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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. I'm currently launching modules for a mission to both Bop and Pol that will use the lab. In the end, only three Kerbals and a lot of science will return, with the rest of the hardware becoming debris. Or I will try to deorbit it into Jool if fuel reserves permit.
  2. You do, otherwise it would be impossible to undock light craft. The docking ports need a minimum distance to reengage.
  3. You don't seem to recognize just how big space is.
  4. Oh, that's bad. I think it should be possible to check for the seat when parts are "docked" together.
  5. I know that you can do it using a second install or by deleting/renaming/... the DLL. I was specifically asking about an in-game way to disable the plugin or have it specific to the current save game.
  6. Is it possible to have RemoteTech active for specific save games only, or if not, to deactivate it on demand?
  7. At the end of the initial intercept burn, cut down on the thrust. As the maneuver node marker drifts away, cut thrust completely, rotate your ship onto the marker, then thrust up slowly. Repeat this until you're done with the maneuver. This should get you really close. Other than that, 5 km is just fine as well. Thanks, looking forward to it.
  8. I've made it so that displaying the update notification button can be hidden permanently starting with the next version. To hide it, edit the GameData\toolbar-settings.dat file and add "showUpdateNotification = False" like so: toolbars { showUpdateNotification = False ... }
  9. It just looks like you accept anything implemented as being set in stone - which it isn't. Don't like something? Just speak up, and it may be changed. There is no need to yell or go all out or anything like that.
  10. You could simply have said: "I don't like the update notification button appearing in every scene. Is there anything that can be done about it?" No need to go all out here.
  11. I'd need the output_log.txt file, not a crash dump. That file is a more detailed version of what you can see with Alt+F12. Edit: Please send by PM. I can only watch so many threads in a day
  12. Toolbar Plugin 1.4.0 is now available for download, adding the ability to create custom button folders to improve organization.
  13. A new year should begin with a new version! Toolbar Plugin 1.4.0 is now available for download, adding the ability to create custom button folders to improve organization. See the FAQ in the OP for detailed instructions.
  14. In Targetron.Update(), you're doing this: foreach (Target t in targets) { if (!FlightGlobals.fetch.vessels.Contains(t.vessel) || t.vessel.Equals(FlightGlobals.fetch.activeVessel)) targets.Remove(t); } Never modify a list you are iterating over at the same time.
  15. I'm not sure what's causing the flickering issue. I've now heard about it a few times, but I can't imagine what the issue would be. Perhaps you can take a video grab for me? It would also help to know if there are any errors in your output_log.txt file. Also, like Shad0wCatcher suggests, try and delete your GameData\000_Toolbar\ folder and replace it with the download from this thread, and see if the problem persists.
  16. I've added a little FAQ section to the OP. Please tell me if I missed anything.
  17. The problem is that you didn't ask a precise question. In the OP, you wrote: So a Kerbal is one of the little green guys. And now all of a sudden it's about the planet Kerbin itself: Can you see why this makes it difficult to understand your question?
  18. Sure, it's up to you how you want to use it Another thing I noticed: Please do not include a toolbar-settings.dat file in your download. If the toolbar can't find a settings file, it auto-positions itself at a (hopefully) sensible position which should be good to start with.
  19. That sounds like a bug with the plugin hiding and showing its button. The Toolbar Plugin just does what it is told to do. Nice. In your code, I noticed you make extensive use of GameScenesVisibility. You should perhaps consider creating a new visibility class that implements IVisibility that might fit your needs better. Also, I see that you used GameScenes.EDITOR in some parts of your code. In some instances, you seem to already have added GameScenes.SPH where you only had used EDITOR. I thought I'd just bring this up again so that you are aware of the difference.
  20. Do not right-click on the download link and select "Save file to ...". Just click normally on the download link.
  21. I wasn't talking about mod installation, but about a second Toolbar.dll. Please do me the favor and check if GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Toolbar.dll does in fact not exist. At least that is the only incident about a second Toolbar.dll that I know of. It is - those plugins decide whether or not their buttons will be displayed in a particular game scene.
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