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Everything posted by DisarmingBaton5

  1. Ground control to Major Jeb Ground control to Major Jeb Eat your batch of snacks and OVER-THR Ground control to Major Jeb Commencing load screen ASAS on Floppy boosters, really do look like trashcans... You guys take it from here.
  2. In the words of Calvin, "JUST WHAT ARE YOU INSINUATING?"
  3. Garbage bag parachutes, newspaper photovoltaics, potato batteries, lampshade rocket nozzles and soda bottle fuel tank, laptop ASAS, styrofoam winglets, nokia girders, duct tape decouplers, dowel landing legs.
  4. On a lighter note, may I suggest Helldiver's Kerbin Mini Shuttle?
  5. Kerbals of the future, do you remember Kethane? Mission Controller? SIDR? Tosh's carts? They all had a purpose at some point. I am also in favor of a reopening of this thread @version 1.0, assuming we never hit 0.54.
  6. ...This feels like a ghost thread. Are we alone, Giggleplex?
  7. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36863-What-not-to-suggest EDIT: C'mon, you joined 2012 and have over 400 posts. You should know this by now.
  8. If you say so, ok! (I know nothing about modeling) I'd vote for the bendy straw legs, fire extinguisher RCS and DCoke+Mentos Solid boosters (think about it, can you control that explosion?)
  9. I stopped breathing momentarily. The real solution is, of course, to p*** into a trashcan full-o-boom and ignite it. When did Jebediah ever use a urinal?
  10. Hello, fellow 0.17 trainee and former forum lurker! Welcome to the forums!
  11. Oh, I love the ideas, just that perhaps we should stop bombarding the OP with ideas, out of courtesy. Models don't make themselves, they take time!
  12. You've been playing for a week... And you have built an SSTO. I take my hat off and salute you, sir. (Or I would, if I had a hat )
  13. How about we focus on the pod itself for now?
  14. I sent the payload to the Mun, but it ran out of charge. Perhaps add OX-STAT to it and the craft will function on long trips. Also, it nearly made my ears bleed. Good craft, could possibly use a bit of refining?
  15. Or just Kerbal Space Program. But for that, you're going to need to add a bit of space for the new ScienceTM complex.
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