out, and soon. Bob watched Ludlong's eyes grow bigger and rounder and became immediately concerned that Ludlong would see the hoppers as some kind of sports bike and want to take them for a spin. And, knowing Ludlong, it would be a wild spin. "Bob! Bob! You know what we should do?", exclaimed Ludlong after the Hoppah Droppah landed near them. "We're not going to race them, Ludlong", Bob replied without raising his eyes from the report he was writing. "Yes! We should race them! That's a great idea, Bob!" Bob slowly shook his head in silence while Ludlong, muttering quietly to himself, could be heard saying things like "probably get up to 40 or 50 meters per second" and "enough fuel to get into orbit". After the two hoppers were released from the Hoppah Droppah, Ludlong flew it remotely away from their landing site and enabled it's SMART science equipment. Readings started showing up from its final resting place and finally, after making Ludlong wait until daylight, Bob told Ludlong it was time to try out the hoppers. "You're not going on that thing alone, Lud. It's not balanced for a single pilot. I'll join you and we can take it up for a look at Vall Henge from above. I want to have a look at something." Bob wanted to have a look at the shape of the stones at Vall Henge and compare them to the pattern that the Tylotologists use as their emblem. He was pretty sure it was the same, but was certain of it when he noticed that Kerson had placed a Tylotology sticker on the hoppers' seats. "That Kerson!" exclaimed Bob, "Now he's vandalizing our equipment!" "Don't worry, Bob. It won't affect handling.. watch this!" Ludlong said gleefully as he launched the hopper into a steep climb. "Ludlong...! Slow down!" "Sure thing Bob.. as soon as we land!" While Ludlong tormented Bob with some skilled, but decidedly dangerous flying, the last of the two latest Vall science vessels were slowing down through Jool's thick atmosphere. This was a science lab, only recently added to the KSC equipment roster, and would be docked to Vall Station to assist the science team. Once the Vall mission is complete, the science lab will remain uncrewed in Vall orbit. Science Lab docked to Vall Station Finally, the Kerbin return launch window was near! First into orbit from their landing site was the Vall Henge landing team. Of course, Ludlong was at the controls and grinning madly as he flew the ascent stage into orbit and docked it to Vall Station. Once the crew had settled in for their long trip home, the science team moved from the new Science Lab back into Vall Station. Shortly afterwards, Jeb released the docking clamp on the Science Lab and gently maneuvered Vall Station away from the Science Lab. While waiting for the second landing team to ascend from the surface to Vall Station, Bob decided he was going to confront Kerson again. Bob was very concerned with having someone on board he considered to be a saboteur. However, when Bob went to Kerson's cabin, there was no one there. Bob picked up the radio and said, "This is Bob to Kerson.. where are you, Kerson?" No reply. And then, Ludlong came over to Bob and whispered in his ear. "He what?!?!", Bob screamed. Bob could hardly believe his ears when Ludlong told him that Kerson had just EVA'd and was last seen flying towards the abandoned Science Lab. He was too far away now for anyone to try and go get him, so Jeb adjusted the Vall Station orbit so that they would encounter the Science Lab on the next orbit. Bob was pacing and muttering and looking very angry for the entire orbit. When they finally made it back to where they could re-dock to the Science Lab and find out what Kerson was up to, everyone was shocked to see that the Science Lab was gone. And then Kerson radioed in from the Science Lab. "Nice try, Bob. But like I already told you, you're not going to stop us!" Kerson paused, cleared his throat, then proclaimed loudly, "I claim this Science Lab in the name of Tylotology!" He then immediately cut the transmission and could be seen flying out of Vall orbit and towards Tylo. That night, Bob had an uncomfortable discussion with mission control back on Kerbin trying to explain how he let Kerson highjack and steal the Science Lab. When the second landing team flew near Vall Station in preparation for docking, Bill radioed over asked where the Science Lab was. Jeb quickly advised him to drop the subject and not ask Bob about it. Meanwhile, back on Kerbin, Tylotologists celebrated their new zealot hero.. Kerson Kerman.
  5. Updated leaderboard with 'best guess' on your completed mission objectives. Calculated score: 134 Very nice! edit: There are 5 points still up for grabs, should you want them...
  6. So, by the definition of the 'no-clipping not even what the editor allows' rule, this would be illegal? Not a fan of that rule. I'm out. edit: As would this S1B-style first stage? Was planning on doing entries across all mission profiles, but .... It's a pity, as the concept of comparing each mission is a fascinating idea.
  7. "Why bring one when you can bring four at four times the price?" Took another look at this challenge and this time brought along some hardware purpose-built to this mission. Using four two-stage landers, each with it's own rover, and a crew of 8 kerbals, we visited 8 biomes on Mun and deployed probes around both Minmus and Mun (repurposed lander ascent-stages). All other unused orbiting hardware was either crashed into Mun or Kerbin. Biomes visited LM1 - Canyons LM2 - East Farside Crater LM2 - Midlands LM2 - Northwest Crater LM2 - Highlands LM2 - Highland Craters LM3 - Twin Craters LM4 - Polar Crater Scoring Launch: 1.8 + 0.2 = 2.0 Flight plan: 0.9 + 0.1 = 1.0 Kerbals in space: 8 Kerbals in command pod: 0.7 + 0.5 = 1.2 Calculated as: (2 Lab Crew + 2 Command Module Crew) / 8 Crew Kerbals landed: 0.3 + 0.5 = 0.8 Calculated as: 4 Lander Crew / 8 Crew Rovers: (Note: rovers is a general category and includes all non-orbital travel devices brought down with the lander.) 0.5 + 0.5 + (0.2 * 3) = 1.6 Science: 0.5 + (0.3 * 8) + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 3.5 Landings: 0.6 + 0.4 + (0.1 * 3) = 1.3 Return: 1 + 0.1 = 1.1 Debris: 1 Survival: 1 Score: 2.0 * 1.0 * 8.0 * 1.2 * 0.8 * 1.6 * 3.5 * 1.3 * 1.1 * 1.0 * 1.0 = 123.0 Thanks, MagiMaster!
  8. There's no problem with using mod parts, but in the interest of balance with the other entries, I'd score it on a separate leaderboard of 'mod' scores. Looking back on some other scores, I'd probably have to move 2 or 3 others into the 'mod' class as well, so go for it.
  9. 1. Yes, science packages can be rovers and yes it would score for science and the rover. 2. Yes science packages can be deployed from orbit. 3. No rover limit........ 4. Landers require a pod. Good luck on your mission!
  10. Really nice tour of the system and much more than just easter eggs. Thanks for the vid!
  11. Definitely 49. Serves me right for using the Wiki page to get the SOI value (my probe spindle is still orbiting Vall awaiting deployment of it's payload..). Looks like a very versatile craft you have there. Great mission and congrats on completion! And 5 points still up for grabs, should you want them... Leaderboard updated and thanks for playing!
  12. Leaderboard updated with beelzebub and KevinTMC challenge scores. My sincere apologies to these two players for somehow missing updating the leaderboard for their two great missions. I spoke with my minions in the Death Engineering 'Secret Underground Laboratory' and while they didn't admit to the oversight, they seemed rather keen on helping out more. Okay, they're cats...
  13. Mission Hardware Catalog Vall Station: 92.8t Vall LM + Mini tug 35.8t Vall LM + IP stage 81.7t Science Lab Upgrade 33.6t Vall Hoppers and Probes 65.0t Total Mass to LKO: 308.9t
  14. I chose to stick to the standard 'rover' concept for mobility as that's the most balanced approach to hitting multiple biomes after landing. IMHO the MMU would need its own scoring category, with weighting less than a rover. This 'hopper' isn't much heavier than the rover I brought along and has about 140km range on Mun. That could have hit at least two more biomes from my landing site. I mean, there's nothing stopping one from EVA/surface travel to every biome on a single landing, but it shouldn't be too easy to do so.
  15. Had to go back and forth through your photos to take in all the great design work you've done there. Escape tower/probe combo tops it, IMHO. Kudos! That was quite a burn to get to Duna... 4500m/s, was it? That would probably explain the scorching through Duna's paper-thin atmosphere. Another new high score!!
  16. Interesting challenge and one that I bet most of us have done, without actually planning to. May give it a go!
  17. [Mission Report 6] Safe touchdown at Vall Henge! In this mission report: Kerson's identity is revealed Bob thinks about 'Tylotology' Ludlong takes an 'oral sample' of Vall Henge
  18. [Mission Report 6 - Vall Henge] Bob and Ludlong's lander was still descending towards the pyramids when Bill's report of their landing on one of Vall's equatorial basins was transmitted. The engines were burning with a light thrust to maintain altitude while they approached the landing site, less than 100m from the pyramids. Ludlong watched the altitude radar intently while Bob was observing the landing zone from his window. No one spoke as the lander got closer to the pyramids. It was difficult to see the structures with any detail; that would have to wait until morning. But, Bob could see enough detail to make out that there was a ring of rectangular blocks that surrounded the five pyramids, and not all the pyramids were the same size. The shape, a circle with a bisecting line, was a pattern he saw.. recently.. just before they boarded. "What was it?!" he thought. Just then, Kerson looked at Bob and asked, "What's our status, Bob?" And then, Bob knew. He recognized that pattern! Just before they left the KSC, there was a small group of zealots handing out pamphlets to onlookers; something they called "Tylotology". Bob recalled one of them stuffing a pamphlet into his hand instead of shaking it as they met supporters before leaving. It was Kerson! He was a Tylotologist! Did he throw it away, or did he just leave it in his pocket? That question would have to wait until they boarded Vall Station after their landing mission. Until then, he would be keeping a very close eye on Kerson. Bob knew a little bit about the Tylotologists and their belief that all life on Kerbin originated from a volcanic eruption that occured millions of years ago on Tylo. It was their understanding that life-carrying pyroclastic debris was ejected into space and landed on Kerbin, spawning all known life. They were obviously crazy, he thought. However, someone built the structure he was looking at, and it was in the exact shape of the icon for the Tylotologists. "Landing complete, Bob!" exclaimed Ludlong. Bob could also recall something about a science fiction book he'd read as a child, written by the founder of Tylotology, which stated that another volcano would erupt, but this time on Kerbin, and would then become the space seed for another planet while at the same time destroying all life on Kerbin. "Landing complete, Bob!" exclaimed Ludlong, again. Bob had totally missed the landing, he was so deep in thought! "Roger that, Ludlong. Smooth landing; I didn't even feel a bump. Lock us down and let's head out for a walk, shall we? Kerson?" Bob asked while glaring at Kerson. With the engines off and thanks to a safe landing from Ludlong, the crew departed their craft to EVA near the structure. There was so much tension from the landing, and a sense of awe and wonder surrounding the pyramids, that no one spoke a word as they exited for their surface mission. Just as Bob turned to tell the team that he was about to plant the flag, Kerson appeared immediately in front of him. With a solid unblinking stare, Kerson said quietly "I know you tried to hide my scanner, Bob. I'm not worried about your accusations and your suspicions. There's nothing you can do, now, anyways." Kerson then walked towards the others and took his place for the group photo. After planting a flag and taking a photo of the team near their lander, the science experts starting taking measurements around the blocks. Ludlong and Bill followed Kerson, closely. Kerson's job, besides efficiency expert, was to take surface seismic readings. Bob noticed that Kerson was brazenly brandishing his Scan-o-Tron, apparently the device Kerson used for seismic readings. After taking only two readings, Kerson filed his report and headed back to the lander. While the other science crew members continued their research, Bob and Ludlong also returned to the lander. On the way, Bob suddenly had an idea to have a look at the structure from its highest point: the top of the tallest pyramid. With a long, careful burn of his EVA pack, Bob ascended to the top of the pyramid. From this height he had a unique perspective of the structure and took a moment to ponder the Tylotologist's ideas about life from volcanoes. Pyramids did look a little like volcanoes, he thought. Then he saw Ludlong at the base. Was he.. could he be.. "Ludlong, stop trying to taste it!" "Sure thing, Bob!"
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