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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. Toolbar Plugin 1.2.1 is now available for download, fixing a few minor bugs, and adding new API for plugin authors.
  2. Toolbar Plugin 1.2.1 is now available for download, fixing a few minor bugs.
  3. Digging deeper, I find there are more issues with the way KER uses the Toolbar Plugin: - It uses [KSPAddon] in a way that does not work. You cannot add enum values like that. The result here is that while the value of Startup.EditorAny is -3, and Startup.Flight is 7, OR-ing them together like that results in -1, which is the same as simply stating Startup.EveryScene. This isn't bad in itself, but it is probably not what you meant. - So the button is added to the toolbar in every scene, but it will only have a texture (icon) if the current game scene is either an editor or the flight scene. The end result is that the toolbar gets a new button right at the main menu, but without an icon. My suggestion would be this: - Change the [KSPAddon] line to explicitly use Startup.EveryScene. - Use IButton.Visibility with GameScenesVisibility to restrict the display of the button to the scenes you want (EDITOR, SPH, and FLIGHT.) You may ignore IButton.Visible when you use IButton.Visibility instead. - Always set a texture for the button, regardless of game scene. - Always add a (single) click handler to the button, regardless of game scene.
  4. Okay, I didn't know about the 1.0 dev build. I thought I'd just ask
  5. Right, that's what I actually meant Just another thing: Would it be possible to not require one of the parts be attached to the vessel if the toolbar is available? I think the parts look really great, but personally I always just attach them to get the KER window, then remove them before actual flight. I don't really have a use for them. I'd rather just click the toolbar button and get the window when I need it.
  6. If KSP's EULA allows you to do it, then yes. Otherwise, all rights reserved, which generally means no.
  7. Hey, great to see toolbar support implemented I just found a minor thing that triggered a bug in the toolbar: While the pause menu is open, KER would remove its button from the toolbar. This will make the toolbar disappear from the screen completely if it is currently being positioned at the right or bottom screen edge, and if it is also currently in auto-hidden mode. While that bug is completely on my end, there is no real need to remove the button while the pause menu is open. Instead, I think I will modify the toolbar implementation so that all buttons will be disabled while the pause menu is open.
  8. I think I found the problem. Kerbal Engineer Redux removes its button while the pause menu is open, and the toolbar gets confused if it is currently in auto-hidden mode while being positioned at the right or bottom screen edge. The problem should not occur at the left or top screen edge, or if the toolbar is currently not auto-hidden. Edit: Fixed it. The bugfix will come with the next update. Workaround until then: Don't use auto-hide, or don't position at the right or top screen edge if you want auto-hide.
  9. Do you remember the exact sequence of steps you took that made the toolbar go invisible completely, by any chance? That would help a tremendous amount.
  10. Not difficult, but I fear a bit of abuse. On the other hand, I don't recall seeing any other mods using their old buttons doing anything on mouse-over. So heck, why not. I'd rather go for MouseEnter/MouseOut events, though, rather than you testing for a boolean value all the time.
  11. I'd like to know what makes you say that. Note that I'm not trying to push the toolbar on you, your feelings are perfectly fine and using it is completely up to you. I'm just trying to figure out if there is anything I can do that can improve players' experience with the toolbar. Perhaps you might want to post about that on the toolbar thread, though.
  12. That's odd, it works for me when set up like this: - Top edge of the screen (no auto-hide) in tracking station - Bottom edge of the screen (auto-hide) in VAB - Right edge of the screen (auto-hide) in flight But I'll see what I can find.
  13. Good find, I didn't look into NavyFish's folders when I downloaded it.
  14. That is indeed an error in the packaging. The GameData\000_Toolbar\ folder in the download is okay, but the GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Toolbar.dll is not.
  15. I don't know how you installed it, but - there needs to be exactly one folder GameData\000_Toolbar\, that ideally contains the latest version of the Toolbar Plugin. Any other copy inside a different folder shouldn't be there.
  16. No. Each third-party plugin that is adding a button needs to specify some sort of internal "ID" for that button. Buttons are then sorted by those IDs. Right, this is still on my list of things to do: https://github.com/blizzy78/ksp_toolbar/issues/2
  17. Right. If you look closely, there should be a little nudge indicating where the toolbar sits. (It's only 3 pixels wide/tall, though.)
  18. Well to be honest, personally I'm happy with the toolbar as it is now. So I'm really open to suggestions here That is a planned feature: https://github.com/blizzy78/ksp_toolbar/issues/2 But you know how it is - so little time, so much to do. Also perhaps this should be continued in the Toolbar Plugin's players' thread to stop hijacking this thread
  19. To temporarily make it visible, just hover over the toolbar at the screen edge. To make it permanently visible again, click the little triangle arrow again, then select "Deactivate Auto-Hide." (an example of doing that can be seen in the video in the OP)
  20. Thanks, added both. Did you go for the "important" feature to warn of running low on fuel? And... I don't know if you had anything planned for KAC in that regard...?
  21. That sounds like the toolbar is not installed correctly, resulting in two instances running at the same time. I think I will add a check that will print an error message to the log. Or randomly explode your vessels
  22. Other than the loading screen annoyance - which I plan to fix -, what else is there that can be improved about the toolbar?
  23. It does not, because it is expected that there is exactly one copy that lives in GameData\000_Toolbar\ Right, and add the Toolbar Plugin itself so that the dependency is met.
  24. If you install the Toolbar Plugin by itself (thus using the absolute latest version), you can simply delete the 000_Toolbar\ folder from your GameData\ folder, then copy the 000_Toolbar\ folder from the download into your GameData\ folder. (It is backwards compatible.) Please note that third-party plugin authors are advised to include the Toolbar Plugin into their downloads to provide a seamless experience, but of course that may be an earlier version. So overwriting that version manually by installing the latest version is indeed the best option for players who want the latest version.
  25. Well to be honest I don't plan that long ahead. If a good idea comes to mind or is suggested by someone else, I'll see about implementing it to the best of the plugin's users. So that said, I'm always open to suggestions
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