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Everything posted by DisarmingBaton5

  1. Why not do that with the landing gear instead (They would need to be telescopic)? It would make more sense to remove the landing legs from a SM than to remove the engines
  2. @sojourner That command pod looks great! I would use it. As Bahamuto says, why not finish it? @Mihara Perhaps the landing legs are simply "blocks" from the SM; they would look like cutouts. EDIT: nvm sojourner, maybe Bahamuto would like to work on that at some point?
  3. 8/10 This thread needs more people.
  4. I would expect it to break saves due to the tech tree (not sure how that will work in sandbox; haven't watched the stream) and the change in KSC layout.
  5. I kinda don't want this thread to be locked, despite the necropost. I remember watching people fly formation in the forums in 0.17 (ignore the join date, I joined late) and being astonished that they accomplished rendezvous, and then proceeded to fly in formation.
  6. Nova, would there be a way to mute only the unmuffled sound? Or perhaps play it at a VERY low volume. (.000000000000000001%)
  7. -Deorbit them manually, one-by-one. -Build a mass relay and deorbit them all at once! If you do not know what a mass relay is, here:
  8. This. This is awesome. Whoever that is cosplaying, thank you. You guys are awesome.
  9. Wasn't that image originally fanart? You may only need to contact the original artist.
  10. Granted, you live in Nova's Wet Workshop, but it is destroyed by a classic pre-0.21 "End Flight" error. I wish for career mode in 0.22.
  11. Put them all in low Kerbolar orbit. (and I mean LOW, maybe 150km if it has no atmo) EDIT: I know very little about Kerbol, if the surface or atmo exists above 150km, do not spam please.
  12. 8/10 saw you a lot before you took a hiatus (if you did?)
  13. Granted, but the person above you HAS 0 POSTS WHAT THE CRAP. Sorry about that, it's what my screen is telling me! "Posts: 0" I wish for a more perfect uni... forum.
  14. The end of that video was amusing. And impressive.
  15. Wouldn't the CSM flip over if it had parachutes in its intended configuration? Additionally, Service Modules are generally meant to be expendable/retrieved separately, meaning parachutes on the SM would be useless to the CM. Bahamuto, a suggestion for the leg colliders: Why not have 1 collider that stretches from the center (of the SM) outwards, like so? (Behold the power of unrefined ASCII art!) +++++++ /_,--------,_\ If ++++ is the bottom of the SM and everything else is an outline of the landing leg collider.
  16. Thanks for the Stretchy Tanks recommendation, that mod is indeed fantastic. Any engines/adapters? EDIT: Sorry, disregard this.
  17. This mod has become something I am interested in downloading, but I do not have any 3.75m parts (assuming that is the size of the bottom of the SM). Any suggestions on good part addons to fill the 3.75m gap? I was thinking KW Rocketry, but that does not seem to be updated. I know there have been many threads like this (mod suggestion, etc) in the past, but they all seem to suggest KW primarily. EDIT: Not interested in Novapunch either, it's a bit huge and doesn't look great IMO. Remember that the WR/SIDR parts were made to fit the stock parts as they appeared in 0.8-0.9.
  18. I played a bit with that propeller... Is there any way to make it spin faster? More reaction wheels, more blades? (More batteries as well, maybe some RTGs, I can't imagine two 0.625m batteries last long)
  19. I was wondering where you went after the forum purge.
  20. Granted, your friends are impaled by hedgehogs. I wish for a nonlethal hedgehog.
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