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Everything posted by DisarmingBaton5

  1. Oh, there it is! Anyway, loving the cockpit so far:
  2. IVA! Woooooo! EDIT: A suggestion to move that gunsight to a more faithful location? The real 109s had their sights offset just to the right of center. The current sight placement looks closer to a 262. EDIT2: Perhaps a throttle lever as well?
  3. Is this thread dead (all dev discussion in release thread)?
  4. This one. A smaller bomb and maybe WW2-era rockets would be nice too, but by no means necessary.
  5. Hype! Looking forward to the LaGG. IL-2 BoS is only on the eastern front. If you want anything else, wait for BoS mods or go play 1946!
  6. And if not, is there anyone out here who knows anything about modelling and would be willing to do a WWII mod?
  7. Do you have any plan to make a Firespitter oblong variant or a radially attachable variant of this cockpit?
  8. What are the mods you used for the gear, empennage, and wings? I see firespitter tailwheel and ICE engine...
  9. I second this. Anyway, nice job on the cockpit! It looks great! Looking forward to seeing what you do later.
  10. The lack of open world, pools, toddlers (an entire stage of life), and background simulation are glaring faults in this game. I'll stick with TS3.
  11. This has been done before. Here's a screenie from 0.23:
  12. This was the default name Xbox Live gave me when I first signed up for it. I don't use that account anymore, but the name stuck.
  13. Snjo, have you thought about a Littlebird (MH-6/AH-6) cockpit to go with the Huey one?
  14. It was a bug. That wasn't done in the creator, it happened after a crash test in which the nose of the car was destroyed, but the front wheels survived.
  15. Nice! A few suggestions: -Set the thrust limiters on those engines to ~50, as you say in the video it runs best around there. -With the welding plugin, it should be possible to make much smaller pistons/arms/gears(etc) using small parts, like the cubic octagonal strut. -Maybe, just maybe, someone brilliant can come along and build a similar machine to power a rover or airplane! (I'll give it a shot, but it probably won't go well)
  16. Questions: Are these going to completely replace the current mk2 parts, or be implemented alongside them? Are the new parts 1.25m tall, or taller, like the old mk2 parts and the mod?
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