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Death Engineering

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Everything posted by Death Engineering

  1. Oh I'm certain of it. A grand-tour craft would rock the scoreboard. Maybe an 'expert' mode on the challenge could include tier 0 or tier 1 parts only. Personally, I don't like to use "CHAD" staging (CHeap-And-Dirty) by overheating stacked SRB's, but a Tier 1 science points quest could be interesting.
  2. Totally makes sense. I just completed the 'most science points in a single launch' challenge and performed 11 landings including 9 on Minmus and 1 on Mun but it wasn't a 2 stage lander and only a single crew on the lander so the score wasn't significantly higher than my original entry. Perhaps custom hardware suited to this challenge is in order....
  3. Still really enjoying everyone's continuing involvement in this thread. Lots a great designs and massive efforts to implement. @borisperrons: Your lifter reminded me of the Soviet UR-700.
  4. It's to the rules of the challenge. What's your point? Edit: Oh I get it. I forgot to mention mods. Updated.
  5. Moon Via Minmus and Duna Science Quest This mission started out as a quest to visit every Minmus biome, then stop at Mun and land once or twice depending on fuel reserves, and back to Kerbin. However, once at Minmus, a quick check revealed Duna could be reached without a large delta-v expense, so off we went! Using a low fuel consumption burn and aerocapture around Duna to get into Ike's orbit allowed for an Ike landing as well as the orbital Duna science. Without chutes on the lander, a powered descent on Duna would have rendered it stranded without enough delta-v to get back to Duna orbit, but Ike was reward enough. After leaving Duna, the mission then aerocaptured around Kerbin to Mun's orbit where only a single landing could be done. More were planned, but fuel to Ike and back used up the reserves. Stats: Mod: Kerbal Alarm Clock First (and only) launch in a fresh game with full tech tree unlocked* 9 Minmus landings 1 Ike landing 1 Mun landing 151 science experiments recovered from the capsule Science points earned from transmission: 1175.5 Science points earned from recovery: 9748.5 Total: 10924 * Used the first method mentioned in the rules for getting full tech tree on first launch. After unlocking the tech tree, the "sci" value was reset prior to launch. "= start a new career game, launch the 1 man pod and do a crew report, anything that will get you some science. leave to main menu, open your save file with notepad and edit "sci =" to a huge enough number to unlock all parts."
  6. Perhaps I erred when I read the rules: Launch: •1.8 point for a single launch •1.2 points for a single launch plus a crew/refueling shuttle •0.6 points for a ship constructed in orbit I didn't construct the lander in orbit (2-stage lander and transfer stage launch together). Although the "crew shuttle" stayed with the mission to Munar orbit, the CM engine isn't lit after docking until its time to come home. Does the Constellation/Altair/Orion flight plan earn 1.2 or 0.6?
  7. Thought it might be fun to try this challenge with my Orion/Altair-style hardware. Although the Ares V style lifter could lift the LM and CM on a single launch, that is not how the Altair was intended to be used. Based on that, the mission can't earn maximum points for the challenge, as the Altair lander and the Orion CM were intended to launch on two separate launches and rendezvous in low orbit before heading to the Moon. Once docked, the CM engine is not used again until after the landing crew has completed their mission and the crew has returned to the CM after docking the ascent stage to the CM. The lander, a four-crew two-stage lander with two rovers, and the Munar transfer stage are launched on a single launch. The Midland Craters landing site was chosen for its proximity to the Midlands and Northwest Crater biomes, so three biomes were visited by the landing team. Thanks for posting the challenge, MagiMaster. Interesting scoring system! Clearly, using my OTS solution isn't optimized for this scoring matrix but fun all the same. Mods: Kerbal Alarm Clock Scoring: Launch: 1.4 (Single launch with crew shuttle + LES) Flight plan: 1.0 (Mun with free-return trajectory) Kerbals in space: 5 Kerbals in command pod: 0.9 (1/5 crew stayed in CM) Kerbals landed: 1.1 (4/5 crew landed) Rovers: 1.2 (two rovers) Science: 1.4 (three biomes visited by kerbals) Landings: 1 (1 two-stage lander) Return: 1 (water landing) Debris: 1 (no orbital debris) Survival: 1 (all's well with all 5 kerbs) Total: 1.4 * 1 * 5 * 0.9 * 1.1 * 1.2 * 1.4 * 1 * 1 * 1 = 11.64
  8. Indeed... with that launch schedule, the total LKO cargo for the five launches would need to be <=30t, assuming the reusability bonus.
  9. I suggest this guide: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62368-0-23-Tutorial-Mission-Planning-and-Ship-Design-for-SCIENCE%21
  10. Rule removed. I can't remember why I had it there in the first place; I think I had plans for another co-dependent three-amigo rule but that didn't come together.
  11. Rule Updates Thank you Highlad for pointing out that a synchonous orbit around Vall is not possible. 4. From top to bottom: Land a SMART probe at >7000m elevation and another <200m elevation +10. Landed probes are >7900m elevation and <50m elevation +10. Increased scoring for the second part of this rule and changed the requirements to make it more do-able. 5. We need total coverage: Orbit two SMART probes in circular orbits 180° apart and Pe minimum 2 200 000 m (± 10°) around Vall +5. Changed to a Pe within Vall's SOI and changed to 10°
  12. Almost 2700 hrs since May. I, too, need some fresh air.
  13. Mission Report 5 posted... In this mission report: First Kerbals on Vall! Bob gets a first look at the structures on Vall Jeb is listless and depressed Geographic Survey Landing Team Landed at 145m with a >7000m peak in the distance
  14. Two Landers around Vall [Mission Report 5] "Three.. two.. one.. engines off!" exclaimed Ludlong as the landing teams completed their Vall orbital insertion burn. "Thank you Ludlong," replied Bob, "How close were we on fuel, Lud?" "Hey Bob! We have point-two percent fuel remaining in the transfer stage!", Ludlong replied cheerfully, apparently either unaware or unconcerned about how close they came to getting stuck in Jool orbit and blowing their whole part of the mission. "Roger that, Lud, thanks. Two percent isn't as close as we thought. Should even be enough to push the transfer stage into a Jool escape orbit. Alright, lets link up with Vall Station and get our landing coordinates", Bob said. "That's a negative, Bob, on the two percent fuel. I said zero point two percent fuel remaining. There isn't even enough to push the transfer stage out of Vall orbit", advised Ludlong. Bob looked over at Kerson and with a stoic, disapproving glare asked, "We nearly failed our mission because of your 'detour' out to Tylo's orbit. Now we have to leave the interplanetary transfer stage in Vall orbit instead of pushing it into deep space. What were you thinking?" "I am the effienciency expert and the commander of this mission. You must not question my actions. That is not efficient!", replied Kerson without remorse over his near mission-ending mistake. "You may be the commander of this mission, but I am the director of the Kerbal Space Center and if I want to know why you almost caused this landing mission to fail, you're going to tell me. Now.", Bob said sternly, although realizing that he had no real recourse if Kerson didn't respond to his inquiry. Kerson snorted and clutched furtively at the mysterious device in his pocket that he used when they were near Tylo, but did not respond to Bob's question. But as Kerson turned his head back towards his window, the small device fell from his pocket. Bob noticed the writing on it: "Scan-o-Tron 2000". Bob quickly and quietly pushed the device under his seat and decided he would have to have a look at that when they landed, whether Kerson approved or not. After performing some last minute checks with the landers, the interplanetary drive stage was ditched. Its tiny amount of remaining fuel burned the stage into a slightly ellilptical orbit, but would remain in orbit around Vall as a permanent reminder of Kerson Kerman's unexpected and unexplained "mistake". The landers, which had been docked together since just before leaving Kerbin, undocked in low Vall orbit and opened communication with the science team on Vall Station to get their landing coordinates. Geographic Survey Vall Landing Team "Lander 1 calling Vall Station. This is Ludlong.. how you guys doing!", exclaimed Ludlong while calling Vall Station on their comm system. "Hey Ludlong. This is Jeb. I'm bored", replied Jeb slowly, his voice faint and sounding tired. "Hi Jeb! How's the Vall Station mission going so far?" Ludlong could hear Jeb breathing, but it took almost a minute before Jeb finally responded, "Yeah... it's alright. We found some weird things on Vall down near the south pole. They are at the same place where that image was taken that was floating around at KSC before we left. Some kind of <yawn> pyramids or something. I don't know. I'm transmitting exact coordinates now. You guys should head down there and have a <yawn> look. You know, Ludlong, I need a nap. Catch you later." Jeb closed the communication channel and a moment later, Ludlong's navigation system lit up with the exact coordinates for landing. Aboard the second Vall lander, Bill called up to Vall Station for their landing coordinates. When Jeb didn't answer after numerous hails, Bill called Lander 1 and asked Ludlong if he was able to reach Jeb. Ludlong confirmed that he got the landing site information, but that Jeb mentioned he was going to take a nap. "A nap?", Bill asked. "Jeb doesn't take naps. I don't think I've ever seen Jeb sleep. This can't be good." Bill then used their onboard equipment to select a landing site with a low elevation and a nearby mountain with a high elevation. Without wasting any more time, both landers made their descent burns and commenced the first Kerbal landings on Vall. The Geographic Survey Landing Team was first to land and images of their success were beamed across Kerbin with pride. As Bob and Ludlong's lander approached their target, they could see the pyramids that Jeb told Ludlong about. The pattern of the pyramids on the surface reminded Bob of something, but he couldn't think of what it was. He would have to check the database for something that looked like the pattern the pyramids formed. He was also very curious about the device that Kerson had dropped. After they landed, Bob had some investigating to do. Lander 1 coming in over the pyramids Geographic Survey Landing Team
  15. Not true. You can carry as many unique surface samples as you get get ahold of.
  16. It's funny you mention that.. I just discovered that this morning while attempting to achieve that orbit. Whoops! I shall adjust the rule accordingly. Thanks for the comment and good luck!
  17. I don't think they're useless at all. The ability to maximize transmission data is nice, but being able to reset science parts is they're greatest value. I sent this craft on a flyby mission to Duna, was lucky enough to get close enough to Ike for science, then swung it past Eve as well before landing. Got great 'near' and 'high above' science for both Eve and Duna. edit: although was a little put-out that I could not get atmospheric data on neither Eve nor Duna. It seems the trajectory has to be sub-orbital before it allows that.
  18. Mission Report 4 Posted.. In this mission report.. Bob confronts Jeb during deep space trip to Jool Kerson makes an inefficient mistake Arrival at Jool Vall Station in orbit around Vall
  19. Vall Station after Aerocapture around Jool [Mission Report 4] The Vall landing team was more than half-way out to Jool before Bob had time to confront Jeb. Bob's theory that Jeb was pretending to be Kerson Kerman had started when Bob noticed that Jeb was absent for every meeting where Kerson was. But, what really made Bob believe this theory was how excited Jeb was when he was handed the mission to fly the Vall Station. The Vall Station mission would be the first to arrive at Vall and perform high-orbit science around Vall until the landing team arrived. When the landing team was ready, Vall Station would fly to a low Vall orbit after which the landing team would launch from the surface and dock to the station. Vall Station was crewed with 8 science experts, so all Jeb had to do was fly. He didn't even question his assignment when he heard that Bob and Bill were leading the landing teams. As far as missions go, this was little more than a bus-driver job! While in deep space still some 45 days away from Jool, the landing team vessel and Vall Station were scheduled to perform some deep space communication tests. The Vall station pilot and the lead pilots from both landers were to EVA and fly 1000m from their craft then perform EVA communication tests between each other to make sure a pilot on EVA could still communicate over long distances without the need for a spacecraft. "Lander 1, this is Lander 1 pilot Bob. Can you hear me Lander 1." "Sure thing, Bob!", replied Ludlong. Ludlong and Bob were inseparable ever since the Duna mission where they spent 174 days together on Duna's dusty red surface. Bob taught Ludlong to fly and helped Ludlong join the KSC Test Pilot program, and Ludlong helped keep Bob from being too sarcastic and dry-witted. "Thanks, Lander 1. Can you let Jeb on Vall Station know that I'm on EVA and ask him to EVA as well so we can test our EVA to EVA communication?" "Sure thing, Bob!" Apparently that was Ludlong's favourite thing to say. A few minutes later, Bob could hear Jeb's voice over his communication link. "Hey Bob, Jeb here. What's up, old man?" "Hello Jeb, this is Bob. And I am not an old man, in fact I'm younger than you", replied Bob. "I guess you just look old", added Jeb sardonically. "Ha-ha, Jeb. I bet you think you're pretty smart. But you know what? I know your secret..I know your secret", Bob taunted Jeb. After a pause where Bob could only hear Jeb breathing and muttering something inaudible, Jeb replied hesitantly, "Which secret..I have many?" "Jeb, I'm just going to ask you straight-out: are you pretending to be the efficiency expert Kerson Kerman?", Bob asked earnestly. "Bob! You think I'm Kerson Kerman? Nothing could be farther from the truth. I have "Moar Boosters!" tattooed on my arm.. how efficient is that?" Bob had forgotten about the tattoo and realized he could have just checked Kerson for the tattoo. "Well, Jeb, why is it that whenever Kerson is around you seem to be suspiciously absent?", Bob asked, wholly puzzled now. "Kerson? I can't stand that guy!", Jeb exclaimed. "He's as interesting as a kase of dirt and just about as smart! You know me, Bob. I'm not about efficiency; I'm about going fast and making big explosions! Now that I think of it, that's probably why I'm not on the landing team...", replied Jeb, his voice trailing off at the end as he pondered his philosophikal views on 'moar boosters' and 'moar struts', and that maybe less extreme positions on boosters and struts was in order. Luckily, that idea went out of his very quickly. Jeb continued, "Besides, Bob, you should know I'm not Kerson since you hired the guy." "What are you talking about? I didn't hire him.. he just showed up one day. I assumed he was hired by you, the lead test pilot." "I don't hire people! I fire things.. boosters, fuel tanks, anything that makes an unnecessarilty loud noise, but I don't hire and fire people. Look Bob, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. I'm going back inside now. Switching to main comms. See you around Vall.... OLD MAN! Hehehe..." answered Jeb, laughing as he closed his comm link. So, Bob wondered, if I didn't hire him and the lead test pilot didn't hire him.. who hired Kerson?!? Vall Station in high orbit around Vall Since Vall Station was to arrive at Jool first, it's aerobraking maneuver was watched by the entire Kerbal population. As flames engulfed the station while passing at a periapsis of 117400km through Jool's thick green atmosphere, everyone gasped and awed at the thick flames surrounding the delicately assembled spacecraft. Somehow, know one asked how, it came through on the other side in a near perfect orbit parallel to Vall's. After several orbits around Jool, Jeb found an encounter window with Vall and the station entered into a steep inclination orbit, allowing for scans of the surface from many angles. Problems occurred when 14 days later, the landing teams arrived docked together with their interplanetary transport stage. Just as the landing team entered Jool's SOI, Kerson took control of the spacecraft and raised their aerobraking periapsis. And, because he was the efficiency expert, no one asked what he was doing or why. But, when they came out the other side of Jools atmosphere, their orbit was far too high and was almost into Tylo's orbit. As the landers crept up toward their apoapsis, they had a brief encounter with Tylo. During the Tylo encounter, Kerson used a device he brought aboard and furtively pressed keys on the device while peering out his window at Tylo. During this time, no one spoke to him, and he spoke to no one. It was very mysterious. Eventually, they were able to bring their orbit back down and a few orbits later descended further into Vall's orbit for an encounter. As they burned their transfer engines to establish Vall orbit, Bob glared at Kerson. Thanks to Kerson's unneeded and detrimental last minute course correction, they had to burn their engines for far longer than they planned to and their fuel supply was getting low. No one aboard the landers was sure they were going to make Vall orbit or if they were going to be stuck in an orbit around Jool. It was going to be very close.. Vall Landers attempting to burn into Vall's orbit In the next report... Orbital activities aboard Vall Station The landers try to get into Vall orbit Kerson's mysterious device is revealed
  20. The time to "ready" your lifter (either build a new one or refit one that was recovered) is the minimum time between ready-to-go launchers. However, you do not need to launch every time a lifter is available. Keep track of how many lifters you have available at any given point, based on the refit-formula, and launch them when it makes sense to do so for your mission plans. Good luck and welcome to the challenge!
  21. I was thrilled to unlock it and sent two on flyby missions with Science Labs. One to Duna and another to Eve. Hoping to get flyby data from Gilly and Ike! Although heavy, in one part one can deliver a Science Lab team and a lander pilot. Seems ideal to me.
  22. Wow that's a drag. Do you think updating to 0.23 did it? Looking forward to it.. are you doing it "For Science!"?
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