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Everything posted by DisarmingBaton5

  1. May I ask what that debris is doing outside Jool's orbit? (assuming it's on the same plane)
  2. Be patient with that. It took me almost a year to learn to do things with any degree of efficiency and precision. You'll get it eventually!
  3. That's beautiful. Just one small suggestion, rotate the NCS adapters to reveal the black side. It might look a bit less chaotic in that area then.
  4. -new space center -new ASAS -SAS is now reaction wheel -old landing legs are now different -landing led suspension -winglets are ALL grey now -career mode (!) -biomes -avionics package is now science part -new space center building (again)
  5. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1pp0qo/the_kerbin_mini_shuttle_mod_looks_amazing_the/ Helldiver, ZRM, is that you? much confusion. Anyway, this was on the reddit today. (which I seldom visit) Thought you guys would want to know.
  6. You know... Falcon 1, (5), 9, and Heavy have never visited this thread if my memory serves me correctly.
  7. That's been confirmed never to be implemented.
  8. could be misread as Isn't the ambiguity of English grammar great? Thanks again, though. That was hilarious. Thanks, ZRM.
  9. The landing legs are too soft, much like the new asas. It would (I imagine) make landing on steep slopes difficult.
  10. I got banned from a minecraft server once for, after completing a maze underground an getting kicked (?), I logged back on to the server. I can't tell you how many times I've been banned for flyhacking or speedhacking after falling into the void. *facepalms* And I've been banned at least 10 times on friends' servers for screwing around with the moderators (or owners). It's fun to lecture them afterwards about the nature of feudalism (Only kidding, if you're sensitive to that sort of thing) EDIT: Don't lecture the owner. BAD IDEA.
  11. The orbital mechanics are questionable, to say the least. Building rockets is fun, though, especially replicating real ones or thinking along the lines of "This is what could have been"
  12. Hmm. Could someone help me with uploading imgur albums? Thanks.
  13. Launching an Apollo-style mission without mainsails or asparagus is surprisingly difficult... [Pics of the whole launcher coming soon] [Rescue mission coming soon] Pretty much: -Crew assignment: -Jebediah, Commander -Bill, Pilot -Bob, Stowaway (CSM Pilot) -Launch was successful, as was docking with MM -TMI successful (Yes, I did that with the SM, not the third stage) -Undocking -Descent -Landing -SCIENCE -Ascent -Oh no we have very little fuel -Send Bob home without lander crew -Launch a rescue mission! (not there yet) If you don't know what I'm talking about regarding the mainsail, wait until the pictures of the launcher are released. It's... over-engineered.
  14. An opportunist drinks the water in the glass. A communist equally distributes the water in the glass to all those participating.
  15. Could we have pictures or a description of the problem?
  16. A launcher that is still in development; I want to get 500-1000m/s extra out of it probably. A poodle in the third stage might be the answer, but trial and error never fails (sometimes)! In related news, I stopped procrastinating and finally got an imgur.
  17. You could almost certainly land a QBE with no plating if you had a glider. However, Tylo won't be that easy...
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